Friday 11 October 2013

the Anatolian Presence

The African-Anatolian Presence.

There are those who do truly wonder, and of what does constitute of Anatolia, and as a Political force too actually. Anatolia, and as with it even located in all, and in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya too, but having to deal in all again, and with many another Political presence in all [and as with speak even of present Governments in the forementioned three Countries that is], all this in all, does lead even, and to the very question and of just whom those in Anatolia, truly are, and as with regards even, to having a Voice and in many a Political issue too that is.

Before though, one can be a Political force of a kind, one must show dominance of a kind actually. In all, one must make others simply aware of that, one is in all ways even, a Political force of a kind too, and by simply in all again attempting to have others simply or basically even, Respect one in all. In many a way really, the beginning of gaining this Respect, can be said to be all about formenting an Anatolian Presence of a kind actually. That in all, simply making others aware of ones Presence, and as with simple speak even of sensations perhaps, is the very beginning, to having others simply Respect one, and as in even caring in all, to simply listen to what one has to say that is.

In many a way, the creating of an Anatolian Presence, going along somewhat truly even, and with the Anatolian Memory, but that this presence in all again, very much speaks of simply how the Catholic Church in all, does perceive in all again, the Holy Spirit actually [and as with speak even, of creating rather highly memorable, peaceful, loving and harmonious relations, environs and even outlier experiences too]. In all again, speak in all, and of the attempt to enforce this Presence on a personal level even, and as with associating the presence of the Holy Spirit upon one, and with talk, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Song too that is: African, Praise, Worship.

In all again, the very attempt to create a basic Anatolian Presence, and as with it even capable of serving as a Political force of a kind, does in all ways even speak of associating Anatolia in all, and with the festive celebartion of Diwali, and as celebrated too, and not by the Hindi/Gujurati, Islamic/Aga Khan presences in East Africa in all, but instead Diwali, and as celebrated by the Sikhs of East Africa too that is. In all again, when those in Anatolia think Diwali and on a basic level, let them think Mombasa too actually.