Thursday 19 July 2012



Traditional Knowledge Systems:

For those living in Anatolia, there must be a way, to have them grounded, and to not only Africa in itself {or Eastern Africa to be more precise that is}, but in all ways truly even, grounded as such, and so that they can truly feel, like they do actually truly belong, and in East Africa at the very least too {this all meaning again that, their not fearing in all, of getting up to some mischief perhaps, or even truly again, their not fearing of getting caught up and in a situation or three even, and as with their fearing the repercussions even, and of getting into trouble in general too that is}.

In many a way though, this being grounded and onto Africa in itself {or Eastern Africa to be precise even}, does in many ways truly even, refer to the very world of Ethnography in all actually. However, developing an Indigenous in all, Ethnographic Body of Knowledge, is not the easiest thing to do actually {and as with this even perhaps, referring to the attaining even, and of an Oracle or Oracular Knowledge Systems in all, that do in all again work work and rather well too, and when it does come, to just about any Situational Analysis that is, and as can be experienced in all, and in Anatolia in itself for example}. In many a way though, and as with this said with some difficulty even, when those in Anatolia do think Traditional Knowledge Systems (and as with Folklore even), it is best in all again, to generally think the Cheetah. That the Cheetah, is whom they truly are, and as with this referring even, and to general perceptions, and of what does entail Courage or Discipline in itself actually. However though, to go farther and actually prescribe a Body of Knowledge, that one could very well not only call Ethnographic actually, but in all ways truly even, truly suited for Anatolia in itself, is to speak in all again, and of the kind of IFA too, and as practised by Chief Fama that is {it being a Body of Knowledge in all again, that actually does appear, more Eastern African in nature, and not truly Western/Central African in nature too that is, but in all ways truly even, IFA, and as with it carrying or embodying even, the kind of Spirit in all, that one could very well associate, and with the Cheetah for example (and as an Animal Spirit too that is)}.

In all ways though, and for those living in Anatolia, if there is only one Body of Knowledge you should subscribe too, and to living Independently that is, but rather Individually too actually, it is then best for one, to master the kind of IFA in all again, and as practised by Chief Fama too, and as with it even, Traditional Knowledge Systems, Oracular too, that can be readily even, truly applied to work, and not only in Anatolia {'Arab East Africa'}, but also Eastern Africa in itself too that is.