Friday 31 January 2014

Popular History

Popular History.

Many in Anatolia, might have heard of Popular History in all. In all ways even and as disbelievingly to most, and as with Popular History often showcased and in News Media too for instance, it in many a way, does speak even and of just whom many a Person out there, is, and as not only a Social being in all, but in many a way even, as truly Popular that is [and as with speak even of hanging out at a Night Club, or even the creating of Modern Sexual Identities too that is].

In all ways even and as unknown to those in Anatolia perhaps, there are those who do create Social Identities, and as with speak even of the Western World in general, and as based around the Crusades in all that is [and as with speak even and of the general vilifying of Jewish and Islamic peoples in all, and in Western society, and as with they even regarded savage or uncivil, and despite any Wealth accumulated that is].

For those in South America, an attempt to create Social Identity in all, and as based around World War 2 actually [and as with their even misinterpreting just whom the Nazis were, and as attempting to state in all, that the Nazis were Pro-White, when in reality, they were Pro-Europe actually (and as with speak even of some in Nazi Germany in all, and as they truly European even, having been 'People of Colour' that is].

There are those in all, and who do seek to create Social Identities in all again, Popular too, and as based around the Ottoman Empire that is, and as with this even speaking of Turkey in itself too [Link], but in many a way even, speaking of some parts of Central Asia (and such as Armenia for instance), and even parts of the Middle East too (and such as Qatar for instance).

There are those on the otherhand, and who do wish to create Social Identities, Popular too, and as very much based around the History of Colonialism, Imperialism and even Slavery, and as seen around the World, and as with this even speaking of simply acting with Dignity that is [and speak even and of issues and matters, and as pertaining to Selling-Out that is].

While some in Somalia, might present themselves now Socially, and from speak even and of the American Incursion into Somalia, those in Anatolia in all, are probably best asked in all again, and as with speak even of freeing oneself and from many a shackle in all, and as having to do with Western Media in all again, and as misrepresenting many a person said to be of an African persuasion that is, that in all, when those in Anatolia in all again, do think Popular History, let them not think of Colonialism and as seen in Africa too, but in all ways even, and of the Crusades, and as seen through Arab Eyes that is [and as with it all even perhaps, speaking of just how in all again, a Catholic in all, would probably have viewed the Crusades that is].

Finally, the Blogger here 'Ali Baba', and as very much creating Social Identity today in all, Popular too, and as based around World War 1 actually.

Social Identity, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and WW1.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

the Evolution of a Warrior

The Evolution of a Warrior.

The Evolution of a Warrior, and by Christopher J. Regan too, and a fine way in all again, and for Anatolians in all, to get introduced, and into American Mindsets and lives in all, and as with this speaking even and of just whom Americans in all again, are, and as with regards to Healing Wisdom that is, and when their lives in all, are not going too well perhaps. In all again, a fine way of looking and learning about America, and as with speak even of those who might wish to live in the place actually, America that is.

Monday 20 January 2014

African Logistics

African Logistics.

There are those in Anatolia in all, and who might at the present find themselves unemployed, or even simply again, having a job they don't truly like even. In all ways is to tell them that, when they do think of general Employment in all, and as with speak even of employment, lowly paying too, but in all ways even satisfactory in its ways (and as with one not minding doing it, and as with it fitting and with the nature of the people in Anatolia), is to in all ways even recommend, the very field of Logistics actually [and as with this Industry in all, perceived rather enormous in its ways, and from the perspective of Market Analysis, and even Timing in itself too actually].

Sunday 19 January 2014

The Firm

The Firm.

 Out of the blue in many a way, we do live in a World where if one in all, is a 'Person of Colour', they are in many a way, associated, and with Rap Music too that is [and as with the belief even that, Minority Images of Success in all, should or do somewhat go along and with Rap or RnB Music too,.and speak even of being perceived a Sell-Out that is]. For those in Anatolia though, and who in most ways don't care too much for Rap Music, when they do think Rap, then let them think 'The Firm', and with NAS too that is.

Thursday 16 January 2014



Andazi and Black Tea.

African Anatolia.


the African Pygmy Goose

The African Pygmy Goose.

The African Pygmy Goose, and speak even of African Mysticism (Hindsight, Insight, Foresight), and as not only speaking of Natural Intelligence in Anatolia, but in many a way too, speak even of attaining Tranquility in all, and as with further speak even of the Evolutionary Instinct that is [and as with this speaking even and of a Change, Altering and Shift in Consciousness too, and as with the further example of just whom Horus in all, was in the Egyptian World, and as with regards even and as with referring here to Photography in itself too, just what to focus on life that is]. In all, the African Pygmy Goose, and as helping with the above Consciousness matters, and as with speak even of Trajectory in all, and as based around African Mysticism too that is [and all this and as referring even, and to just what to focus, concentrate on or even converge on in all, and as with speak even of thought/thinking in all again, and as leading to the breathtaking in all that is].

Friday 10 January 2014

Kiswani / Funzi Island

Kiswani / Funzi Island.

