Saturday 8 December 2012



While most of many a Society today, is heavily grounded in the field of Economics, and when it does come to everyday survival and operations too, this is not true of Anatolia, which instead, can be said to be heavily grounded, and in the field of Psychiatry, and when it does come to general livelihood in all that is {meaning in all again, far less talk on ones Savings Banking Account, and far much more even, talk that is, and on Fate, and other such Psychiatrical topics too that is}.

Friday 23 November 2012

Thursday 27 September 2012

the Energy Matrix

the Energy Matrix.

Correspondence & Anatolia:

Most out there, have heard of the so termed Energy Matrix. In many a way truly, it does perhaps best refer, and to the feeding of Energy in all, and to a certain point or place too, and in many a way too, expecting a form of Feedback in all again, and in the form perhaps, and of Stability, or even Positivity in itself too that is. In many a way, talk of the Energy Matrix in all, does in many a way even, truly speak of African Philosophy 101, and not Asian Philosophy truly either {and as many too, are prone to falsely believe that is} {and with Asian Philosophy in many a way, obsessed with Consciousness issues too that is}.

In all ways truly even, the Energy Matrix in many a way, is just how things get done within Africa, and as with regards truly even, and to the knowing, understanding or comprehending of things that is {that while in most other places around the World, the knowing, understanding or comprehending of things, is highly based around Resources and Values & Belief Systems too, in Africa in many a way, it all does speak of the Energy Matrix in all that is}. In many a way too, a rather fine way of understanding the Energy Matrix, and within Africa too, and for Anatolia that is, very much has to do, and with what they do term Legal Correspondence in all {and with this in many a way too, referring to Legal Writings in all, and in the form of a Letter, Note, Missive, Circular, Disptach, Bulletin or even a Post Card too that is}, and as with all this too, not only written in Cockney English or even East African English in all, but in all ways truly even, it referring in all again, and to the feeding of Energy, and to certain places or points too, and expecting in all again, a certain kind of Feedback too that is {but with the subtleties of all this, having to do, and with East African English in itself, and as with it even, the kind or type of English in all, that is rather useful in all again, and when one does for instance, think of feeding Energy to one point or place, and then expecting, a certain particular or specific even, form of Feedback too that is (the kind of English in all again, one can truly use, to make a heartfelt plea that is)}.

In all, for those in Anatolia too, and who do want to get things moving as soon as possible, then it truly in all again, is the Energy matrix, and as described above too, and in the form of Legal Correspondence that is, that one does want to truly turn too, and as with furtherly reminding one that, it should all be written in clear and concise East African English, or Cockney English too that is {and as with they both even, a form of Arab/African English in all, well acquainted, and with Energy Matrix issues too that is}.

Friday 14 September 2012

Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison.

Global Identities and Anatolia:

What they do refer to as Globalism, does in many a way even, truly differ and from Internationalism or even Worldliness too actually. For while Internationalism in all, very much has to do with Group Identities (and as with speak too even, of someone in all again, and as identifying as Yemeni, or even as coming from Dar-es-salaam too actually), Worldliness on the otherhand, very much has to do with Materiality in all, and speak too even, of its place of origins that is. Globalism on the otherhand, in many a way even, does actually deal, and with Individual Success actually {and not only of Individuals in themselves, but also, as with regards to Multi-Nationals or Corporations in themselves actually}.

In many a way even, those said to be of African descent in all (and as with referring even to Black Africans in particular), may have noticed that, African Global Identities in all again, appear in all, to very much have been hijacked, and by those of Black Asian origins too actually. That in all, alot of famous or popular Black skinned peoples out there, and believed of African descent in all, are actually of Black Asian origins in all truly even.

