Tuesday 31 July 2012

Cultural Engagement

Cultural Engagement.

Decency/Order and Anatolia:

It is perhaps well known to those in East Africa that, Kenya in all, is a much more prosperous place, and than Uganda or Tanzania truly is. Many a modern Commentator in all, has been quick to state that the reason for this, is very much Colonial in nature, and as with Kenya even, believed falsely and in many a way too, to have received a much better Colonial Legacy in all, and at the very least, from the Cultural point of view that is. This is not exactly true, as in many ways, the true reason for Kenya gaining more prominence and than Uganda or Tanzania too, very much has to do, with how it does define Ancestral Identities. That in all, Uganda and Tanzania, do tend to take the African route, and of creating Ancestral Identities in all, and as highly even, based around African Rural areas that is, while those in Kenya, have more or less been threefold and in their creation that is. First off, you do have those who do create Ancestral Identities in all, and as based around African Rural areas that is, and as with they even, strongly identifying with African cultures, and modern Africa in itself too. There is however, a second group, that does base its Ancestral Identities in all, and as highly based around Victorian era Touristic spots, and as with even, portraying that, such Touristic spots in all, are whom they truly are, and when having no money to their Names, or even when having lots of it too. Third off, has been a third group, that has very much created Ancestral Identities, and not only Religious in nature, but in all ways truly even, associating the History of Kenya in all, and as arising with the Swahili Civilization in itself actually. As a result, Kenya in all, has not been trapped in the psychological malaise perhaps, that does trap other African Countries in all, and as with their believing even, no matter what they do become, or do or become too, they are always in one way or another, Rural Africa in all too really {and as with even saying that, Kenya as a contradictory place in all, has those who do create Ancestral Identities and as based around Rural areas too, very much classified and as Third World that is (and as compared even, to the other two ways of creating Ancestral Identities in all, and which are in many a way even, Second World perhaps, and in their ways that is)}.

For those in Anatolia, or 'Arab East Africa' that is, is to in all ways even, proclaim that the creation of Ancestral Identities in all, and as with very much feeling at Home in East Africa too, should in many ways even, be based around Recreational cultures actually, and as very much associated, and with Lakes too that is. That in all, not only will this create a kind of Familial bond in all, and with not only East Africa in itself, but in all again, with many another person (or group even), and within Anatolia in itself too. In many ways too though, those in Anatolia ('Arab East Africa'), can very well see themselves and as similar somewhat, and to those in Central Asia too, or North America even, and as with many and in these two regions, having come to create Ancestral identities in all, and as based around the Lake actually.

In many a way too, it is also recommended that, those in Anatolia, do forego having strong or intimate relations even, and with North America or America in itself actually, and opt out instead, and for Central Asia too, and as with saying truly that, North America or America to be specific, is the kind of place in all, one can easily lose themselves in, and such that, one does truly in all again, forget whom they are, and as Anatolian too perhaps, and in many a way, one can simply become a wanderer, and as with regards even, and to Life in itself that is. In all, America, and as best perceived and via the Media in itself, and with Central Asia too, the place one truly wants to visit, and as with regards, to seeking out more, and socially too, and in Life that is {and outside Africa in all that is}.

In all ways though, Cultural Engagement, and in this very entry, does actually refer to, the very fact that, life in America, Central Asia, and Anatolia in itself, does actually differ, and from the rest of the World too, and in many a way three that is. That in all, in the rest of the World, Social Engagements in all again, are very much of the 'Introduction into Society' kind, and as with one even, very much only coming to know another a person, a stranger too, and via only being introduced to them, and through Society in itself actually {and which does in all include the Workplace too} {and all this said too, for those in Anatolia in all, and who do falsely believe Europe, to be very much like the movies, and when in reality, knowing a European, very much has to do, and with being introduced into Society in all, and as with the fine example too, and of the Workplace even, or even through one in all, becoming a University Student too that is}. This though, is not true of America, Central Asia and Anatolia too, where Social Engagements in all, do speak of walking in or up, and to a stranger too perhaps, and attempting in all again, to make conversation that is. In many a way though, this does call for a true understanding in all, and of what does constitute Decency in these places, America, Central Asia and Anatolia too, and as with even saying that, stringent Law Enforcement and in America or Central Asia too, does speak of a strong even, lack in Decency in itself, and as with many a person in modern America in all, not too scared perhaps, to pull an offensive stunt, and on even, a known stranger too that is. In many a way, Societies where Decency is the only regulating mechanism and into getting into the Society in itself, and as with America or Central Asia too, do differ from those, where First Impressions in all, are of utmost importance, and in getting introduced, and into Society in itself that is {and as with speak even, of 'Letters of Reference' in all, or even, Media prolific Social Images that is}.

In many a way, is to also in all conclude, and by speaking of the sacred-texts.com website, and as with saying that, it does carry with it, many a religious or spiritual work too, that many do believe in all, truly Sacred, and when in reality, they are works, having mainly to do, and with issues of Decency in itself actually. In all, is to ask those in Anatolia {'Arab East Africa}, to in many a way even, associate themselves, and with the section on the works on the Apocrypha (and as with they even appearing American too that is), and in all ways even, works in all, believed to possess the kind of Decency in all again, and as very much suited too, and for Anatolia in itself that is {and as with telling those in Anatolia, this problem of Decency, and as with regards to Cultural Engagement in all, is the biggest problem they truly will face, and as with telling one that, in America or Central Asia too, it does in all again, speak of a strong Law Enforcement presence in all, and the very problematic world too, and of Court trials, Jails, and even the levying of Fines in all, and as with regards to speak of Decency too that is} {and as with telling those in East Africa in all again, Kenya's Government Law Courts in all, were actually originally truly built for them, and not Kenyans in particular either, and who in all again, do tend to settle disputes, and via Religious systems/Courts that is}.


