of Faculty

of African Faculty.

In a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Faculty too that is, [Link], African, African-Anatolian, of Reproduction Theory, [Link], the Reproductive, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Limit too that is, of Limits, of the said Mind, Character, Personality, Self etc. too that is, of said Sense too that is, African, Personal, Historical, Ethical etc. too that is, or if not of said Ends, Margins too that is, of Wholes, Parts, Groups, Joints etc. too that is.

Of such said Faculty too that is, of said Extremes too that is, of Boundaries, Borderings, Ranges, Ends etc. too that is, or of the said Markingly too that is, of said Distinction too, the Distinct.

Of such said Faculty too that is, of Reproduction Theory, [Link], the Reproductible, of the said Setting too that is, of Experience, of Knowing, the Awakening. Of the said Setting too that is, of Settings, of said Footings too that is, of the said Experience too that is, of Experiences, of the said Fall too that is, or of the said Awakening too that is, of Awakenings, of said Fear too that is, of Ogopa, Kisw., [Link], or if not in talk too and of, and of said Tags too that is, the Tag, of Knowing, of the said Fool too that is.

Of such said Settings too that is, the Setting, of Memory, of the said Pre-Historic too that is, [Link], the Colonial, of Arusha, [Link], the Local, Regional, Territorial etc. too that is, or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to the said African too that is, the African-Anatolian, the Kenyan, the East African.

Of such said Experiences too that is, the Experience, of Belief, of the said Super-natural too that is, of Isiburu, the Individual, the Personal, the Open, the Closed, of Ori, Odu, of Orisa, of the said African State too that is, the Colonial, the African, of African Independence, of the said Modern African State too that is, of Slaverism, of Colonialism, of Modernism, African, or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to the said African Modern State too that is, the Political, the National, the Historical.

Of such said Awakenings too that is, the Awakening, of spirit, of said Tags too that is, of Knowing, the Basic. Of such said Tags too that is, the Tag, [Link], of Knowledge Systems, the Knowledge Base, or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to such said Knowing too that is, the Knowable, of Knowledge Bodies, the Knowledge Basis, and in the said too that is, referring to, in regard, and to the said Basic too that is, of Basics, of the Law, the Sacred, the Equal, the Balanced etc. too that is.

Of Tags, the self, of Framings, of self-knowledge, of Knowledge, the Diverse, or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Africa too that is, of India. Of Africa, of Dry Air, the Framing, the Constituent, of Substance, or if not of said India too that is, of Dry Heat, the Framing, of Content, of Elements, the Fifth Element.

Of Tags, the Framing, of Knowing, ->, of Judgment, of Decision, of Appraisal, [Link].

the Framing.

The Conceiveable.

Of the said Conceived too that is, the Conceiveable, [Link], of said Issues too that is, the British World, of Matters, and as in all too that is, said as, pertaining, and to talk too and of, and of said Race too that is, of race, ->, the Phenotype, the Genotype, of said Tags too that is, [Link], of Taggings, ->, of Markings, [Link], of Marks, [Link].

Of said African Existences too, the Say, [Link], of spirit, Possession, [Link], of Contexts, African, [Link], African-Anatolian, [Link], of said life too that is, the Possessed, or of said Reality too that is, African, African-Anatolian.

the African Race.