Tuesday 12 November 2013

Tuesday 5 November 2013

The CS Monitor

The CS Monitor.

We live in a World, that is heavily proliferated even, and by all kinds of News Media too, and some which cannot be trusted, or even in all again, is not worthwhile perusing that is. For those in Anatolia though, when they do think News Media, and International too, then let them forget Yahoo News for instance, and instead seek out the Christian Science Monitor that is.

Saturday 2 November 2013

the Family

The Family.

In all ways even is to mention that, speak of the Family in African Anatolia, should in many a way even, not speak of defining Family and as based around what some do call the Nuclear Family in all (and as with most of the Modern World today), or even the Extended Family too [and as with it today even, defined in some parts of Africa, and in an Asian manner too actually] [and with Family in Africa in the past, defined around many a Religious Cult, Traditional Titles, and even the Village setting too (and as with it even somewhat Urban and 'Nuclear'/Modern in its ways too actually)]. 

For those in African Anatolia though, and as with speak even of Psychiatry in all (and not 'Psychology'/Psychological either), it is believed that the above works by Edward Bruce Bynum in all, can truly help advance thought and as with regards to Family too, and as based around defining it in all, and as with speak even of Psychiatry that is, and not the Psychological either [and as most Families today tend to do that is].

Friday 1 November 2013



American Cooking in all, and that could serve as an inspiration, and for Cuisine in all again, and in African Anatolia too that is.