Tuesday 18 October 2016



When we do in all here, speak and of Concurrency, we are too said even to speak, and of what are said too, elements of Power that is, and if not in said speak too, and of what is said Material that is. In now too saying that, there are those who would in all, perceive Africa today, and in talk and of what is said Crisis, Conflict or of Catastrophe too, or of those who would in all even say it all, to speak and of  what is said Hazard, Risk or Danger too, now is to in all even, associate talk of Africa, and with talk of Myth, and if not of said even African Myth too, and that does too ask of one, to perceive their said selves, and in talk too of Mediums that is, and if not of Myth too, or life too that is, and as said even perceived, and from talk only, and of only one said term that is: the Slaughter.