In many a way though, is to tell those in Anatolia in itself that, Global Identities in all, and in Anatolia too, are best sought out via Webnet actually, and not by attempting to create racial harmony in all, and with Black Asian groups too that is {and as with telling many a person in Anatolia that, the very works of Toni Morrison in all, and such as 'Song of Solomon', 'Jazz', 'Tar Baby', 'Paradise', 'Sula' or even 'Beloved' too actually, doe speak of the Black Asian experience in all, and in Africa (and as including Apartheid in South Africa too), in South America (Guyana to be exact), the Caribbean, and finally even, North America too actually} {and as with Toni Morrison too, of South African origins actually} {and all this too said, and as compared to viewing Black Asians in all, and as based around many a Magazine or Television Show even, and as put out in all, and by the Black Asian Community/'World' too that is}.

In all, the attempt to free those in Anatolia, and from a Legacy too, often spread maliciously by Black Asian groups in all, and that does attempt, to create racial discord in all, and with other peoples in all again, said not to be too friendly in all, and to Black Asian groups that is {and as with attempting to tell those in Anatolia that, it is actually best to seek out Global Identities in all, and via the Internet/Webnet in itself too, and as compared even, to other forms of Global Media perhaps, and as with speak too even, of Magazines or Television too, and as with one in all again, not able to control their Image in all, and risking in all again, very much becoming a slave, and to the whims and demands even, of Global Media in itself actually} {and as with further speak even, and of an insult in all, and about one perhaps, or even ones family and friends, and as put out too, and by Global Media in all again, and in the form of a Magazine too perhaps)}.

Social Cohesion

Social Cohesion.

When we do speak of Social Cohesion, we are in many a way even, referring in all, and to what in all again, could be the most Outrageous of things even, and to happen to one that is. In many a way though, one does find that Social Cohesion and on a Worldwide scale too that is, is today in many a way, often presented as occurring in all, and in a manner similar in all, and to a United Colours of Benetton Ad too perhaps.

In all though, is to tell those in Anatolia that, when they do think of Social Cohesion and the Outrageous too perhaps, and as with life in Anatolia in itself, and outside Dar, Nairo or even Kamp-o too, more or less low key in its ways actually, then in all again, is to recommend the above work, eclectic in its ways too, 'The Great Fairy Tale Tradition' that is, and as a rather good way even, to develop Social Cohesion in all, and in Community oriented Anatolia too, and as with this referring even, to Neighbours generally getting together, or even talking with a friend and on just how to open up a Business too perhaps (and as with truly putting ones Faith into it all that is), or even simply again, making life and on a Friday Night too, and faraway even, and from Dar, Nairo, Kamp-o or even Webnet too actually, rather interesting for all that is {and as with reminding one that, it is Tabora and in Tanzania too, that is truly in all ways even, Anatolian in Heart and Spirit too that is}.

'Ali Baba'

Monday 3 September 2012

The Photo Studio

The Photo Studio.

Kenya, TZ & UG:

There was a time, and in East Africa too (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda), when Photo Studios, were prevalent all over, and in many a way too, their decline in all again, very well heralded, the decline in all too even, and of lifestyles too, once associated in all, and with Pre-Colonial Kenya too that is {this speaking in all again, and of life in Kenya in all, and in a movie and such as White Mischief (1987) too, and by Michael Radford too that is} {but with this in all again truly even, referring to the very world of Lonrho Africa/Kenya too, but also Savile Row Suits too actually}.

To speak of the terms Kenya, TZ and UG in all again, is to in all again perhaps, actually refer, and to what they do call Country {and as with Country even, primarily in all again, referring to the Knowledge Access points/terminals in all, available to one, and in any given place too that is}. That in all, South Africa, does stand apart and from other African Countries too, in that, Country in South Africa, is largely Institutionalized actually, while in the rest of Africa and as including Nigeria too, Country in all, is largely in the form, and of Media too actually {In all again, Media driven Knowledge Access points in all, and unpredictable in their ways too actually (and as with changing Office Spaces too), and as with Country even, and in most of Africa too, traditionally defined, and by Television Broadcasting, Radio Broadcasts and even Newspapers & Gazettes too that is}.

