Friday 14 September 2012

Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison.

Global Identities and Anatolia:

What they do refer to as Globalism, does in many a way even, truly differ and from Internationalism or even Worldliness too actually. For while Internationalism in all, very much has to do with Group Identities (and as with speak too even, of someone in all again, and as identifying as Yemeni, or even as coming from Dar-es-salaam too actually), Worldliness on the otherhand, very much has to do with Materiality in all, and speak too even, of its place of origins that is. Globalism on the otherhand, in many a way even, does actually deal, and with Individual Success actually {and not only of Individuals in themselves, but also, as with regards to Multi-Nationals or Corporations in themselves actually}.

In many a way even, those said to be of African descent in all (and as with referring even to Black Africans in particular), may have noticed that, African Global Identities in all again, appear in all, to very much have been hijacked, and by those of Black Asian origins too actually. That in all, alot of famous or popular Black skinned peoples out there, and believed of African descent in all, are actually of Black Asian origins in all truly even.

In many a way though, is to tell those in Anatolia in itself that, Global Identities in all, and in Anatolia too, are best sought out via Webnet actually, and not by attempting to create racial harmony in all, and with Black Asian groups too that is {and as with telling many a person in Anatolia that, the very works of Toni Morrison in all, and such as 'Song of Solomon', 'Jazz', 'Tar Baby', 'Paradise', 'Sula' or even 'Beloved' too actually, doe speak of the Black Asian experience in all, and in Africa (and as including Apartheid in South Africa too), in South America (Guyana to be exact), the Caribbean, and finally even, North America too actually} {and as with Toni Morrison too, of South African origins actually} {and all this too said, and as compared to viewing Black Asians in all, and as based around many a Magazine or Television Show even, and as put out in all, and by the Black Asian Community/'World' too that is}.

In all, the attempt to free those in Anatolia, and from a Legacy too, often spread maliciously by Black Asian groups in all, and that does attempt, to create racial discord in all, and with other peoples in all again, said not to be too friendly in all, and to Black Asian groups that is {and as with attempting to tell those in Anatolia that, it is actually best to seek out Global Identities in all, and via the Internet/Webnet in itself too, and as compared even, to other forms of Global Media perhaps, and as with speak too even, of Magazines or Television too, and as with one in all again, not able to control their Image in all, and risking in all again, very much becoming a slave, and to the whims and demands even, of Global Media in itself actually} {and as with further speak even, and of an insult in all, and about one perhaps, or even ones family and friends, and as put out too, and by Global Media in all again, and in the form of a Magazine too perhaps)}.