Sunday 5 January 2014


African Time.

There are those in Anatolia, or East Africa too actually, and who do remember just how in all, Time in the place in all again, was once kept. That once upon a time in East Africa, distinctions in all were made between the early Afternoon, and the Late Afternoon or even the Evening too. We now though live in Times, where Time in all again is not kept as such, but instead speak only of Day and Night too that is.

Some in Anatolia though, might be foolhardy in believing that, Anatolia in many a way, is all about the generation and creation of Wealth that is. This is not true and to almost all extents actually. The truth about Anatolia though, and as with speak even of East Africa in all and has having been memorable, does speak in all ways even, and of how we do choose to construct Time in all again, and as with this referring even, and to Time in East Africa and as once having been said or defined even, and as being Flexible too that is.

In all ways though, to speak of Time in Anatolia, and as with life even lived to the fullest or the max, and outside Work too, is to speak in all ways even and of how we do perceive Time in itself actually: as Linear Time, Circular Time, Periodic Time, Non-Linear Time and even Calendar Time that is. That living life to the utmost, does in all ways even, speak of affording in all, the Time in all again, and do to do as one pleases, or in many a way even, knowing that different notions of Time, the Circular or the Periodic, do offer different life experiences in all actually.

To speak of a rather difficult problem in all again, and of how to construct Time that is, is to perhaps speak of it in all even, and in a manner that those in East Africa, did know of: Criticism. That in all again, those in East Africa in all, did keep Time, and as based around Criticism in all that is [and of any foreseeable activity too actually]. In all ways even, and for those in Anatolia is to say that, having Anatolia be as Memorable as possible, and at the Individual level too, and outside the creating or the generating of Wealth in all, does speak in all ways even, and of foreseeing Time in itself actually, and as found in all again perhaps, and in Literary works too that is [and not Literature in itself either]. That studying Literary Theory, and as based around Criticism too, can truly help one come up with simple stories of life, individual too, that do take into account, all sorts of Time actually, and into account that is. In all again, not the simplest thing to do, but speak of diversity of life, and in a said decentralized Anatolia in all, does speak in all ways even, and of the diverse manners in keeping Time that is, and that does offer all sorts of experiences and opportunities actually.

Finally though, a simple way of thinking about Time in Anatolia, and as not based around somewhat centering ones mental activities in all, and according to life and as lived or seen in Nairobi too perhaps, but in all ways truly even, and as with life in Anatolia in its most basic forms, centering ones mental activities in all again, and as according to life and as lived in Kisumu too that is.