Thursday 27 September 2012

the Energy Matrix

the Energy Matrix.

Correspondence & Anatolia:

Most out there, have heard of the so termed Energy Matrix. In many a way truly, it does perhaps best refer, and to the feeding of Energy in all, and to a certain point or place too, and in many a way too, expecting a form of Feedback in all again, and in the form perhaps, and of Stability, or even Positivity in itself too that is. In many a way, talk of the Energy Matrix in all, does in many a way even, truly speak of African Philosophy 101, and not Asian Philosophy truly either {and as many too, are prone to falsely believe that is} {and with Asian Philosophy in many a way, obsessed with Consciousness issues too that is}.

In all ways truly even, the Energy Matrix in many a way, is just how things get done within Africa, and as with regards truly even, and to the knowing, understanding or comprehending of things that is {that while in most other places around the World, the knowing, understanding or comprehending of things, is highly based around Resources and Values & Belief Systems too, in Africa in many a way, it all does speak of the Energy Matrix in all that is}. In many a way too, a rather fine way of understanding the Energy Matrix, and within Africa too, and for Anatolia that is, very much has to do, and with what they do term Legal Correspondence in all {and with this in many a way too, referring to Legal Writings in all, and in the form of a Letter, Note, Missive, Circular, Disptach, Bulletin or even a Post Card too that is}, and as with all this too, not only written in Cockney English or even East African English in all, but in all ways truly even, it referring in all again, and to the feeding of Energy, and to certain places or points too, and expecting in all again, a certain kind of Feedback too that is {but with the subtleties of all this, having to do, and with East African English in itself, and as with it even, the kind or type of English in all, that is rather useful in all again, and when one does for instance, think of feeding Energy to one point or place, and then expecting, a certain particular or specific even, form of Feedback too that is (the kind of English in all again, one can truly use, to make a heartfelt plea that is)}.

In all, for those in Anatolia too, and who do want to get things moving as soon as possible, then it truly in all again, is the Energy matrix, and as described above too, and in the form of Legal Correspondence that is, that one does want to truly turn too, and as with furtherly reminding one that, it should all be written in clear and concise East African English, or Cockney English too that is {and as with they both even, a form of Arab/African English in all, well acquainted, and with Energy Matrix issues too that is}.