Sunday 2 February 2014



God, and as envisioned in Catholicism too, and as with 'he' not said believed to be of the Image/Word (and as with speak of the differing 'Names'/References for God), and as the Egyptians did believe, or even speak in all again, and of 'he' said to be a Voice (Command), like the Greeks did believe, or even 'he' said again to be Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient etc. (or God very much and as said defined in all as 'I AM'), and as the Italians did believe, or even speak of God and as a (Heavenly/Earthly/Hell-ly) Presence in all (and as with speak even of the most comfortable, posh or homely of Restaurants in all), and as the Europeans did believe, or even speak of God and as said a Metaphysical Presence in all, and as embodying everything in all too, and as with this referring even and to any (Logical or Intuitive) Belief System held and as very much said Real, True or Absolute, and as the Americans do believe, or even God and as said to very much speak of the highest levels of Faith, Hope and Charity, and as the Islamicists do believe, or even God and as said to truly speak of Innocence in all, and as with this speaking even of truly knowing in all again, true or false, correct or incorrect or even right or wrong, and as the Indians did believe, or even in all again, God as a Being in all, and that does hold the secrets to truly knowing Trust (any given Reality) in all (Self-Trust, Trust of the Other, Trust in God), and as the Japanese do believe, or even finally again, God as said to speak of Consciousness and in the form of Pure White Light, and as with Exposing to one, all that is Possible, Probable or even Plausible too, and as the Abyssinians do believe, or even truly in all again finally, God and as very much said to speak of truly knowing, understanding or comprehending even, what does constitute for Alternate (Link), Interim (Link) or of said Adjutant (Link) Realities in all, and as those in 'Nairo' are bound to believe, but in all ways even, God in Anatolia in all, and as Catholic too, and as said to speak even in all, and of the properties, qualities, characteristics etc. of Light perhaps, and as with this even speaking of Diffraction, Reflection and even Refraction too, but with all this truly even, speaking of just what we believe does stand for or represent even, Permanency, the Temporary or even Relativism (the Relative) in all too that is.

Finally in all again though, God and as seen in the Biblical 'Garden of Eden', and as speaking of God as a Humour in all, and as with this even referring to truly knowing in all again, just what Judgment truly is [and as versus Justice that is].