There are those in Anatolia, and who do perhaps wonder what to make of the Swahili lands in all. In many a way, when many in East Africa perhaps, do think of the Swahili world in all again, they mainly do think of Mombasa or Dar-es-salaam too that is. In helping those in Anatolia though, develop Sobriety in all again (and as with this referring even and to a Maturity in all, and that is truly suited for those in Anatolia too), is to in all ways even mention that, when they do think of the Swahili Coastline, let them think Kiswani / Funzi Island, and as a place too, one can visit or even simply seek to relax in and in the form of Camaraderie too, and all this too, and as especially for those living in Uganda too that is [and as with telling East Africans in Uganda in all that, what does separate them from Tanzania and Kenya in all, is a basic lack even, and of the Swahili lands too that is].

Thursday 9 January 2014



For those in Anatolia, is to probably in all again, truly ponder, and of what does constitute change in all, and in Anatolia too that is. That for many another place, change in all does speak of Political events, or even new Cultural manifestations in all too really, but that in all ways even, speak of change in Anatolia, does speak and of just how Information or Knowledge in all, is actually disseminated that is. That change in Anatolia in all, does actually speak of the people in it, simply changing, and for one reason or another, and with no good explanation for it all that is [and as with seeking out new friendships, and leaving the old actually]. In all, change in Anatolia, and as Anatolia not truly about its Infrastructure that is, does speak even and of a radical change in all, and as with regards to how Knowledge/Information in all again, is actually disseminated that is [and as with this even speaking, and of changing the sitting arrangements, and in a class or restaurant too that is].

Wednesday 8 January 2014



Musica!, or even speak here of Ska music and as rather cultural in its ways, and in Anatolian Dar-es-salaam, Anatolian Nairobi, and even Anatolian Kampala too that is.



There are those in Anatolia, and who do wonder what to make of Modern African Mindsets in all. In all again, this does speak of Africans in all, and as being influenced to behave, and in manners that do speak of Neo-Colonialism that is [and as with speak even of a culture and of general disrespect, and as with regards to ones African past, history and even heritage too that is]. In all ways even, modern African Mindsets in all, have come to be shaped in all again, and and by the attempt in all, to connect to ones African past, history and even heritage too, and in a more or less Modern Setting that is [and as with speaking even of attempting to be African in all, and while holding a position and at a modern firm too that is].

In helping one deal with Modern African Mindsets, and as based around a general disrespect of ones African past, history and even heritage too, is to speak of many Africans in all, and as very much Solo in their ways, and as with not wanting to trust anyone that is.

When Africa in all, is perceived as stated above, one then does find that, what does constitute in all too even, and for a major part of their Religious African Identity in all, does actually speak of Healings that is. That for many in Africa today, a fear perhaps of facing life as it is, and as with speak even of what some do term Inner Strength actually, and as with regards even, to holding strong in all that is, and in a World today too, and that might attempt to disconnect one fully, and from ones African past, history and even heritage, and leaving one in all again, experiencing Despair or Sadness too, and on experiencing any defacing moment that is.

In all ways even, African Healing practises, having become of vital importance in all, and for those in Africa today, and who do wish to succeed in an Africa today, very much lacking an African Consciousness that is. For those in Anatolia though, when they do think of themselves as such (as mentioned in all above that is), then let them think in all ways even, and of Ochoosi that is [and as with Ochoosi even, helping those in Anatolia in all, think of Death and from a basic perspective too, and as with speak even of having lived a life rather civil in its ways that is] [and as with Ochoosi too, far more African in his ways and perhaps those in Nigeria might not know him to be, and as with he even Ancient Africa too perhaps].


Tuesday 7 January 2014

the Simple Life

The Simple Life.

There are those in Anatolia in all, truly wondering what it will take, to get Anatolia started that is [and as with the belief even that, it will all be a reality one day perhaps]. This in all ways even, speaks of whom those in Anatolia are today, and as with speak even of Basic Livelihoods that is. That if defined properly, Basic Livelihoods in all, and as with speak even of whom we are and when we do have little money to ourselves, and simply in all again do seek to learn things in all, and as with speak of a general knowledge/perception of anything that is, and in order to improve on ones lifeactually. This in many a way even, does simply speak and of Anatolia in all, and as consisting truly even, and of only this Blog that is [learning something here and there, and that will change the perceptions that one has, and of just about anything too actually; and as with Anatolia even, simply summarized and by the speaking fluently even, and of East African English in all, and even Cockney too that is]. 

In all ways even, this does speak in all, and of not only being knowledgeable in all, and of our environs and ourselves too, and from the very perspective of Awareness that is, or even Morality too actually, but in all ways even, from the very perspective of the Ethical actually. To understand this better, is to speak of what does constitute base existences in all, and as with Basic Livelihoods too, and in most parts of the World that is. For some out there, Basic Livelihoods, and as based around Siblings in all actually, and further speak even of a Group Morality too that is [and as with Basic Livelihoods, speaking of whom we are and outside Worklife and to many an extent too that is]. For others, Basic Livelihood, and as with it even speaking of Social life in all, and as based around Societal notions of Taboo too, and further speak even of Social Awareness that is [and as with the belief that, if you go into a certain neighbourhood, one could get robbed, or if you dress in a certain manner, then you are backward or uncool too that is].

