Monday 26 December 2016

the Human Question : Relativity

the Human Question : Relativity (the African World series).

This said entry, and on the said Human Question, is in all even said the third, and of other two such said entries on the Human Question (Link1, Link2), and which do too and in all even speak, and of the very said manner in all, those said African, and if not of those and as said a part and of African Anatolia that is, would in all even be said to in all even now perceive the World, and as said even now to refer, and to what a Historical Timeline, is in all even said to be, and if not of a said even African Anatolia that is, and as said too possessing a said too unique Identity and to it all that is, and as said even African, and away too that is, and from speak and of said old Anatolia too that is, and that did in all even exist, and in said even, present day Turkey too that is.

That in claiming that, what we do in all here term African Anatolia, could in all even be said perceived, and if not as said conceived, and as said too Unique and to itself that is, is to now too and again, perceive it all, African Anatolia that is, and if not of the said even attempt to in all present it all too that is, and from talk and of what is said to speak, and of the said even African World, and as said now to speak, and of the very best of manners in all, to in all even present African Anatolia, and as said even placed Relative that is, and to speak and of Africa, and of old Anatolia and in present day Turkey too, and if not in said speak and of History in itself, and as said too now best said even, conceived, and from talk of History, and as said too now perceived, and from said even DNA/Carbon dating Techniques, Linguistics, and if not of said even Archaeological findings too that is.

If it can be said that, African Anatolia, could too be said even simply perceived, and from talk of what is said Social, or Political Action [Link] too that is, we can too now be said even, to in all even present African Anatolia, and from talk and of what does make for Catholicism, and if not of the said even Catholic tradition too that is, and as said more or less African that is, and if not as said Coptic too that is, and from talk and of what is said Malediction, and in said comparison and to what is said Sin, Temptation, Vice, and if not of Perjury, or of what is said too Mistake that is. 

In saying that, Malediction, is said too believed, defined in all, and from talk of the said too Formal, and if not of the Literary too, now is to say that, it is the said Literary definition in all, and of what Malediction is said to be, it too said an Anathema that is, that is more or less said defining in all, and of life and in a said African Anatolia too that is, and in said comparison now and to talk of it all said even defined in all, Malediction that is, and from a said even Formal perspective too that is, it too said now Imprecation, and that is too believed said to speak, and of Africa today, and in said even Identification, or Recognition too, and if not in said Condition [Link] too that is.

In helping though, shine a said light, and on the said even best of manners in all, said informal too, and of viewing what we do here term African Anatolia that is, now is to in all even say it all, said even placed, relatively too, and to speak and of Egypt, Greece, Italy, and if not of Africa in itself too, and as best said even now perceived, and from what is said emphatic that is, and in said conception too that is. That in speak of a said African Anatolia, and as said too perceived relatively, and to speak and of Egypt, Greece, Italy, and if not of Africa in itself too, we can too now claim what is said Intellect, and to speak and of Egypt, what is said Thought, and to speak and of Greece, what is said to speak of the Mind, said to speak and of Italy, but of Africa, and as it is, or of Africa in itself too, we can too now be said to in all even perceive it all, and from that said troubling term and in its said defining too that is, said too Yoruba, and of Ori too that is, and that would in all even best associate talk of Ori, and with talk of a said even African Anatolia, and with talk too of the very said term of Steering that is, and if not of the said even Steering that is, and of the said too African Mind for instance.

In helping one in all, conceive, what the African World is in all even said all about, we can too now be said to perceive it all, and from speak too, and of said even Worldly Settings that is. Worldly Settings too, and that would too associate talk of Egypt that is, and with talk and of what is said Institution, and of it as said too International, or Global too, and if not in said speak too of Nigeria, and of what too a said even World Power, or World Order, or World Empire too are said to be, and of a said Nigeria too, and in its said even attempts to in all even, fashion itself that is, and as said too an African Power, but that in speak too of South Africa, and of said even African perceptions and of what Nationalism is in all even said to be, and if not of the World and as said too perceived Western that is, now is to fartherly speak, and of the said even Country of Kenya that is, and of what too is said to speak and of a said African Media that is, and as said too perceived, and as said a World Media too that is.

In too claiming that, what they do term the African World, can too be said even perceived, and from a said too here, Political Context that is, now is to in all even throw in, the very said term of Singularity, and as said even now, to speak, and of the name of Britain for instance, and of its said History too, and if not of the said African World, said even simply perceived, and from talk of viewing Africa, and in a said even singular fashion that is, or in said speak of singularity too, and from talk too now, and of perceptions made and of Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, and if not of Kenya too that is, and in their said even existence that is, and if not of what is said too essential that is. That the said African World, is now too simply said perceived, and from talk too, and of what is said Key that is.

