Friday, 27 December 2013

True Story

True Story.

For those in Anatolia, and who do wonder what truly make of Media in all, is to tell them that, when they do think Media in all again (and as with it even seen as a Guiding Light and of a kind too, and on just how to live life today in all), then let them in all again simply think the True Story actually.

Sunday, 22 December 2013



Of Awareness, & of African Anatolia too.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness.

Thoughts on Defence, Defense and Security, and African Anatolia too.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Anatolian Communications

African Anatolian Communications.

To speak of African Anatolian Communications, is to not only speak of everyday experiences (and as with dealing with Chaos & Disorder in our lives too), but with this referring to African Anatolia in all, and as somewhat truly even, Decentralized in its ways actually. For many today though, speak of Communications in all, does speak even, and of the attempt to design Communication Systems of a kind, and as based around Modern Technology too that is.

In many a way, to speak of the best Communications for African Anatolia (and as with this referring even, to Problem Solving, defining Authority in all again, or even viewing Money in itself, and as a form of Communicating too), does in many a way even, speak of Visual Communications in themselves actually. That Visual Communications, rather difficult even to define in all, but with they basically perhaps even, best defined from the perspective of Descriptors, Receptors and even Preceptors too (and speak even for instance, and of Google Images, YouTube and even Macromedia Flash in itself too that is), do appear to be best for Anatolia in all, and as with stating that, what does appear to lie at the very heart and core even, and of Communications in African Anatolia in itself, is the Experiential actually (and as with speak even, and of certain individual memories in all that is), and rather than the holding of all kinds and forms of Views in all too actually [and as is rather common today, and as with speak of Modern Communications too, and even Telecom/Mobile Technologies too that is].

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The CS Monitor

The CS Monitor.

We live in a World, that is heavily proliferated even, and by all kinds of News Media too, and some which cannot be trusted, or even in all again, is not worthwhile perusing that is. For those in Anatolia though, when they do think News Media, and International too, then let them forget Yahoo News for instance, and instead seek out the Christian Science Monitor that is.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

the Family

The Family.

In all ways even is to mention that, speak of the Family in African Anatolia, should in many a way even, not speak of defining Family and as based around what some do call the Nuclear Family in all (and as with most of the Modern World today), or even the Extended Family too [and as with it today even, defined in some parts of Africa, and in an Asian manner too actually] [and with Family in Africa in the past, defined around many a Religious Cult, Traditional Titles, and even the Village setting too (and as with it even somewhat Urban and 'Nuclear'/Modern in its ways too actually)]. 

For those in African Anatolia though, and as with speak even of Psychiatry in all (and not 'Psychology'/Psychological either), it is believed that the above works by Edward Bruce Bynum in all, can truly help advance thought and as with regards to Family too, and as based around defining it in all, and as with speak even of Psychiatry that is, and not the Psychological either [and as most Families today tend to do that is].

Friday, 1 November 2013



American Cooking in all, and that could serve as an inspiration, and for Cuisine in all again, and in African Anatolia too that is.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Malkiat Singh

Malkiat Singh.



Trivia, and speak even of Factoids too, and as Basic Knowledge and Conventional Wisdom in all, and in African Anatolia too that is.

Monday, 28 October 2013


of Makerere.

When those in African Anatolia, think of generally Institutionalizing African Anatolia in all, and from an Educational and Legal perspective too, then let them think of Makere University in all actually, and which in many a way, was originally in all, a said East African University in all, and not Ugandan truly either.



When those in Anatolia think Evil, and as associated with Catholicism too, then let them in all ways even, think Omens actually.


Catholic Meditation

Catholic Meditation.

Catholic Meditation, and speak even of the Spiritual Retreat, and in all again, all this as referring, and to Anatolians as a People, and not Nations or a Country either.

Friday, 25 October 2013



Those in African Anatolia, might truly be wondering in all again, just how to begin life in Tabora perhaps, Voi too, or speak even again, and of the attempted takeover in all, and of Entebbe too actually. In all ways even, is to speak of simple Organizational theory, and that in all ways even, this also does speak of the Co-operative movement, and the Co-operative movement too, and as imagined in all, and by Mondragon too that is. In all again, Mondragon, and as a basic theory in all, and of how to build simple Towns and as based around the Co-operative movement that is.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013



The above three Images in all, do speak of what some do call the Persona [or in many a way even, just how one in general does choose to Present themselves that is]. The first Persona, is in all ways even Egyptian actually, and with the second one (Christian) Abyssinian, and the third one Italian too actually. While most of the World today, does use the Third Persona in all, and to generally Present themselves that is, for those in Anatolia, Personas and the general Presenting of oneself in all, and Internationally too, actually does speak of Abyssinia that is.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

the Life Force

The Life Force.

Keeping up Appearances and the Lenny Henry Show, and as with they both not only Cockney Shows in all, but in all ways even, speaks of what the Anatolian Life Force truly is like, and as with regards even to not only remaining Enthusiastic all along, but also speak of behaving in a Hyper fashion that is [and as with the Life Force even, speaking of having Anatolia last for a rather long time that is].

