Tuesday 15 May 2012

Karen 'C'

Karen 'C' Primary School.

While growing up and young too, I did happen to attend Karen 'C' Primary School, and which is in all again located, in the Karen/Lakeview area too actually. It was while there, I do believe, I did form a rather remarkable even, sense, and of just whom in all again, I was, and as a Community oriented being too that is. In many ways even and as with looking back, my coming even, to realize the School in all again, was actually East African, and not truly Kenyan either {and as with my not even, ever having been able, to fit into modern Kenya that is, and other than as 'East African'/Anatolian (or Arab too actually)}.

It was here though, that I did learn to create a sense of Community, and as in saying that, since I did leave the place, I have never truly fitted in and in just about any other place too (and including the Modern/Western World that is), and due to the rather backward way even, the outside World in all, does define Community that is {and as with Community too in the Western/Modern World so terrible (and as with speak too even of Awo Falokun or Malidoma Some even), such that, even if offered all the Money in the World today, I would never choose to live in the Western World in any way or manner too actually}.

It was in Karen 'C' Primary School though, where in all again, I would come to meet the most interesting of characters actually, and such as Musa, to Bernard, to Edwin (Kiobo), to Karura even, or even finally again, of said Mr. Odhiambo too {and who and in all again, did very much walk around the School and very much too, like a Muezzin in all too really}. 

It was here again, where I did experience Community, and to such humorous levels even, that I cannot truly say, whether the whole idea for Anatolia, was born there (Karen 'C'), or whether in all again, it did originate in all, and during a past lifetime too that is. In all though, what I do know is that, the whole goal of Anatolia, and as its basic premise even, is to create Community, and to such high levels even such that {and as with speak of expressions of freedom that is}, when the ends of Time do arrive, and someone in all again does decide to write the History of the World (from beginning to end), they will probably insert the following line: '.............but that my dear readers was Egypt, but yet still, what of Anatolia........' {and as with furtherly stating that, the whole goal of Anatolia, is to take Community to such levels, and such that it can in all be said even, to surpass that and as once seen too, in Ancient Egypt too actually (and as with talk too even, of Egypt, and as a rather memorable place too that is)}.

Karen 'C' Primary School 
and through the times/years:

Beat of Your Love - Watoto Children's Choir



In having said all the above though, and in a said even now afternote too that is, after-taste, and to it all too that is, now is to and in all even claim or say that, the said even now reason too that is, probable, and that did and in all even make and for, and for said Karen 'C' Primary School too that is, and as in all said now and as, and as to and in all even differ and from, and from the said even now Conventional too that is, and in the said even now Context too that is, and of a said even now African Anatolia too that is, or of said Arab East Africa too that is, can now and in all, be and as said and as perceived too that is, and in the said even now equating and of, and of the said even now Karen 'C' Primary School experience too that is, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, be and as said as of an Objective in itself too that is, or of the said even now Object in itself too that is.

In all and again that is, all this is too said that is, and in a said even now Notice and to, Private Notice, and to those who would and in all, visit Karen 'C' Primary School too that is, and in all and again, not very well know and of, and of what to and in all, make and of it all too that is.

of Objectionality.