Wednesday 3 December 2014

African Class Systems

African Class Systems.

This entry in all, does very much have to do, and with the primary role perhaps, and that those in Anatolia, and in speak of this very day too, could/can play, and in helping bring change and to Africa, and that is believed said acceptable and to all that is. Change too for instance, and that does in all even speak and in particular too, speak, and of African Identity, and as associated in all again, and with speak of Zones, and Zoning Laws too that is [and further speak even here, and of 'African Affairs' that is].

That this in all again, does speak even, and of what does constitute and for African Identity, and as said Modern (and not Western truly either), and in speak now, and of the very rise of African Class Systems, and away too, and in Reference that is, and from past African Identity, and as created or formed in all, and in speak of Folklore, African Religious/Spiritual Traditions, or even African Family/Customary Laws that is. That what is perceived Western and about Africa, now does speak even, and of the redefining of African Family/Customary Laws in all, while Africa and as often perceived by the Press in all (Link), does in all even speak of its Religious/Spiritual Traditions, but further speak even and of Government in Africa today, but that in all ways even, African Class Systems (or even speak of African Age-Class Systems too), are believed said in all again and to speak of doing away, and with African Folklore Traditions, and in favour, and of Urbanization and in the very least too that is [and as said Modern too in all].

In all, African Class Systems, and as said to speak now, and of Africa in a state of Distress, Confusion and Chaos too, and as Poverty in Africa today, has come to be specifically associated, and with African Class Systems, and as with they in all even though, and favourably too, said grounded in all again, and in speak of Africa's Artisan Classes [but with they in all even, often accused, and of not being true, and to their roots too for instance]. In many a way though, African Artisan Classes, believed by some, and to harbour Potential in itself, and in speak of African Development too, and as African Artisan Classes, and when possessing the most minimal of resources in all, are often said even, to produce in all, rather believed said even , presentable works that is (and in speak too of the Jua Kali industry in Kenya for instance), and which in all again, is now said to speak of Africa, and as developing in all even, a said Ethnic, Indigenous or Native, Modern, African Identity that is.

However though, there are those who do view African-Class Systems, and with lots of disfavour in all, and as African Class-Systems, are in many a way even believed truly associated in all, and with speak of African Contemporary Media, and Media too, and that does in all even glorify Poverty to some extent in all, in that, Mentalities of 'Selling-Out' to ones roots or origins in all again, are often said a topic of controversy in all, and in speak too of Modern Contemporary African Politics, and such that, the Psychology of all this, now does speak even of African Identity, and as now associated in all even, and from a Historical fashion too that is, and with speak of Slum Holdings in all, and if not Mijengo styled architecture that is [and as with it all even presented, and by the News Media too, as, Modern African History in itself that is].

In all, the very belief that, those in Anatolia, and in a Political fashion too, can truly help re-mold in all, or re-model too, African Class Systems, and as speaking of African Modern Identity in all, and as those in Anatolia in all again, are believed said to possess Personalities, and that do hold/possess Power in all, and as with regards to dealing with issues/matters in Africa, and as dealing with Modern Identity (and as said Contemporary too), Urbanization, or even speak of the re-defining in all, and of African Class Systems, and away from speak of Colonial Oppression Mindsets that is.