In helping though, have one perceive, what the African World is in all even said all about, now is to in all associate it all, and with talk and of what are said Key-Interests that is, and in now too claiming that, what are said Key-Interests, can too be said even perceived, and from talk and of what is said Relative that is. That it all too, does now speak, and of the very manner in all, one would too be said even to perceive, the very said even nature of Power that is, and as said too perceived, and from talk too and of the said even Theoretical Physicist that is. That the World and as it is, said even dominated and by speak and of what is said Western, now is too said, perceived, and from what are too said even, Newtonian Mechanics that is, or of the said even Newtonian Worldview too, now is to in all even claim that, the African World, can too be said even perceived, and from talk and of that said name of Einstein, and if not of the said Einstenian too that is, and of it as said understood that is, the Einstenian, or of the said Einsteinian Worldview too, and that does too and in all even perceive, what is said Reality, and from talk and of what is said Relative, and not from talk and of what is said Approximate either that is. That the Einstenian Worldview, is said even built, and on that said Force, that we too in all, could say it in all even perceived, and from talk and of what is said to speak and of the Push-Pull that is, and in said comparison now and to the said even Newtonian Worldview that is, and which is in all even said best perceived, and from talk and of what is said Cause-and-Effect that is. 

In now though, placing the said African Worldview, and from a said too context that is, and that would too speak and of the other said entries and on the Human Question, and as mentioned on the opening paragraph, and to this entry, now is to in all present it all, and from talk too, and of what is said African Identity, and if not of what are said African Dimensions too that is. That in said speak and of what is said African Identity, and from speak too and of what is said the African World, now is to in all even speak, and of the said even best of manners in all, and of perceiving those said African, and if not of a said African Anatolia too that is, and from talk and of what is said too now, to speak, and of a said African Consciousness, and that would too translate, and to speak too and of Africa, and in said Symbol too that is. That in speak and of what are said African Dimensions, and in said speak and of the said even African Worldview that is, now is to speak, and of what is said to refer, and to a said even 'Sense of self' that is, and of what too is said Responsibility, Duty or Role that is, speak too now and again, and of said even African Communications, and of Africa and as said too in Disarray that is, and if not of what is said to speak, and of a said too now African Civilization that is. That in expounding on all this fartherly, why we do in all even speak, and of a said too African Civilization that is, and in said regard to speak and of a said African Anatolia too, now is to in all even speak, and on just why it can be said, Africans, are in all even perceived and as said different from others, and in now associating talk of Africa, and in said Symbol too, and away from speak of Civilization and as said too Egyptian that is, and in now too claiming that, and from speak too of a said even African Anatolia, that African Civilization, could too be said even defined in all, and from speak and of what is said Sense [Link] in itself, and in said comparison now, and to that said Civilization, said too Egyptian, and that is believed too said defined in all, and from talk and of what is said Logic in itself that is. That it too can be said, that in said regard to what are said African Communications, now is to speak, and on what Africans, are believed said to possess,or have, what they do in all even cherish, or value, and in now too claiming that, African societies, said even traditional, and in said speak too of what are said African Communications, have in all even it is believed, been said defined in all, and by talk and of what are said Body-to-Body Communications that is, and that would too speak and of the very manner in all, Africans, do in all even merely or simply perceive anything said African, and in said speak too and of the said even Ideologies that is, Political, and that do too encompass that is, talk, and of said African Performing Arts that is, and as said even now to speak, and of Batuque or of Capoeira too, and of the said even Batuque, or Capoeira Worldviews too that is.

In speak now though, and of what, the Human Question in itself is in all even said to be, now is to refer, and to what is believed said Perception in itself that is, and of a said even manner in all, and of perceiving the Human, and from talk and of what is said Response in itself, and if not of what is said to speak and of the Mark, and if not of what is said Registered too that is, and as said too now to refer, and to a said even earlier entry, and in this very Blog, and that did in all even say or posit, that what is said termed here, as said African Anatolia, could in all even be said perceived, and from talk and of only one said term that is: it too said Obeisance/Obeyance [Link] that is. 

In too saying that, and in said regard and to the previous entries on the Human Question, that the said Human Question, can too be said even perceived and from what is said to speak or refer, and to said even 'perceptions of self', or of said too 'perceptions of being', now is to in all even speak, and of the said even Human Condition, and in said regard and to speak and of a said African Anatolia, and in said existence too, and that would too speak, and of what is said Dereliction, or Despair too that is. That it all does too speak, and of what is said, to refer, and to what are said Modes of Expression that is, and in said speak too and of the said even Performing Arts that is, and that does too now associate talk of what is said Sense, and with talk too and of what is said Sensuality in itself too that is [Link]. 

In concluding and on all this said, and of what too is said to speak, and of the African World, now is to in all simply say it all, the African World that is, and in said speak too of a said even African Anatolia that is, and in said perception too that is, and that could too be said even to exist, and from talk and of what does too speak and of a said even African Anatolia that is, and as said too placed juxtaposed, or relative too that is, and to the said even Arabian World, and as said too the Arabian Peninsula that is. That it all would too associate talk of the Arabian World, and with talk too of what is said Wahhabism that is, and of a said even African Anatolia, said even perceived uniquely African, and from speak too and of what is said Catholicism that is, and in said speak too now, and of the said even now, and in meaning or translation, of what is said a Genetic Strain that is, and of what too is said even African Blood that is, and as said too now perceived, and in said complementation too, and to speak and of said even Genetic Strains that is, or Blood too, and that did too speak and of the said even Histories that is, and as said too Markers that is, and of the said too Iberian, Italian and Arabian Peninsulas that is, and of all this said and as said even now perceived, and as said too Approximate that is, and not Relative either.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Saturday 29 October 2016

the Primal

the Primal.

It can be said that, many a said society out there, does in all even define itself in all, or ground itself in all too, and in talk now and of what is said Primate, and if not of what is said too 'Symbol', and in said talk too now, and of History in itself, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of Evolution that is.

In speak of a said African Anatolia though, talk too now, and of what is said Primal, and as said even to refer, and to what is said too Divinity in itself, and if not of History in itself too, now said even primarily in all, perceived, and from talk and of the following:

1. the Primordial

2. the Primeval

3. the Primitive

Tuesday 18 October 2016



When we do in all here, speak and of Concurrency, we are too said even to speak, and of what are said too, elements of Power that is, and if not in said speak too, and of what is said Material that is. In now too saying that, there are those who would in all, perceive Africa today, and in talk and of what is said Crisis, Conflict or of Catastrophe too, or of those who would in all even say it all, to speak and of  what is said Hazard, Risk or Danger too, now is to in all even, associate talk of Africa, and with talk of Myth, and if not of said even African Myth too, and that does too ask of one, to perceive their said selves, and in talk too of Mediums that is, and if not of Myth too, or life too that is, and as said even perceived, and from talk only, and of only one said term that is: the Slaughter.

Sunday 16 October 2016


of Trumpets.

Trumpets, and if not of Horns too, and in said speak too now, and of simply where African Anatolia, is in all even said to meet, what is said even to speak, and of Africa, and as said even to lie or lay, outside African Anatolia in itself that is.

Friday 14 October 2016


of KAU.

Of KAU, or of the said King Abdul-Aziz University too, and in the said Kingdom of Saudi Arabia too that is, and in said speak too now, and of a said even African Anatolia, and of what too, is said even as of the "Watershed Mark" too that is.


of Jubilation.

This very entry, can too be said even, to speak, and of what is too believed said even, the end goal, or an end goal, and in said regard, and to speak of life, and as said too perceived, and from talk and of what has been said termed here, African Anatolia that is. That it all, is said even to refer, and to speak, and of what is said is, or of what is, and if not of what is said Construct, and as simply said even, to speak, and of what is said to speak, and of a Sentence in itself for instance. 

In understanding all this said better, on what is said is, or of what is, now is the said even attempt, to in all even ground life and in African Anatolia, and in talk, and of what are said Formalities that is. That what is, can too be said even to refer, and to what is said Scrutiny in itself, but in speak of Formalities, now a said even understanding of life, and from speak, and of what are said Salutations in themselves that is.

That in said speak too now, and of what is said even Jubilation, and from said talk of Salutation that is, we are to now said even to perceive talk of life, and from what too, is said even to speak, and of what is said the Stand, and of what is too said the Seat that is. That in understanding what has just been said, of the Stand, and of the Seat, now is to in all even ask of, what it does mean to be said even Human, and of what it does mean to be said 'God' too that is. That the said latter, can to be said even to speak, and of the said too here, 'Seat of Heaven' that is, and in said speak too, and of what is said even to speak, and of what is said Human Understanding that is, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of what are said Alphabets & Numbers that is, and of the belief that, a said even understanding of life, does in all even surpass, what are said too, Alphabets & Numbers that is, and probably onwards now, and to what is too simply said ABRACADABRA that is. That in speak, and of what is said to speak of the Stand, and of what it does too mean to be said even fully, truly Human that is, now is to ask too, and on what is said even Simplification in itself, and in said regard now, and to speak and of Human Understanding in itself that is.

In saying that, the above just said, does too speak and of life, and as said even perceived, and from what are said Formalities in themselves, or of what Formalities are in all even said to be, now is to in all even say that, Formalities, are too said even Salutations, and which do too now, refer, and to talk and of the said following: of Inspection, of Contemplation, of Investigation, of Conduction, of Mediation, of Hallucination, of Congratulation, and if not of Accommodation too that is. Hopefully, a said even understanding here, and of what is said Salutation, and if not Formality too, and as said even all there is to life, and as believed even said to speak, and of the above 8 just mentioned that is.

That in too saying that, Jubilation, can too be said even to speak, and of what is, and of what is said Construct, and if not of what is said Sentence too, now is to speak, and on the said even 'nature of things', and of the said too 'substance of things' that is. That the former, could too be said even to speak, and of what is said Writing, and of the latter, the said even 'substance of things' that is, of what too, is said even Drawing that is. That life, and in said Construct, or Sentence, can too be said now, perceived truly, and from speak and of the Reading in itself that is, and in said speak too now, or in said regard that is, and of what is said Obstruction, Barrier, Wall, Blockade etc., and in said farther regard too, and to speak too, and of the said even Meaning/Purpose of life, and as said even to speak and of what is too said even Amnesia in itself for instance, and of life too and as said even perceived truly, or fully, and in speak and of Memory in itself that is.

That in the now understanding of all this said much better, a belief here that, life, and in African Anatolia in itself, is believed said even grounded in all, and in a said too firmer existence that is, and that would too lead, and to speak, and of what Greetings, and not Rite, are in all even said to be. That all there is to life, and in said speak too, and of what a Politic is said to be, does speak and of what are said Greetings in themselves that is, and of the said belief here too, that Greetings, are simply all there is to life, and nothing else that is.

Monday 10 October 2016

Egyptian Clip Art

Egyptian Clip Art.


Egyptian Clip Art, and in said regard now, and to speak and of a said African Anatolia, now said too, and to and in all even refer and to, and to what is and in all said too, and as in all said as of the Actual in itself too that is.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Reproduction Theory

Reproduction Theory.

When we do here and in all, talk, and of what is said Reproduction Theory, we can too be said even to associate it all, and with talk and of the said History, and of the peoples of the Earth, and that does too refer, and to what is said Expansionism, and if not Colonialism too. That it all does too speak, and of a said manner in all, and of perceiving the said even origins of Egyptian Civilization, and of Egyptians and as said even perceived Colonials that is, and into Egypt, and such that, History, Egyptian, is now too said perceived to in all even arise, and from talk, and of what is too said Homogeneity, and if not of what is too said Heterogeneity that is. That it all does now tie, and to speak and of what is said Reproduction Theory, and as said even to refer, and to speak and of what a Union, and as said between a Man and Woman too, is said even all about, and if not as said perceived as said a Sexual Union, a Political Union, a Marital Union etc., and in now associating talk of the said rise of Egyptian Civilization, and with what one would too term Progeny, and if not in said talk too and of who is said even, the Progenitor that is.

In speak now though, and of Reproduction Theory, and as said even tied down, and to speak of Expansionism, and if not Colonialism too, we can too now be said even, to in all even simply view Egypt and in History, and from talk too and of a said even 19th Century Egypt, and if not of a said even 19th Century Victorian Africa, and of the World today, and as said even Egyptian, perceived and from talk of Egypt and as said Muslim, of Egypt and of the Islamic World, and if not of Egypt & the Middle East too that is. That it all too, does now lead to a said even manner in all, and of perceiving Africa, and in said regard, and to speak and of the very name of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, and if not of what is said Monotheism too that is.

In attempting now, to in all even tie Reproduction Theory, and to that History, and that does too speak and of Italy and as said Civilization, is to now tie it all, and to what does too speak of said even, Family traditions that is, and if not of an Egypt, said even to originate, and in talk and of said too Mystery Schools, and if not of an Egypt today, still very much said Sectarian that is. That it all does too in all, lead, and to speak of Civilization in Italy, or of Italian History too, said even perceived, and from talk too of Popes, Saints and Kings, and in Italy too, and if not of Southern Italy too, and of the Italian Family and in Background that is, and if not in speak now and of the said City too, and of Venice that is. In all and again, a said manner too in all, and of viewing Africa, and from speak even and of said Settlements into Africa, and if not of the very name of Ta-Seti too, and as said even to now furtherly speaking now, and of the very name of Amarna and in to Egypt too that is.

In regard though, and to speak and of what is said Greek, and in said regard and to speak of Reproduction Theory, and as said even now to refer, and to a said too African Anatolia, is to now tie it all, and to speak and of what is said Regionalism, and of Africa, and as said even perceived from talk, and of the said History of Ethiopia too that is, and if not of the name of Axum too that is. A said manner in all, and that would now associate talk of a said African Anatolia, and as said even a Political Entity, and with talk too, and of the Middle East, Iraq & the Indian Subcontinent, farther speak and of the said here Swahili lands that is, and if not in speak now of East Africa, and as said even perceived now, and from talk of Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda, and if not of Kenya and Tanzania too that is.

In attempting now though, to very much explain what is said Reproduction Theory, and in said regard and to speak and of a said African Anatolia in itself too, now is too ask, and of the very said manner in all, Africa, might be in all even said perceived, and from talk and of what are said Modes that is. That it all too, does speak and of Africa perceived, and in said speak and of what is said Texture, and of what is said Condition too that is. 

That in speak of Mode now, and as said even to speak of what is said Symbol that is, is to now associate talk of a said African Anatolia, and with the very said Symbol too, and of the said African Wild Cat that is.

In now too claiming that, Reproduction Theory, and as said even to speak of what is said Mode, does too speak and of what is said Texture, and of what is said Condition too, now is to in all even attempt to claim that, Africa, and in Condition, does now too say it all even said Medical, and in said talk too and of what is said Aids for instance, of the said Rhesus Virus, and if not of what is said Disorder too that is. That in saying that, most are too recognizing in all, and of Africa and in Condition, now is too say it all even said, Psychological that is, and if not as said truly Psychiatrical, and from said even perspectives, and that do too speak, and of Africa, and as said even perceived and from talk and of what is said Greek History too that is. In talk of Africa though, and from talk too and of where Italy is simply said to be, is to now too talk and of Africa and in Condition, and as said even Genetical that is. In talk though and of Africa in itself, and in said Condition too that is, talk now, and of it all even simply said Conditional that is.

In talk though and of Africa and in Texture, now is to in all even speak and of a said manner in all, and of perceiving Africa, and that some have too termed Afrocentric that is. That in speak and of a said African Anatolia though, Texture here, said even to speak, and of what is said Textural, and if not of what is said to speak of the Becoming, of Materialization, of Conscientiousness, and if not of the Procedural too that is. That it all does too now, very much tie in, and to speak and of a said African Anatolia, and in said Identity too, and as said to speak and of what are said too African Ecologies that is.

In now attempting though, to in all even simply expound, and on what is said Reproduction Theory, now is too attempt to in all even claim that, and from a said Egyptian perspective too, it all does too talk and of what is said Gender, Sex & Type too that is. That in talk of Gender, talk too and of who is said Male or Female, that in talk of Sex, talk of Man and Woman, but in talk of Type, talk now and of what too, the said even Feminism movement, has in all even be said to be all about that is. In however claiming that, Africa, does in all even possess its very own said Reproduction Theory that is, now is to very much and in all, throw in the very term of Asexual that is. That it can too be said that, Evolutionary Thought, and as said even merging and with talk of Reproduction Theory, said too African, does now lead and to talk and of what is said to refer, and to the Asexual, and of those said even Male that is, said even perceived and as said Virile too, and of those said Female, said now Vital that is. That it all does too lead, and to the said even search, and for the Equal, and in talk and of life in itself, and in said comparison, and to talk and of the Other, said even to speak of German or Austrian Psychology, of the Half, and of Italy too, and if not of who is said Partner, and in North America too that is. That in talk and of who in all, is said the Equal, or of what is said the Equal, and in said regard and to what Asexualism is in all even said to be, now is to refer, and to Spirituality in itself, and in African Anatolia too, simply said perceived, and from talk, and of what Reflection in itself, is actually said to be all about that is.