In all, the Country, has failed to take off truly even, and fully develop in Africa too, and as with most of those who do actually use it perhaps, best defined as Peoples in all (or Workers even), or even the very fact that, traditional Africans in all, have always viewed the places they do live in, and from the Land too {and as with this referring even, and to the Terrain that is, and the difficulties, technical too, and that do arise in all, and from attempting to work, and with African Terrain/Geography too that is}.

In all though, those in Anatolia {'Arab East Africa'}, or even East Africa in itself too, may very well be truly unaware of, and of a rather great even, way or method too, and of defining Country in the region that is: the Photo Studio. That in all again, Country in East Africa in all, can truly be said to be largely based around Housing & Shelter, Foods, and Clothing in itself too {and not Security truly either}. In all, what is been truly said here is that, the Country, and in East Africa too, has come to be poorly defined in all again, and by lackluster even, Media outlets in all too even, and as with Government too, appearing in all again, to be truly in agreement even, and of using Media outlets in all, and in serving the masses too that is {and as with speak too even, and of the rising popularity, and in using E-Tickets, and on Kenya Airways too for instance}. In all, Ethical practises, the using of Media outlets, somewhat commendable and as with efficiency too, but in all ways truly even, defining Country too, and in manner that could be somewhat unstable, and as with regards truly even, to making the Country, acceptable in all (or respectable too), and to an International audience that is {and as with the use of Media outlets, and in defining Country too, needing those culturally attuned to a place, and highly so even, and not a visitor in all again, and from a Neighbouring Country for instance}.

In all, with Country here in all again, referred to as just where in all, one can access Knowledge perhaps, and as having to do with Clothing, Food, Housing & Shelter even, or even truly again, Security in itself too, the very belief that, the Photo Studio in all, can truly help in coming, to truly define in all again, Country, and as seen in Anatolia that is, or East Africa too perhaps {and as with Anatolia too, and Legally that is, referring to those holding East African Passports in all, and not speak truly either, and of the East African Federation that is, or even truly again perhaps, the East African Community in all too really}. In all again, the Photo Studio, coming to define Country in East Africa or Anatolia too, and by presenting any Knowledge Access points/terminals (and even if of the Media outlet form too), and in a rather highly even, Photogenic manner, and such that, it could very well make it, and to the cover, and of a reputable magazine, and such as Vogue, or even Newsweek too perhaps {and as with this even, speaking of the very use of Photo Imaging technologies in all, and to in all again, help in improving, an Image, that could very well be said, to be of interest, and in helping define/'make real', Country too that is}.

In all truly even, the calling into being, 4 main things, to helping make all this rather real:

1. The Photo Studio.

2. The Local Tailor: And as with telling those in East Africa in general that, Local Tailors in all, are more attuned and to the specific clothing needs and of a Localized people too, but in all ways truly even, the Local Tailor, and as the main seller even, and of clothing or Dress in all too really, and as originating in all too even, and from International sources too that is.

3. The Local Distributor: And as speaking truly even, and of a Foods Distributor that is {and Foods even, and from all over the World too actually}.

4. The Local Real-Estate Agent: And as with they even, not dealing with Local Housing & Shelter actually (and which is best in all again, left to Community leaders that is), but in all ways truly even, with all other forms of Real-Estate in all, and which in all again, does not fall under Housing & Shelter that is {and as with this even, a rather great way in all and of moderating the rather wayward Real-Estate Market in East Africa in general too, and which does believe in all again, and in putting up a House, and on just about any place too, said to have flat land that is} {and without taking into consideration either, the Cultural demands in all, and of the Locals too that is}.

Finally in all again, the Photo Studio and Local Government and Community too perhaps, coming to deal with Security issues in all, and in an East Africa too, whose peoples in all again, are pretty much Nomadic in their ways actually (but somewhat so), and in many a way too, necessitating even, the very lack in all, and of a National Government in most ways even, and in an East Africa too, heavily operating even, and around the Community Model too that is {but with all this in all again, a problem in all, very much afflicting Eastern Africa in general too that is}.

Thursday 9 August 2012

The Virgin Mary

The Virgin Mary.