Sunday 29 July 2012

The Mainstream

The Mainstream and Anatolia.


Friday 27 July 2012

Sacred Law

of Sacred Law.


Of the Arab, and of African-Anatolia too.

Monday 23 July 2012

The Torah

The Torah.

The Saudi Arabian State:

The Saudi Arabian State, and very much too, the part of Saudi Arabia in all, and that is actually Arab too, does speak in all again, and of just whom in all, those in Anatolia truly are, and when they do seek to visit in all again, Saudi Arabia in itself actually {and as with the Saudi Arabian State in itself, formerly referred to as (and merely or simply too that is), and as 'Arabia' in all, and in the past too actually}.

In all, for those in Anatolia, is to also state that, the above version of the Torah (it being Reform Judaism) {and as with Reform Judaism too, very much Arab, and as with Bethlehem too actually, having been a formerly reknowed Arab City that is}, is in all recommended again, and to those in Anatolia too, and as with speak too even, and of just whom they are in all again, and while in Saudi Arabia too; {and that when Saudi Arabia in itself too actually, does actually think Anatolia, then they should in all again, think of the above version of the Torah, and as with it even, the Reform Judaism version too that is}.

Thursday 19 July 2012



Traditional Knowledge Systems:

For those living in Anatolia, there must be a way, to have them grounded, and to not only Africa in itself {or Eastern Africa to be more precise that is}, but in all ways truly even, grounded as such, and so that they can truly feel, like they do actually truly belong, and in East Africa at the very least too {this all meaning again that, their not fearing in all, of getting up to some mischief perhaps, or even truly again, their not fearing of getting caught up and in a situation or three even, and as with their fearing the repercussions even, and of getting into trouble in general too that is}.

In many a way though, this being grounded and onto Africa in itself {or Eastern Africa to be precise even}, does in many ways truly even, refer to the very world of Ethnography in all actually. However, developing an Indigenous in all, Ethnographic Body of Knowledge, is not the easiest thing to do actually {and as with this even perhaps, referring to the attaining even, and of an Oracle or Oracular Knowledge Systems in all, that do in all again work work and rather well too, and when it does come, to just about any Situational Analysis that is, and as can be experienced in all, and in Anatolia in itself for example}. In many a way though, and as with this said with some difficulty even, when those in Anatolia do think Traditional Knowledge Systems (and as with Folklore even), it is best in all again, to generally think the Cheetah. That the Cheetah, is whom they truly are, and as with this referring even, and to general perceptions, and of what does entail Courage or Discipline in itself actually. However though, to go farther and actually prescribe a Body of Knowledge, that one could very well not only call Ethnographic actually, but in all ways truly even, truly suited for Anatolia in itself, is to speak in all again, and of the kind of IFA too, and as practised by Chief Fama that is {it being a Body of Knowledge in all again, that actually does appear, more Eastern African in nature, and not truly Western/Central African in nature too that is, but in all ways truly even, IFA, and as with it carrying or embodying even, the kind of Spirit in all, that one could very well associate, and with the Cheetah for example (and as an Animal Spirit too that is)}.

In all ways though, and for those living in Anatolia, if there is only one Body of Knowledge you should subscribe too, and to living Independently that is, but rather Individually too actually, it is then best for one, to master the kind of IFA in all again, and as practised by Chief Fama too, and as with it even, Traditional Knowledge Systems, Oracular too, that can be readily even, truly applied to work, and not only in Anatolia {'Arab East Africa'}, but also Eastern Africa in itself too that is.


Monday 2 July 2012

Community Perspectives.

Community Perspectives.

For those in Anatolia in itself {and not too interested in Anatolian Nairobi or Anatolian Kampala too}, is to in all again state that, with Anatolia in all, highly driven by Community/Communal ideologies in all again, to speak of Communal/Community independence, is to in all again too, speak of how its members in all, do perceive History in itself actually {that while Anatolia in all (and as with mysticism too), does move along the lines of Arab History, this is truly in all again based on, its Historians perhaps, observing/recording History in all again, and as based even, on the study of a Community or two in all, and in Anatolia in itself too that is}. That in all, Arabs perhaps, put out the ideas on how to develop Anatolia, those in it, choose them in all again, but also truly seek to develop them in all, and along lines too, they do believe in all again, is beneficial to them and as Individuals too that is.

In all ways though {and as with stating that, a lack in all, and of this very proposal, will result in Communism for instance}, is to recommend in all again that, those in Anatolia in itself, and seeking too, to develop a historical based Individualism, to in all again truly then, seek out American Folk/Military music, and as with listening to it too, to in all again serve perhaps, and as a point of circumtrospect too, and as with regards, to judging anything Historical in all, and from a rather Individual perspective too that is {as with this even, speaking in all again of, judging things in general, and from a Southerner/Northerner American perspective too that is}.

Yankee Doodle:
