Thursday 15 February 2018

the Koranic

the Koranic.

This entry, and on what can in all, be said as the Koranic, will in all too, attempt, and to in all even tackle that is, talk, and of what can in all, be said as the Topmost that is, and as in the said case, and of a said Topmost Authority too that is, and in now associating talk, and of the Topmost, and in said even regard, and to speak and of a said African Anatolia, and with talk too, and of what are in all said as Schisms that is, and if not of said Political States too, and of the said Political State too, and if not of said too now, Political Activity in itself, and in said even regard now, of the said Topmost too that is, and to speak of, and of the said even now Swahili, Kiswahili term, and of Muhimu that is, and as in all said to speak of, and of said even now Swahili Methali, and Sayings too that is.

That the Topmost, is too now best said as explained for, and in talk too now, and of what does in all, encompass, talk and of Islam for instance, and of the said name of Allah too, of what is in all said as Islamic, and of the said '5 Pillars of Islam' too, of the said Hadith, and if not of the said name of Prophet Muhammed in itself too that is, and of the said even now Koran, Qu'ran, Holy Q'uran etc. that is, and of said Prophet Muhammed, and as often  and in all said, referred to, and from talk and of the said secular too, simply and in all referred to, and as in all said as Muhammad that is.

That in speaking though, and of the said Topmost, and in said regard and to speak, and of said African Anatolia, we can too now be said, and to in all even refer to, or speak of, and of what can in all, be said as a Diagram that is, and if not of the said Diagrammatic too, and as in all said, and to in all even encompass, talk, and of the said even now little Drawing too for instance.

That in speak and of the said Topmost, and of the said Diagram too, and if not of the said Diagrammatic too, we too could be said, and in said even regard now, and to what can in all be said as Identity Formation that is, could too be said, and to in all even now, refer to, and to speak and of the said Human, and as in all said as perceived, and from said even now, talk, and of the said 'Mapping out', 'Charting out', or 'Tracing out', and of the said even now Human Body in itself that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what can in all, be said and to speak of, and of  said Medical practises that is, and if not of the said Medical Sciences too, and as in all said as perceived and from talk of, and of said even now, African Psychological Health in itself that is.

That this said entry, and on the said Topmost, will in all too now, attempt, and to in all even compare, speak, and of the said Middle East, and as in all said as Islam too, and with talk too now, and of the said even now, name, and of America that is, and if not as said as the United States of America too that is, and of said even now North America too that is.

That in too saying that, and in speak and of, and of what can in all be said, and as said as the Diagrammatic too that is, that many can be said, and in said East Africa too, and to in all even Identify, and with talk and of the said United States of America that is, and from speak, and of its said even now Political Figures too that is, and if not those said as Celebrity too that is, and in too saying that, what can be said as Topmost, and in said North America too, or in the said United States of America too that is, can too be said, and to in all even speak of, or refer to, and to what some have in all termed, and as in all said as Evangelicalism hat is, or of said Evangelical Protestantism too, and which does too speak of, and of the said Holiness, Mennonite, Reformed, Baptist Churches that is, and in the said even now United States of America too, and in too saying it all, as said Identity, and if not in said Formation too, and as in all said as best accessed, and in said talk too now, and of what can in all be said as a Diagram that is, of the said Diagrammatic too, and if not in said even regard now, and to what is in all believed said as the Topmost in itself that is.

All this and as in all said, and in said even regard now, and to speak and of Islam, and in the said Middle East too, and in said even regard now, and to what can be said as Topmost that is, of the said Diagram and Diagrammatic too, and if not of said even now, Islamic and African Medical practises too that is, and as in all best said as perceived, and from speak of, and of the said name or Country, and of Iran [Link] too that is, and as in all said a place, and that could too be said as accessible, and to those said as belonging to that is, and to a said even now African Anatolia that is, and in said even regard now, and to the said even now Diagram in itself, and if not of the said Koranic too that is, and as in all said in regard, and to the said too now, last resort in itself that is.


*It was in all mentioned that, and in the said previous entry too, and on said Donathan Pepys too that is, that Africa, is in all even believed said, the said only, Continent, and in said Existence that is, and in said even regard now, and to the said even proper that is, definition, and of what is in all said as a Continent that is, and in the said even now declaring, India, and as in all believed said as a Subcontinent and to itself, and in now saying that, in speak and of such said definitions, and of what is in all believed said as a Continent, we can too be said, and to in all even point at, or speak of, and of said South America, and that can too be said and as in all perceived, and as said as a Continent proper that is, and in too saying that, those wishing or willing, and in venturing, and into South America that is, and in said East Africa too, or in said Africa too, could too probably be said, and to in all even do as such, and from speak of, and of the said Topmost that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what can in all be said as termed, and as said as African Christianity [Link -- Link1, Link2] that is, and if not and of what can in all too, be said, and to in all even speak of, and of the said Entirety in itself that is, and in said even now comparison, and to what can in all, be said as Priority in itself that is, and in too saying that, those who do and in all even continue, to perceive talk and of Africa, and of said South America too, and from the said even now, 'African' Arts of Capoeira, the Tango, and if not of said Candomble too, can too and in all even, be said and to in all even view such said Arts, and from speak and of the said Integral, and of the said Topmost too, and in said even regard and to speak of Capoeira, of the said differential, and of the said Topmost too, and of the said even now Tango too that is, and if not of said Candomble, and as in all said now, best perceived, and from what can in all be said as Priority in itself that is.