Friday 30 September 2016

Full Sense

Full Sense.

or The Divine Comedy Revisited;

When we do here in all, speak and on what Full Sense is in all said to be, we can too be said even, to perceive it all, and from talk, and of what is said Key that is. That it all too, speak of what is said Key, does in all even refer, and to the said even, Key that is, and that would too be said, to in all even unlock the said Mysteries of the Mind, and in said regard and to speak and of what a full understanding, is too and in all even said all about that is.

Of Sense.

In the attempt and to in all even understand, what is said Key, and if not of what is said Full Sense, and in said regard and to speak and of what we do here term African Anatolia, now is to throw in, the very said even idea that is, and of what is said a Key-Concept that is, and one too, and that does in all even speak and of what is said to speak of the Cue (in itself) etcetc. That it all too, what is said Key-Concept, and of what is said Full Sense too, does now too speak, and of what is said even Obeisance [Link] that is, and if not of what does too speak, and of the Intrinsic in itself that is.

That in the attempt to in all even gain, a said even, Concrete view, and of what is said Full Sense, now is to and in all, refer, and to what is said too, Stable Ground, Stable Footing, and if not a Stable Mind, and as said even to speak and of what is said Full Sense, and in said regard and to what is said Key, and as said to in all even now refer, and to speak and of just who in all, the Ancients, were said to be, and in said speak here too, and of Ancient Nubia [Link] that is, and if not of what did too once serve for that is, and for speak, and of what is said too Sun Mythology for instance.

That in saying that, Full Sense, does too now refer, and to speak and of what is said Abstract, or of the Abstract too, now is to in all even perceive it all, and as said truly in all African, or as said and to speak of Africa truly, and with it all even now said to refer, and to talk of the Congo, the Sahara, and if not of the Swahili too that is.

That in saying that, Full Sense, and as said too Key in itself, does now speak and of what is said to speak of the Original, or of what is said Originality in itself, now is to in all even ask of Africans, or of those in African Anatolia truly, and of the very manner in all, they do in all even perceive Identity, and as said even now created or fomented, and in talk too, and of what is said Reconciliation that is. That in all again, what is said to speak and of the very manner in all, Africans that is, do in all even perceive, their very said Existence and in Africa, said too now Historical, and of what does too pass for speak of Mistake, Error, Warning etcetc., and in said regard and to speak and of the very said Beliefs, or Ideas too, they do in all even hold of themselves that is.

That in now saying what is said Full Sense, and as said too Key, and in the said even developing that is, and of a said Key-Identity, and that does too speak of African Anatolia, now can too be said even, to speak and of what is said Rectitude, and of what does too speak of Discipleship that is, and as said even now to refer, and to speak and of the African Ancestors, or of African Ancestor Worship too, and if not of it all said even to simply speak, and of what is said Admonition in itself that is.

In finalizing on all this said, on what is said Full Sense, and as said too Key, now is to in all even ask and of what is said Spacing in itself, and if not of what are said Key-Factors in themselves too that is.

of Sense (in itself) :

Sunday 3 July 2016

the Balkans

The Balkans.

The Balkans, and as said too here, to comprise, and of the said regions too, and of Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, now said too, and to have to it all, a said History, and that does too speak, and of the Egyptian [Mystery] tradition, and as said as to and in all even refer and to, and to speak of said Sphinxes too that is.


Friday 1 July 2016


Kingdom of Bahrain.

Arab East Africa



When we do in all today, attempt to make sense and of life in itself, and as it is, we do in all even find ourselves, said even engaged, or involved too, and in the said Politics of Power, and if not of Debate, and of what too, is said to pass, and for speak, and of said Legitimate Authority that is. That in speak and of History, and as said perceived as such, from talk too that is, and of what is said Power, or of what is said Legitimate Authority too, we do in all even find that speak of Europe, and if not of the United States of America too, now does lead one, to in all perceive it all, and as said even to refer, and to what Presentation, and Representation, and as said too Politics, and as said too respectively that is, are said even all about that is.

That when one does too, approach the above said, and from talk of Egypt, and Greece too, we do now too, find it all said even to talk, and of what Embodiment, is actually said to be, and of the Politics too, and that do too arise from such said talk, and that do too refer, and to what Machination for instance, is said even all about. In talk of all this though, and from the said perspective of Italy, probable talk now, and of the Swahili term of Muhimu, and as said even to represent, and for everything that is.

