Sunday 3 July 2016

the Balkans

The Balkans.

The Balkans, and as said too here, to comprise, and of the said regions too, and of Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, now said too, and to have to it all, a said History, and that does too speak, and of the Egyptian [Mystery] tradition, and as said as to and in all even refer and to, and to speak of said Sphinxes too that is.


Friday 1 July 2016


Kingdom of Bahrain.

Arab East Africa



When we do in all today, attempt to make sense and of life in itself, and as it is, we do in all even find ourselves, said even engaged, or involved too, and in the said Politics of Power, and if not of Debate, and of what too, is said to pass, and for speak, and of said Legitimate Authority that is. That in speak and of History, and as said perceived as such, from talk too that is, and of what is said Power, or of what is said Legitimate Authority too, we do in all even find that speak of Europe, and if not of the United States of America too, now does lead one, to in all perceive it all, and as said even to refer, and to what Presentation, and Representation, and as said too Politics, and as said too respectively that is, are said even all about that is.

That when one does too, approach the above said, and from talk of Egypt, and Greece too, we do now too, find it all said even to talk, and of what Embodiment, is actually said to be, and of the Politics too, and that do too arise from such said talk, and that do too refer, and to what Machination for instance, is said even all about. In talk of all this though, and from the said perspective of Italy, probable talk now, and of the Swahili term of Muhimu, and as said even to represent, and for everything that is.

In saying that, Africa does too differ, and from talk of Egypt, is to now associate, talk of all the above said, and in said regard now and to talk of East Africa, Arab East Africa, or of a said African Anatolia too that is, and with talk too now, and of what Imbuement, is actually said to be, and as said even representative that is, and for talk and of what Power in itself, is said to be, and if not of Africa too, and as said even here perceived, and from talk too, and of a said even post-dynastic Egypt that is, and of the very term too, and of Decadence too that is.

'the Freemason Group'
