Friday 27 December 2013

True Story

True Story.

For those in Anatolia, and who do wonder what truly make of Media in all, is to tell them that, when they do think Media in all again (and as with it even seen as a Guiding Light and of a kind too, and on just how to live life today in all), then let them in all again simply think the True Story actually.

Sunday 22 December 2013

Saturday 14 December 2013

Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness.

Thoughts on Defence, Defense and Security, and African Anatolia too.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Anatolian Communications

African Anatolian Communications.

To speak of African Anatolian Communications, is to not only speak of everyday experiences (and as with dealing with Chaos & Disorder in our lives too), but with this referring to African Anatolia in all, and as somewhat truly even, Decentralized in its ways actually. For many today though, speak of Communications in all, does speak even, and of the attempt to design Communication Systems of a kind, and as based around Modern Technology too that is.

In many a way, to speak of the best Communications for African Anatolia (and as with this referring even, to Problem Solving, defining Authority in all again, or even viewing Money in itself, and as a form of Communicating too), does in many a way even, speak of Visual Communications in themselves actually. That Visual Communications, rather difficult even to define in all, but with they basically perhaps even, best defined from the perspective of Descriptors, Receptors and even Preceptors too (and speak even for instance, and of Google Images, YouTube and even Macromedia Flash in itself too that is), do appear to be best for Anatolia in all, and as with stating that, what does appear to lie at the very heart and core even, and of Communications in African Anatolia in itself, is the Experiential actually (and as with speak even, and of certain individual memories in all that is), and rather than the holding of all kinds and forms of Views in all too actually [and as is rather common today, and as with speak of Modern Communications too, and even Telecom/Mobile Technologies too that is].