Thursday 9 March 2017



When we do in all refer, and to what is said grounded, what is said centered, and if not of what too is said affixed for instance, we can too and in all even be said to in all even refer, and to the said even finding, or said too standing, and of what is too simply said Ground that is. That what is said Ground, is too said probably all there is, and when we do in all too say or claim that, all said Realities, are too said in all grounded that is, and in speak and of what is said life in itself, but that in all again, in now dealing in all, and with the said troubling question in all, and of what is said to speak, and of what is said Identity, and in a said too African Anatolia, and if not as said Arab East Africa too, we too can be said to in all even associate, what is said life, and with talk too and of what is said Symbolism in itself, and as said too now representative in all that is it can best be said, and of what is said Ground in itself too that is.