Tuesday 28 March 2017

the Swahili Institute

The Swahili Institute.


Of Intellectualism, of Ways of Knowing/Counting, in Search (of), the Quest (for), the Swahili Key.
Of Film, Mediums, & _______, of Preservation, of Communications, of Intelligence, the Preservation Key.

In said regard and to speak, and of simply where and in all, the said even Swahili World, is believed said to meet, or merge with, and with speak and of a said African Anatolia that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of what some have termed 'the Information Age', 'the Internet Age', 'the Digital Age', 'the Computer Age', 'the Electronic Age', 'the New Media Age' etc., and with it all said now to speak, or as said too perceived in all, and from what are said 'Ways of Knowing/Counting' that is. That what too can be said is that, what they do term Intelligence that is, is to said in all to in all even truly differ, and as said too Intellectualism that is, and from said even 'Ways of Knowing/Counting' that is, and that in all again the said even Ages stated above, often said too, and to speak and of said Revolutions and in said regard to speak of what are said Communications too that is, now is to and in all even perceive it all, and from speak, and of what are said Series, and of what is said Sequence, and as said now to speak, and of said even 'Ways of Knowing/Counting' that is, and not of Intelligence truly either, and which does and in all too, the former said that is, speak too, and of 'Intelligence', and as often said too Swahili that is.