Conscious States & Anatolia:

Many a person in Anatolia, might not be very well acquainted, and with what they do term, Conscious States in all {or truly even, a general spiritual/religious awareness in all, and of oneself, others, and ones environments in all that is}. That in all, in many another place, Conscious States, are highly associated in all too even, and with not only Organized Religion in itself, but in all ways even, with Evolutionary History in itself too that is. In all ways even, rather than have many a person in Anatolia, fall to the Modern/Western error in all, and of associating Conscious States too, and with not only Political (Lobby) groups that is, or even Popular culture in itself too, is to in all ways even, recommend, not only Webnet in all, and as with it very much too based around Societal Conscious States in all, but in all ways truly even, the very worship too, and of the Virgin Mary that is {and as with she even, very much worshiped, and very much along the lines too, and of developing Conscious States in themselves too that is}.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

The Silk Road

The Silk Road.

Anatolia and World History:

When most in all, do think of History, they in all again, do center it around a certain said pivotal Historical occurrence that is. For instance, the History of many a Civilization, and as with speak too even, and of Ancient History that is, is often centered around Egyptian History in all, while the History of the World in itself, can be said to be derived and from Greek History too, and with the History of the Christian World, Christianity and Europe too, very much centered around Italian History actually.

For those in Anatolia in all again though, and alongside speak of Arab History too, is to in all ways even mention that, History in all, should very well be centered, and as based around, the History too, and of the Silk Road that is {and as with it even, referring to Arab presences in all, and in Central Asia too actually}.

Saturday 4 August 2012



While Catholicism in all, can very well be said to be basic conventional Religion, and in Anatolia too {and as with speak even, of the Advent that is}, it in all ways even though, is best truly engaged in, and from a History/Historical perspective too that is {and as with this even, speaking of the History of Catholicism, and as coming to influence Community, Traditions and Ritual even, and in Anatolia too, and in one way or another that is}.

Friday 3 August 2012


Sufferance and Anatolia.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Cultural Engagement

Cultural Engagement.

Decency/Order and Anatolia:

It is perhaps well known to those in East Africa that, Kenya in all, is a much more prosperous place, and than Uganda or Tanzania truly is. Many a modern Commentator in all, has been quick to state that the reason for this, is very much Colonial in nature, and as with Kenya even, believed falsely and in many a way too, to have received a much better Colonial Legacy in all, and at the very least, from the Cultural point of view that is. This is not exactly true, as in many ways, the true reason for Kenya gaining more prominence and than Uganda or Tanzania too, very much has to do, with how it does define Ancestral Identities. That in all, Uganda and Tanzania, do tend to take the African route, and of creating Ancestral Identities in all, and as highly even, based around African Rural areas that is, while those in Kenya, have more or less been threefold and in their creation that is. First off, you do have those who do create Ancestral Identities in all, and as based around African Rural areas that is, and as with they even, strongly identifying with African cultures, and modern Africa in itself too. There is however, a second group, that does base its Ancestral Identities in all, and as highly based around Victorian era Touristic spots, and as with even, portraying that, such Touristic spots in all, are whom they truly are, and when having no money to their Names, or even when having lots of it too. Third off, has been a third group, that has very much created Ancestral Identities, and not only Religious in nature, but in all ways truly even, associating the History of Kenya in all, and as arising with the Swahili Civilization in itself actually. As a result, Kenya in all, has not been trapped in the psychological malaise perhaps, that does trap other African Countries in all, and as with their believing even, no matter what they do become, or do or become too, they are always in one way or another, Rural Africa in all too really {and as with even saying that, Kenya as a contradictory place in all, has those who do create Ancestral Identities and as based around Rural areas too, very much classified and as Third World that is (and as compared even, to the other two ways of creating Ancestral Identities in all, and which are in many a way even, Second World perhaps, and in their ways that is)}.

