Sunday 16 November 2014



This post in all, will attempt to have those in Anatolia, truly in all redefine perhaps, whom or who in all again, they are with Swahili History, and as speak in all again, and of Anatolia, does in all even speak of Catholicism too. That Swahili History in all, can best be perceived, and through speak of 'the Times', and via speak even, and of many a Swahili term that is.

The first of these terms, can be said to be Baraka, or speak even of 'Blessings' too that is, and a term in all again, and that does speak of recent Swahili History, and as with it in all even speaking of Swahili people and as said Ethnic in all (and in speak of terms and such as Giriama or Taita too), but in all ways even, speaking of Swahili Success in all, and as said Ethnic too, and as defining in all again Swahili people and as said Kenyan and Tanzanian in all, and as associating Success in all again, and with speak of Baraka that is.

The second of these terms, does in all even speak of the Swahili Name in all, Shiraz, and as speaking in all even, and of Swahili Racial Identity that is [and further speak even by some, and of the Swahili races in all]. A version of the History of the Swahili, very much even often associated and with figures and such as Ibn Battuta, and who in all even, do in all speak of Swahili Identity, and as said at one end, and to speak of Arab/Omani descent (Link)(Link), and at the other end, simply said Zanj/Zenj/African that is (Link) [and with it all even speaking of Swahili Dress & Custom in all, and with 'Black African' Identity too and as seen/found in Kenya and Tanzania in all again (Link1, Link2), simply said Swahili too that is].

The third of these terms, does in all even speak of the Swahili and as fashioning themselves and as a Civilization too, and speak too of the term Bara, and as with it in all even said coinciding and with the Swahili phrasing 'mtu wa Bara', and further speak in all even, and of the birth of the Kiswahili/Swahili Language/Dialects/Tongue too. In all, the Kiswahili/Swahili Language/Dialects/Tongue here, and as very much said to arise and with speak of Swahili Divination Systems, and speak in all even and of Swahili Religious Beliefs, and that do speak even of Djinns/Jinns that is [and as with they in all even said to speak of 'spirits', and (Swahili) Dreams too in all].

The fourth of these terms, can be said Gedi, and does in all even now, speak of the troubling History and of Swahili Political Identity, and as now even said, and to speak of the Swahili Coastline, the Swahili lands (Swahili Coastline + Swahili Islands), Oman, Kenya and Tanzania too. That in all, this does in all even, speak not only of Swahili Architecture in itself, and as now very much even said, a part of Omani, Kenyan and Tanzania Identity too, but speak in all ways even, and pejoratively speaking here too that is, and of 'Swahili Evil' in all, and as said in all again to very much even be a part of the Political History of Oman, Kenya, Tanzania too, and alongside speak even and of the Swahili Coastline in all, and as with it in all even speaking of Swahili Welfare Systems, and which in all even do see Discriminatory attitudes arise in the places mentioned above (and as with they even said Western/'Kiswahili' that is), and which in all again has in all even resulted, and in speak of the attempt to erase in all, Christianity, and further speak even of African Popular/Ethnic Religion in all, and in speak in all again, and of the attempt by some in the Swahili world, to associate themselves, and with certain forms of Wealth, and as versus others, and in speak even of Swahili Institutions in themselves (and as believed said Exclusive too, and in speak of the Kenyan term Ukabila that is), and as going along in all and with speak of Swahili Welfare Systems too, and as truly associated with a Sentiment, Historic too, and that does speak even and of Swahili people, and as believed said truly hateful of those perhaps, having to them an Aesthetic/Style in all, deemed Superior, and to the Swahili too, and as Swahili Identity in all again, and in speak of Success, has always been grounded in many a way (and from a Historical perspective that is), and in viewing themselves Aesthetically Superior in all, and to those in Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, and even Oman too [and which in all, did lead to the fallout, and between the Swahili Sultanate and in Zanzibar too, and the Omani Sultanate on the otherhand that is]. In all, the History of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), factoring here in some or many a way, and as referring in all, and to the attempt by the Emiratis, to in all create an Aesthetic, far more superior and to that seen in Oman, the Shiraz and Swahili Arabs, and alongside speak even and of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia too that is.

Swahili Aesthetic.