UB 40 / Simply Red

UB 40 / Simply Red.

Upendeleo (and as with speak even of Bar Music) and African Anatolian Dar-es-salaam, African Anatolian Nairobi and African Anatolian Kampala too.

Friday, 18 October 2013



Many in Anatolia in all, might have been conditioned, and into viewing the World, and in two main ways that is. These two ways in all, speak first off viewing the World, and as made up of the Western World, and the rest of the World too. The second way, and in many a way even, speaks of Celebrity figures in all, and the associating them in all again, and with many a different region or place in the World that is. In all though is to tell those in Anatolia that, when they do seek to judge the World in all, and simply know something about it too, it is best to do this, and from the perspective of its Religions that is (the World).

Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiology.

For those in Anatolia, and in many a way housing Religious Beliefs and as emanating even from Catholicism too, is to in all ways even, speak of what does constitute Physical Body Identities and in Africa that is. And as with Physical Identities in all, often in many a way even merging with Religious Identities too, and in Africa in all (and as with speak even of African Religious Cults too actually), and in all ways too, those in Anatolia and as wanting to fit into Africa, probably in all again do wonder just what Physical Body Identities in all, they should in all again adopt. With regards to all this is to tell many a person in Anatolia that, constructing Physical Body Identities, and that do go along with Catholic Beliefs in all, should in all ways even be interpreted, and along the lines of Exercise Physiology too that is.

Friday, 11 October 2013



There are those in Anatolia in all, and who might have a problem, distinguishing between what does constitute Civil behaviour amongst many a person in all, and they might come across too that is. This in all too does speak of the attempt even, to create Civility, and via Law frameworks too in all, but with Astrology in many a way (and as with speak even of the source posted above in particular), can be of a more interesting approach, and as with speak even of the factual that is. This too, when not only dealing with those within Anatolia, but also very much those outside it actually. In all again, a rather good source and that does speak on Human behaviour in general that is [and as with truly even attempting to discover or decipher in all, what is truly Civil or Humane, and as with regards to everyday Human behaviour that is].

the Anatolian Presence

The African-Anatolian Presence.

There are those who do truly wonder, and of what does constitute of Anatolia, and as a Political force too actually. Anatolia, and as with it even located in all, and in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya too, but having to deal in all again, and with many another Political presence in all [and as with speak even of present Governments in the forementioned three Countries that is], all this in all, does lead even, and to the very question and of just whom those in Anatolia, truly are, and as with regards even, to having a Voice and in many a Political issue too that is.

Before though, one can be a Political force of a kind, one must show dominance of a kind actually. In all, one must make others simply aware of that, one is in all ways even, a Political force of a kind too, and by simply in all again attempting to have others simply or basically even, Respect one in all. In many a way really, the beginning of gaining this Respect, can be said to be all about formenting an Anatolian Presence of a kind actually. That in all, simply making others aware of ones Presence, and as with simple speak even of sensations perhaps, is the very beginning, to having others simply Respect one, and as in even caring in all, to simply listen to what one has to say that is.

In many a way, the creating of an Anatolian Presence, going along somewhat truly even, and with the Anatolian Memory, but that this presence in all again, very much speaks of simply how the Catholic Church in all, does perceive in all again, the Holy Spirit actually [and as with speak even, of creating rather highly memorable, peaceful, loving and harmonious relations, environs and even outlier experiences too]. In all again, speak in all, and of the attempt to enforce this Presence on a personal level even, and as with associating the presence of the Holy Spirit upon one, and with talk, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Song too that is: African, Praise, Worship.

In all again, the very attempt to create a basic Anatolian Presence, and as with it even capable of serving as a Political force of a kind, does in all ways even speak of associating Anatolia in all, and with the festive celebartion of Diwali, and as celebrated too, and not by the Hindi/Gujurati, Islamic/Aga Khan presences in East Africa in all, but instead Diwali, and as celebrated by the Sikhs of East Africa too that is. In all again, when those in Anatolia think Diwali and on a basic level, let them think Mombasa too actually.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Tanzania, Kenya & Uganda

Tanzania, Kenya & Uganda.

The Pink Panther

The Pink Panther.

The Pink Panther Show, and speak of Animation and African Anatolia too, and speak in all ways even, and of what the Swahili do call Fitina actually [and as with this too, Fitina that is, a good way in all, for those in African Anatolia, to generally know Swahili people that is].

Tuesday, 8 October 2013



African Anatolian Nairobi, African Anatolian Kampala and of African Anatolian Dar-es-salaam.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Raid on Entebbe (1977)

Raid on Entebbe (1977)

A piece of 'African Anatolian' History in all, and as unknown to most too, Idi Amin, was in many a way a proper if not perfect speaker of East African English, and this in many a way, is what did make him a rather memorable character in all that is.

Saturday, 5 October 2013



- there are those in African Anatolia, and who in many a way, might wish to form an Intellectual Class, and as with regards even, to truly pondering, just how to improve African Anatolia in all [and in just about everyway too]. This in many a way too, does not speak only of holding the perfect party for instance, but also perhaps building the perfect Community, Local too, and in all ways even, something not too easy to do, as psychology in African Anatolia in all, can be described from the perspective of being an endless dreamer actually (and the fear of not being able to dream anymore), but that in all ways even, and as with speak of Angels and Myth too, the music of AC/DC, as an everyday personal listening even, and as it acting as a guide in all, and on just how to think, when being an endless dreamer that is [in all again that, this is not something easy to teach one, how to be an endless dreamer that is, or even how to simply be a boastful character in all that is].

The Unfolding

The Unfolding.

(The Liturgy of the Hours Box Set)

What does the Promise of Anatolia truly hold? In many a way, this all, does refer to what one could call an Unfolding. In all, the goal of this post, is to attempt in all again, to give a clear picture even, and of what heights Anatolia, is truly capable of rising to. That this in all is not a Political game, but truly in all ways even, one rather deeply Religious even, and as with this even speaking of someone in Anatolia, writing a Religious Treatise in all, and of what Anatolia, is truly capable of rising to [in all again, that Anatolia in itself, can be summed up in a large work even, Religious in nature too, that does take every aspect of Anatolia into account, and in simply imagining, what could have been that is].

In all again, the Promise of Anatolia, and as with all possible Realities and as with regards to making Anatolia very much a part of the Heavens (or Heaven on Earth that is), or even truly again perhaps, the pondering (and as with Webnet even), and of what 'Hells' in all, Anatolia is capable of creating. In all too, the above work the Liturgy of the Hours, and as Religious work in all again, Catholic too, giving one a general idea, and of just what heights Anatolia could rise too in Myth even, and also what lows are truly possible that is (and as with speak of Hell on Earth too that is).

The Promise of Anatolia and Angel Myths:

of Fidelity

of African Fidelity.

To speak of Fidelity, African, of African Fidelity, and as with regards to talk too of, and of said African Anatolia in all, is to in all ways, even, attempt, to in all fully describe, what everyday Personalities in all, and in said African Anatolia too that is, and amongst many too, should truly be in all even, be like, and as with speaking of being humorous, interactive and even disciplined too. In many a way, the adopting of such Personalities, similar to talk of Fidelity in itself too that is, and on an everyday basis too, as seen even as being integral, and to to the very said rise, and of said African Anatolia in itself too that is. In all Personalities too, that readily do even, know of, and of how to and in all, deal with, talk of Rejection, or of the said Rebuffed too that is.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Angels (Marco Bussaghli).

Angels: Mythology and Anatolia as a whole.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013



Taboo in Anatolia as a whole, and as represented even, and by Catholic Customs too that is.



Innocence displayed (and as with it even at the very basis of Creativity, Intelligence and Acumen too), and in Anatolia as a whole that is.

The Prince of Egypt

The Prince of Egypt.

- and as with this referring, and to everyday moods and atmospheres even, and in Anatolia as a whole too, and not only as with regards to the people in Anatolia and as with being Personable too, but speak in all again and of whom we are in Anatolia, and when we do Weep or Cry that is.

Monday, 30 September 2013



- to speak of Attitudes in Anatolia, is to speak even and of the Swahili term Ufisadi, and as with this referring even, and to whom we are as complainers, whiners or resentful beings in all, and as with all this too, very much referring to Peanuts/'Charlie Brown' that is.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Ska Music

Ska Music.

Ska Music, and with a Reggae Vibe to it too.



For those in Anatolia, is to speak in all ways even, and of just how in general, to Present oneself, and especially to those outside Anatolia in itself too. A difficult problem, as Presenting oneself from the perspective of Cockney/East African English in all, might not truly work (and as with the example of one wanting to do a deal in Japan for instance), but that instead, the so termed Caribbean word 'Kaiso', might very much be want one truly needs to know. In all again, the works of Katherine Dunham too, as taken from the perspective of Presenting oneself in all (and even in Documentation too), and as with all this in all again, not referring to the now popular Caribbean form of music known as Kaiso, but that Kaiso in many a way, is very much a part even, and of Ska Music too actually.

Kaiso (the general spirit/feel of it):

Saturday, 28 September 2013



Cockney Humour, Deviousness and Anatolian-Dar-es-salaam, Anatolian-Kampala and Anatolian-Nairobi too.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013



- Sexual Relationships, Communal bonding (and as with it referring and to the triggering of Friendships in all), and in Anatolia too.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013



- for those in Anatolia is to tell them that, when they do think of possessing a Basic education in all, and as with regards even and to creative thinking, and when it does come to problem solving too, then let it all be based around, Algebra actually.

Thursday, 12 September 2013



- basic Materiality in all, and in Anatolia too.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last

Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last.

The general Spirit and of Anatolia too.

Jesus of Gethsemane

Jesus of Gethsemane.

When those in Anatolia think Jesus, 
then let it all be along the lines, 
and of Jesus of Gethsemane too.

Sunday, 8 September 2013