For many in Anatolia today though, there does appear, to be a trend in all, and in associating Basic Livelihoods too, and with that speaking of Siblings that is [and as with speak of behaving in all too even, and in ways they would approve of that is]. However though, there does appear to be a third way of creating Basic Livelihoods, and that is more or less truly appropriate, and for those in Anatolia too that is. This in many a way does speak of not only whom we are as Ethical beings, but also as with regards to Discipline in itself that is (and as with this speaking even of doing the right thing and at exactly the right moment too actually), and as with all this referring to what some do term the 'Natural Order of things' in all, and as with some defining this and as based around who is in Charge, or even as with regards to speak of everyday Ritual in all actually (and as with this a basic way even and of planning out ones life or day that is), or in all again truly, the 'Natural Order of things', and as based around what at any moment, is considered Easy, Hard or Difficult that is [and as with dealing with all three, and with/in a celebratory mood too that is]. In all, the latter, and for those in Anatolia, and when thinking of planning out their everyday lives and even their lives too (and as with speak even of creating a moment that is), and as with this referring to truly knowing the 'Natural Oder of things', and in society too, and as based around being an Ethical being, and one too, who does define Discipline in all again, and from being Tacit that is [and as with this referring even, to simply warning another, and even by a look too, that someone they might like, is not truly trustworthy that is].

In all again, the very works of Michael Polanyi, and as helping one define their Basic Livelihoods and from this perspective of being Tacit in all, and as with telling those in Anatolia that, this does in all ways even speak of freeing ones mind (defining the 'Natural Order of things', and as explained above), and as in doing as such, won't make one in all again, feel embarrassed for instance, and in having a low paying Job that is. 

In all ways even, the above as truly recommended and for those in Anatolia too and as with telling one that, Anatolia in many a way, can also be summarized and from defining everyday life and as based around the 'Natural Order of things' too, and as defined above, and in many a way even, speaking of improving ones everyday life, and as based around this Blog in all that is. 

Sunday 5 January 2014


African Time.

There are those in Anatolia, or East Africa too actually, and who do remember just how in all, Time in the place in all again, was once kept. That once upon a time in East Africa, distinctions in all were made between the early Afternoon, and the Late Afternoon or even the Evening too. We now though live in Times, where Time in all again is not kept as such, but instead speak only of Day and Night too that is.

Some in Anatolia though, might be foolhardy in believing that, Anatolia in many a way, is all about the generation and creation of Wealth that is. This is not true and to almost all extents actually. The truth about Anatolia though, and as with speak even of East Africa in all and has having been memorable, does speak in all ways even, and of how we do choose to construct Time in all again, and as with this referring even, and to Time in East Africa and as once having been said or defined even, and as being Flexible too that is.

In all ways though, to speak of Time in Anatolia, and as with life even lived to the fullest or the max, and outside Work too, is to speak in all ways even and of how we do perceive Time in itself actually: as Linear Time, Circular Time, Periodic Time, Non-Linear Time and even Calendar Time that is. That living life to the utmost, does in all ways even, speak of affording in all, the Time in all again, and do to do as one pleases, or in many a way even, knowing that different notions of Time, the Circular or the Periodic, do offer different life experiences in all actually.

To speak of a rather difficult problem in all again, and of how to construct Time that is, is to perhaps speak of it in all even, and in a manner that those in East Africa, did know of: Criticism. That in all again, those in East Africa in all, did keep Time, and as based around Criticism in all that is [and of any foreseeable activity too actually]. In all ways even, and for those in Anatolia is to say that, having Anatolia be as Memorable as possible, and at the Individual level too, and outside the creating or the generating of Wealth in all, does speak in all ways even, and of foreseeing Time in itself actually, and as found in all again perhaps, and in Literary works too that is [and not Literature in itself either]. That studying Literary Theory, and as based around Criticism too, can truly help one come up with simple stories of life, individual too, that do take into account, all sorts of Time actually, and into account that is. In all again, not the simplest thing to do, but speak of diversity of life, and in a said decentralized Anatolia in all, does speak in all ways even, and of the diverse manners in keeping Time that is, and that does offer all sorts of experiences and opportunities actually.

Finally though, a simple way of thinking about Time in Anatolia, and as not based around somewhat centering ones mental activities in all, and according to life and as lived or seen in Nairobi too perhaps, but in all ways truly even, and as with life in Anatolia in its most basic forms, centering ones mental activities in all again, and as according to life and as lived in Kisumu too that is.



The Social Science Jargon-Buster, and speak even of simple Community Development, and in African Anatolia too that is.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Ancient Sounds

Ancient Sounds.

Afrocelt Sound System, and as an inspiration even, and for those in Anatolia, and to get in touch, and with the Ancient (Spirit) in all that is [and as with this even believed to help those in Anatolia, truly ground themselves to Africa, and as an Ancient place too actually] [all this too, and as compared to Nubian Music that is].