Thursday 27 September 2012

the Energy Matrix

the Energy Matrix.

Correspondence & Anatolia:

Most out there, have heard of the so termed Energy Matrix. In many a way truly, it does perhaps best refer, and to the feeding of Energy in all, and to a certain point or place too, and in many a way too, expecting a form of Feedback in all again, and in the form perhaps, and of Stability, or even Positivity in itself too that is. In many a way, talk of the Energy Matrix in all, does in many a way even, truly speak of African Philosophy 101, and not Asian Philosophy truly either {and as many too, are prone to falsely believe that is} {and with Asian Philosophy in many a way, obsessed with Consciousness issues too that is}.

In all ways truly even, the Energy Matrix in many a way, is just how things get done within Africa, and as with regards truly even, and to the knowing, understanding or comprehending of things that is {that while in most other places around the World, the knowing, understanding or comprehending of things, is highly based around Resources and Values & Belief Systems too, in Africa in many a way, it all does speak of the Energy Matrix in all that is}. In many a way too, a rather fine way of understanding the Energy Matrix, and within Africa too, and for Anatolia that is, very much has to do, and with what they do term Legal Correspondence in all {and with this in many a way too, referring to Legal Writings in all, and in the form of a Letter, Note, Missive, Circular, Disptach, Bulletin or even a Post Card too that is}, and as with all this too, not only written in Cockney English or even East African English in all, but in all ways truly even, it referring in all again, and to the feeding of Energy, and to certain places or points too, and expecting in all again, a certain kind of Feedback too that is {but with the subtleties of all this, having to do, and with East African English in itself, and as with it even, the kind or type of English in all, that is rather useful in all again, and when one does for instance, think of feeding Energy to one point or place, and then expecting, a certain particular or specific even, form of Feedback too that is (the kind of English in all again, one can truly use, to make a heartfelt plea that is)}.

In all, for those in Anatolia too, and who do want to get things moving as soon as possible, then it truly in all again, is the Energy matrix, and as described above too, and in the form of Legal Correspondence that is, that one does want to truly turn too, and as with furtherly reminding one that, it should all be written in clear and concise East African English, or Cockney English too that is {and as with they both even, a form of Arab/African English in all, well acquainted, and with Energy Matrix issues too that is}.

Friday 14 September 2012

Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison.

Global Identities and Anatolia:

What they do refer to as Globalism, does in many a way even, truly differ and from Internationalism or even Worldliness too actually. For while Internationalism in all, very much has to do with Group Identities (and as with speak too even, of someone in all again, and as identifying as Yemeni, or even as coming from Dar-es-salaam too actually), Worldliness on the otherhand, very much has to do with Materiality in all, and speak too even, of its place of origins that is. Globalism on the otherhand, in many a way even, does actually deal, and with Individual Success actually {and not only of Individuals in themselves, but also, as with regards to Multi-Nationals or Corporations in themselves actually}.

In many a way even, those said to be of African descent in all (and as with referring even to Black Africans in particular), may have noticed that, African Global Identities in all again, appear in all, to very much have been hijacked, and by those of Black Asian origins too actually. That in all, alot of famous or popular Black skinned peoples out there, and believed of African descent in all, are actually of Black Asian origins in all truly even.

In many a way though, is to tell those in Anatolia in itself that, Global Identities in all, and in Anatolia too, are best sought out via Webnet actually, and not by attempting to create racial harmony in all, and with Black Asian groups too that is {and as with telling many a person in Anatolia that, the very works of Toni Morrison in all, and such as 'Song of Solomon', 'Jazz', 'Tar Baby', 'Paradise', 'Sula' or even 'Beloved' too actually, doe speak of the Black Asian experience in all, and in Africa (and as including Apartheid in South Africa too), in South America (Guyana to be exact), the Caribbean, and finally even, North America too actually} {and as with Toni Morrison too, of South African origins actually} {and all this too said, and as compared to viewing Black Asians in all, and as based around many a Magazine or Television Show even, and as put out in all, and by the Black Asian Community/'World' too that is}.

In all, the attempt to free those in Anatolia, and from a Legacy too, often spread maliciously by Black Asian groups in all, and that does attempt, to create racial discord in all, and with other peoples in all again, said not to be too friendly in all, and to Black Asian groups that is {and as with attempting to tell those in Anatolia that, it is actually best to seek out Global Identities in all, and via the Internet/Webnet in itself too, and as compared even, to other forms of Global Media perhaps, and as with speak too even, of Magazines or Television too, and as with one in all again, not able to control their Image in all, and risking in all again, very much becoming a slave, and to the whims and demands even, of Global Media in itself actually} {and as with further speak even, and of an insult in all, and about one perhaps, or even ones family and friends, and as put out too, and by Global Media in all again, and in the form of a Magazine too perhaps)}.

Social Cohesion

Social Cohesion.

When we do speak of Social Cohesion, we are in many a way even, referring in all, and to what in all again, could be the most Outrageous of things even, and to happen to one that is. In many a way though, one does find that Social Cohesion and on a Worldwide scale too that is, is today in many a way, often presented as occurring in all, and in a manner similar in all, and to a United Colours of Benetton Ad too perhaps.

In all though, is to tell those in Anatolia that, when they do think of Social Cohesion and the Outrageous too perhaps, and as with life in Anatolia in itself, and outside Dar, Nairo or even Kamp-o too, more or less low key in its ways actually, then in all again, is to recommend the above work, eclectic in its ways too, 'The Great Fairy Tale Tradition' that is, and as a rather good way even, to develop Social Cohesion in all, and in Community oriented Anatolia too, and as with this referring even, to Neighbours generally getting together, or even talking with a friend and on just how to open up a Business too perhaps (and as with truly putting ones Faith into it all that is), or even simply again, making life and on a Friday Night too, and faraway even, and from Dar, Nairo, Kamp-o or even Webnet too actually, rather interesting for all that is {and as with reminding one that, it is Tabora and in Tanzania too, that is truly in all ways even, Anatolian in Heart and Spirit too that is}.