In saying that, Africa does too differ, and from talk of Egypt, is to now associate, talk of all the above said, and in said regard now and to talk of East Africa, Arab East Africa, or of a said African Anatolia too that is, and with talk too now, and of what Imbuement, is actually said to be, and as said even representative that is, and for talk and of what Power in itself, is said to be, and if not of Africa too, and as said even here perceived, and from talk too, and of a said even post-dynastic Egypt that is, and of the very term too, and of Decadence too that is.

'the Freemason Group'


Wednesday 4 May 2016

the Photo Album

The Photo Album.

African Anatolia, and in a said Nutshell too, and with it all even said not to refer, and to the Photo Collection either.


African Anatolia

of African Anatolia.

This very entry, will in all even attempt, to truly defend, the said here, claim, and of a said even existent, African Anatolia that is. That it will to attempt, to defend this claim, and in a manner too, and that does too speak and of Eschatology in itself, and if not of what too, does too speak, and of the Intellect, and as said too African that is.

Intro: That when do now presuppose, to in all even entertain, the very idea, and of Anatolia, and in History too, could too be said African, is to now refer, and to what too is said to speak and of Origins, Roots, Beginnings, Descent etc., and as said even now, truly grounded in all, and in speak too of Myth in itself that is, and if not of it all even said to refer, and to speak too and of the History of Asia Minor, and of the very said belief here that, Myth in itself, is believed said to have antecedents, and that do truly speak, and of Africa, and in Imagination in itself too that is.

Synopsis: That when we do now presume, to in all even state that, African Anatolia, is said too, a part, and of said everyday Realities, and that do too speak and of the World and as it is said, today, is to in all even speak now, and of the said too, identifying or recognizing, and of Africa, and as it is, today, and from speak too, and of what is said Protracted that is. That in speak and of the Protracted, speak now and of the attempt, and by Africans today, and to in all even define Africa, and as said truly too, Continent that is, and if not in speak and of it all having to it, said even Constituent Countries, said too National, and if not and of what too, is said to refer, and to speak and of it all said even perceived, Africa, and as said too Continent that is, and from speak and of said even Individual Profiles/Make-up that is. That it all too, does refer, and to speak and of Africans today, and as said even attempting to define Africa, and as said truly Continent, and away too, and from speak and of the Continental, the Regional, and if not of the Diasporic too. That it all too, the Protracted that is, does now speak, and of the very struggle, that the said existence of an African Anatolia, is said now to deal with, and as said even to refer, and to speak now and of African History, or of Africa truly, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of the Pre-Historic that is, and in said comparison, and to speak too and of what is said to refer, and to the Ancient that is. That it all too, does refer, and to the very belief that, Africa, and as said even Protracted, and in said speak and of the said issues or matters, Political, and that those in Africa, or those said too African, do in all even deal with, now is to say or speak, and of Africa, and as said even perceived, and from the said Lenses too, and that do too allude, and to Africa, and in History that is, and as simply said too Ignored that is, and if not said looked upon, and in said Pity too that is. That it all too, perceptions or views, and of Africa and as said even Protracted, does now speak and of Africa and in History, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of the said histories, and of Azania, of the Maghreb and the Swahili lands, Egypt, and if not of the said emergence here, and of South Sudan too that is. That in speak and of African Anatolia, and as said even now attempting to define itself, and in a said vacuum here, and that does too speak and of Africa, and as said too Protracted, and if not perceived, and from speak and of the Pre-Historic, is to now and first off, separate African Anatolia, and from speak and of Egypt in itself, and in History, and in now claiming that, African Anatolia, will in all even not adopt, the said even State Model of existence, and in now too claiming that, the Egyptian State, and in History too, does too refer, and to it and as actually said, an African State, and not a State either, and that would to be said to refer, and to the Near East, or the Middle East too, and in said Imaginings too that is. That in speak now, and of the said even tumultuous History of Azania, or of Southern Africa too, and as said even now to refer, and to speak of South Africa, and of Apartheid too, is to now refer and to speak of an African Anatolia, and as said even to forego, the very said argument, and of what too, is said African, and of what too, is said Not-African that is. That in speak and of African Anatolia, and in regard and to speak of South Sudan, speak now, and pf the said here, avoiding, and of what too, is said to speak, and of a Racial Classification system in itself, and in said regard and to speak too, and of perceptions, and of African Racial Inferiority that is. That in speak of the Maghreb, and of the Swahili lands too, the very attempt here, and to in all even dismiss, the very idea that Survival, is too said to speak, and of what Political relations, are in all even said truly all about, and as said even to speak, and of the Maghreb, and if not of the Swahili lands, and as said even defined, and by speak too and of the said City-State Model of existence, and if not of what is said to speak, and of Dependency, and Co-Dependency too that is. That African Anatolia, can be said to in all even, disregard, these said Models of existence, said even African too, and by simply pondering, what does in all even speak truly, and of African Symbolism in itself that is.


