Sunday 1 September 2013

The Anatolian Monetary System

Many today do have a problem understanding truly, what exactly is Money. For while most do acquaint it all, and with its tangible forms too (and such as everyday currencies that is), most however are unaware, and of just how in all again, it does circulate, or even, just where to find it that is, and easily too, and when one does need it (and other than having a gainful job too).

To speak of Money in Anatolia, is to speak in all again, and of a rather difficult problem in all that is. And while the basic currency of Anatolia in all again, can be said to be the Tanzanian Shilling, there must be however a better way in all, to in general envision, just what Money in Anatolia truly is. In all though, is to tell those in Anatolia that, Money in Anatolia in all again, can best be envisioned, and from the perspective of Community workings actually. That the five basic ways of doing this, are as follows:

Community Sharing: or simply just sharing with another, and whatever in all, ones does have to spare that is.
Community Giving: or simply in all again, giving in all, and whenever one does see the need to.
Community Engagement/Participation: or simply in all again, giving a hand, and when one is called on to act as such that is.
Community Support: or simply in all again, working on a daily basis, and to solve marginal/small problems and in a Community too that is.
Community Exchanges: or simply in all again, working with those outside ones Community too (and as with another Community in Anatolia that is), and especially, as with regards, to Knowledge exchanges that is.

The above in all, is a simple way, and Community oriented too, and of learning about just what Money truly is, or even again, how it does circulates that is. However, for the above to work, and in Anatolia too, then the very use, and proficiency too, and in Cockney that is (or East African English too), is required, as being proficient in it in all, is a mark in all again, and of civility too (meaning in all again that, don't be quick to help those in Anatolia, who are not well-spoken, and in Cockney, or East African English too that is).

When in all again though, one does refer to, and to Wealth in Anatolia that is, the very concept of Communal Wealth in all, is mostly advocated for, and as compared in all again, and to Individual Success/Wealth too that is. To speak of Communal Wealth though, is to divide it, and into the following three:

Forex: or simply in all again, the owning of something deemed valuable enough, and such that even, one can exchange it too, and for Money that is, and when one does need it in all (and with this in all again, Forex too, speaking not of currency exchanges truly, but in many a way, Knowledge exchanges, and of Knowledge too, deemed rather valuable that is) [that in all again, the very idea of Forex, was born of the need, to acquire something valuable in all, and in a differing Currency too perhaps].

Stock Exchanges: From a Community oriented perspective, all this speaking very much of a Shareholding Company in all, and one too, which does employ those in the Community too, and not only in the name of solving problems within a Community, but also very much, outside it too, and a Shareholding Company in all again, which does attempt to comply, and to the Individual demands even, and of those associated in all again, and with the Company too (and as in the case even, of wanting to visit, a foreign Country for instance).

Commodity Trading: While most do believe Commodity Trading in all, to be all about the trading of deemed valuable commodities in all, it however truly does speak of trading in all again, and on anything too, deemed a Resource that is. That in Anatolia for instance, digging Boreholes, can be a source of Wealth in all again, and not only for a Community too, but also very much speak of supplying water, and to those outside the Community too perhaps, and who might need it that is.

In all again, the above three, a simple way in all, and of truly knowing and understanding, what Wealth actually is, and that in all again, it is not Money in all, and as stored in a Bank Account too that is.

Finally in all again is to tell those in Anatolia that, the most basic way of thinking about Money and Wealth in Anatolia too, is from the very perspective, and of the so termed Co-operative Movement that is. That this in many a way, is also a pretty good way, and for the Men in Anatolia too, to view their Women in general, and as with associating them in all again, and with the Co-operative Movement too that is.