'Ali Baba'

Monday 3 September 2012

The Photo Studio

The Photo Studio.

Kenya, TZ & UG:

There was a time, and in East Africa too (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda), when Photo Studios, were prevalent all over, and in many a way too, their decline in all again, very well heralded, the decline in all too even, and of lifestyles too, once associated in all, and with Pre-Colonial Kenya too that is {this speaking in all again, and of life in Kenya in all, and in a movie and such as White Mischief (1987) too, and by Michael Radford too that is} {but with this in all again truly even, referring to the very world of Lonrho Africa/Kenya too, but also Savile Row Suits too actually}.

To speak of the terms Kenya, TZ and UG in all again, is to in all again perhaps, actually refer, and to what they do call Country {and as with Country even, primarily in all again, referring to the Knowledge Access points/terminals in all, available to one, and in any given place too that is}. That in all, South Africa, does stand apart and from other African Countries too, in that, Country in South Africa, is largely Institutionalized actually, while in the rest of Africa and as including Nigeria too, Country in all, is largely in the form, and of Media too actually {In all again, Media driven Knowledge Access points in all, and unpredictable in their ways too actually (and as with changing Office Spaces too), and as with Country even, and in most of Africa too, traditionally defined, and by Television Broadcasting, Radio Broadcasts and even Newspapers & Gazettes too that is}.

In all, the Country, has failed to take off truly even, and fully develop in Africa too, and as with most of those who do actually use it perhaps, best defined as Peoples in all (or Workers even), or even the very fact that, traditional Africans in all, have always viewed the places they do live in, and from the Land too {and as with this referring even, and to the Terrain that is, and the difficulties, technical too, and that do arise in all, and from attempting to work, and with African Terrain/Geography too that is}.

In all though, those in Anatolia {'Arab East Africa'}, or even East Africa in itself too, may very well be truly unaware of, and of a rather great even, way or method too, and of defining Country in the region that is: the Photo Studio. That in all again, Country in East Africa in all, can truly be said to be largely based around Housing & Shelter, Foods, and Clothing in itself too {and not Security truly either}. In all, what is been truly said here is that, the Country, and in East Africa too, has come to be poorly defined in all again, and by lackluster even, Media outlets in all too even, and as with Government too, appearing in all again, to be truly in agreement even, and of using Media outlets in all, and in serving the masses too that is {and as with speak too even, and of the rising popularity, and in using E-Tickets, and on Kenya Airways too for instance}. In all, Ethical practises, the using of Media outlets, somewhat commendable and as with efficiency too, but in all ways truly even, defining Country too, and in manner that could be somewhat unstable, and as with regards truly even, to making the Country, acceptable in all (or respectable too), and to an International audience that is {and as with the use of Media outlets, and in defining Country too, needing those culturally attuned to a place, and highly so even, and not a visitor in all again, and from a Neighbouring Country for instance}.

In all, with Country here in all again, referred to as just where in all, one can access Knowledge perhaps, and as having to do with Clothing, Food, Housing & Shelter even, or even truly again, Security in itself too, the very belief that, the Photo Studio in all, can truly help in coming, to truly define in all again, Country, and as seen in Anatolia that is, or East Africa too perhaps {and as with Anatolia too, and Legally that is, referring to those holding East African Passports in all, and not speak truly either, and of the East African Federation that is, or even truly again perhaps, the East African Community in all too really}. In all again, the Photo Studio, coming to define Country in East Africa or Anatolia too, and by presenting any Knowledge Access points/terminals (and even if of the Media outlet form too), and in a rather highly even, Photogenic manner, and such that, it could very well make it, and to the cover, and of a reputable magazine, and such as Vogue, or even Newsweek too perhaps {and as with this even, speaking of the very use of Photo Imaging technologies in all, and to in all again, help in improving, an Image, that could very well be said, to be of interest, and in helping define/'make real', Country too that is}.

In all truly even, the calling into being, 4 main things, to helping make all this rather real:

1. The Photo Studio.

2. The Local Tailor: And as with telling those in East Africa in general that, Local Tailors in all, are more attuned and to the specific clothing needs and of a Localized people too, but in all ways truly even, the Local Tailor, and as the main seller even, and of clothing or Dress in all too really, and as originating in all too even, and from International sources too that is.

3. The Local Distributor: And as speaking truly even, and of a Foods Distributor that is {and Foods even, and from all over the World too actually}.

4. The Local Real-Estate Agent: And as with they even, not dealing with Local Housing & Shelter actually (and which is best in all again, left to Community leaders that is), but in all ways truly even, with all other forms of Real-Estate in all, and which in all again, does not fall under Housing & Shelter that is {and as with this even, a rather great way in all and of moderating the rather wayward Real-Estate Market in East Africa in general too, and which does believe in all again, and in putting up a House, and on just about any place too, said to have flat land that is} {and without taking into consideration either, the Cultural demands in all, and of the Locals too that is}.

Finally in all again, the Photo Studio and Local Government and Community too perhaps, coming to deal with Security issues in all, and in an East Africa too, whose peoples in all again, are pretty much Nomadic in their ways actually (but somewhat so), and in many a way too, necessitating even, the very lack in all, and of a National Government in most ways even, and in an East Africa too, heavily operating even, and around the Community Model too that is {but with all this in all again, a problem in all, very much afflicting Eastern Africa in general too that is}.