Of the Blogs pertaining, and to speak and of African Anatolia in itself.

The Blog 'Dar': A said Blog here (Link), and that can too be said now, to in all even help define, speak and of an African Anatolia, and from what too, is said Huge, Colossal, Big, Massive, Large, Enormous, Vast etc., and in said impact too that is.

The Blog 'Kamp-o': A said Blog here (Link), and that does too, attempt to in all even define, the said existence and of an African Anatolia, and away from speak, and of what is said to refer, and to speak and of Archaeology, Anthropology, Politics etc., and onwards now, and to many a said Debate, or Discussion too, and of what is said Egyptian, Greek, Italian, and if not African too, and in said speak here, and of the said claim here too that, African Anatolia, is too said to actually Develop as such, and in the said here, debating, or discussion too, and of what is said to speak, and of the Age, the Era, the Generation, the Epoch etc.

The Blogs 'Nairo': This all now said, to refer, and to a said series of Blogs (Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4), [Link], and that do in all even attempt, to define a said African Anatolia, or of Anatolia in Africa too, and from speak too, and of what Archetype in itself, is said even all about. That this all too, does now speak too of the claim, that speak of a said African Anatolia, does too now refer, and to a said full study and of what is said to speak, and of the Hero truly, and of the very belief that, only one single said Hero, is believed said to exist, and with it all even said now, to speak truly, and of the Folk Hero that is. That in speak of African Anatolia, speak now truly, and of the said existence only, and of the Folk Hero that is, and as said even to refer, and to what too is believed said to speak, and of Emulation (Link) in itself, Entropy (Link), Enlightenment (Link), and if not of Encounter (Link) in itself too that is. 

In speak and of this very Blog though, and as said labelled Anatolia, or of a said even Arab East Africa, and that does too now attempt to present, a said here African Anatolia, and from said even Arab eyes that is, or of a said even Catholic sentiment too, is to not only refer, and to a said Presentation, and that does too speak and of Arab Scholarship, or of Catholic Thought too, but the very attempt here in all, and to in all again truly claim that, speak of a said African Anatolia, and in regard and to speak of it said even History too, now does speak and of it all even said defined in all, or Identified or Recognized truly, and if not said Classified too, and in speak, and of it truly said Entity in itself, and not and as said Independent, Political, Biblical (and of 'the Ark of the Covenant' too) etc., and in Entity too that is.

Summary: In now attempting, to in all even briefly, summarize Anatolia, and as said too a Whole, is to not only associate talk of the Whole, and with talk too and of Egypt and in Name too, and of Egypt too, and as simply said encoded in all, and in talk, and of what a Script, is said to be. That talk of Greek Civilization and from such said too perspective, that of Name, speak now, and of what too is said Scripture that is. That in speak of Italy, and in Civilization and Name, speak now and of what is said Manuscript, but of Europe, speak now too, and of what is said Medieval Script that is. In speak of Africa though, a probable presentation and of Africa and in History, and from speak of Script too, could too be said even to refer, and to speak of Computer Scripting Languages, Perl, and in now claiming that, African Anatolia, and as said even deciphered as such, from what is said to speak of the Whole, and if not of what Script is too said to be, now too, does refer, and to speak, and of what Post.script, is said even all about, and if not in speak truly now, and of the very said term that is, and of Edit too. That speak of Edit, and as said too Post.script, now does too refer, and to just what is too believed said truly Perfect that is, and if not in speak of a said African Anatolia, and that can too be said even, grounded in all, and in a said Existence, said Factual too, and that does too speak now, and of any of the said entries, and in the said Blogs (Link) mentioned above, and of everything in life too and as said perceived as such, in speak of Edit, and in now claiming that, African Anatolia, is in all even believed simply said ruled over as such, in speak of Edit that is, and if not of it all even minimally said to refer, and to speak too, and of what too, a Newspaper Editorial (Link), is in all even said all about that is [but with Edit too, simply said even, a said powerful Consciousness to itself, and that does in all even border, and to speak too, and of what Magic in itself, is in all even said to entail that is].
