Wednesday 8 January 2014



There are those in Anatolia, and who do wonder what to make of Modern African Mindsets in all. In all again, this does speak of Africans in all, and as being influenced to behave, and in manners that do speak of Neo-Colonialism that is [and as with speak even of a culture and of general disrespect, and as with regards to ones African past, history and even heritage too that is]. In all ways even, modern African Mindsets in all, have come to be shaped in all again, and and by the attempt in all, to connect to ones African past, history and even heritage too, and in a more or less Modern Setting that is [and as with speaking even of attempting to be African in all, and while holding a position and at a modern firm too that is].

In helping one deal with Modern African Mindsets, and as based around a general disrespect of ones African past, history and even heritage too, is to speak of many Africans in all, and as very much Solo in their ways, and as with not wanting to trust anyone that is.

When Africa in all, is perceived as stated above, one then does find that, what does constitute in all too even, and for a major part of their Religious African Identity in all, does actually speak of Healings that is. That for many in Africa today, a fear perhaps of facing life as it is, and as with speak even of what some do term Inner Strength actually, and as with regards even, to holding strong in all that is, and in a World today too, and that might attempt to disconnect one fully, and from ones African past, history and even heritage, and leaving one in all again, experiencing Despair or Sadness too, and on experiencing any defacing moment that is.

In all ways even, African Healing practises, having become of vital importance in all, and for those in Africa today, and who do wish to succeed in an Africa today, very much lacking an African Consciousness that is. For those in Anatolia though, when they do think of themselves as such (as mentioned in all above that is), then let them think in all ways even, and of Ochoosi that is [and as with Ochoosi even, helping those in Anatolia in all, think of Death and from a basic perspective too, and as with speak even of having lived a life rather civil in its ways that is] [and as with Ochoosi too, far more African in his ways and perhaps those in Nigeria might not know him to be, and as with he even Ancient Africa too perhaps].