For those in Anatolia, or 'Arab East Africa' that is, is to in all ways even, proclaim that the creation of Ancestral Identities in all, and as with very much feeling at Home in East Africa too, should in many ways even, be based around Recreational cultures actually, and as very much associated, and with Lakes too that is. That in all, not only will this create a kind of Familial bond in all, and with not only East Africa in itself, but in all again, with many another person (or group even), and within Anatolia in itself too. In many ways too though, those in Anatolia ('Arab East Africa'), can very well see themselves and as similar somewhat, and to those in Central Asia too, or North America even, and as with many and in these two regions, having come to create Ancestral identities in all, and as based around the Lake actually.

In many a way too, it is also recommended that, those in Anatolia, do forego having strong or intimate relations even, and with North America or America in itself actually, and opt out instead, and for Central Asia too, and as with saying truly that, North America or America to be specific, is the kind of place in all, one can easily lose themselves in, and such that, one does truly in all again, forget whom they are, and as Anatolian too perhaps, and in many a way, one can simply become a wanderer, and as with regards even, and to Life in itself that is. In all, America, and as best perceived and via the Media in itself, and with Central Asia too, the place one truly wants to visit, and as with regards, to seeking out more, and socially too, and in Life that is {and outside Africa in all that is}.

In all ways though, Cultural Engagement, and in this very entry, does actually refer to, the very fact that, life in America, Central Asia, and Anatolia in itself, does actually differ, and from the rest of the World too, and in many a way three that is. That in all, in the rest of the World, Social Engagements in all again, are very much of the 'Introduction into Society' kind, and as with one even, very much only coming to know another a person, a stranger too, and via only being introduced to them, and through Society in itself actually {and which does in all include the Workplace too} {and all this said too, for those in Anatolia in all, and who do falsely believe Europe, to be very much like the movies, and when in reality, knowing a European, very much has to do, and with being introduced into Society in all, and as with the fine example too, and of the Workplace even, or even through one in all, becoming a University Student too that is}. This though, is not true of America, Central Asia and Anatolia too, where Social Engagements in all, do speak of walking in or up, and to a stranger too perhaps, and attempting in all again, to make conversation that is. In many a way though, this does call for a true understanding in all, and of what does constitute Decency in these places, America, Central Asia and Anatolia too, and as with even saying that, stringent Law Enforcement and in America or Central Asia too, does speak of a strong even, lack in Decency in itself, and as with many a person in modern America in all, not too scared perhaps, to pull an offensive stunt, and on even, a known stranger too that is. In many a way, Societies where Decency is the only regulating mechanism and into getting into the Society in itself, and as with America or Central Asia too, do differ from those, where First Impressions in all, are of utmost importance, and in getting introduced, and into Society in itself that is {and as with speak even, of 'Letters of Reference' in all, or even, Media prolific Social Images that is}.

In many a way, is to also in all conclude, and by speaking of the website, and as with saying that, it does carry with it, many a religious or spiritual work too, that many do believe in all, truly Sacred, and when in reality, they are works, having mainly to do, and with issues of Decency in itself actually. In all, is to ask those in Anatolia {'Arab East Africa}, to in many a way even, associate themselves, and with the section on the works on the Apocrypha (and as with they even appearing American too that is), and in all ways even, works in all, believed to possess the kind of Decency in all again, and as very much suited too, and for Anatolia in itself that is {and as with telling those in Anatolia, this problem of Decency, and as with regards to Cultural Engagement in all, is the biggest problem they truly will face, and as with telling one that, in America or Central Asia too, it does in all again, speak of a strong Law Enforcement presence in all, and the very problematic world too, and of Court trials, Jails, and even the levying of Fines in all, and as with regards to speak of Decency too that is} {and as with telling those in East Africa in all again, Kenya's Government Law Courts in all, were actually originally truly built for them, and not Kenyans in particular either, and who in all again, do tend to settle disputes, and via Religious systems/Courts that is}.

Sunday 29 July 2012

The Mainstream

The Mainstream and Anatolia.

Friday 27 July 2012

Sacred Law

of Sacred Law.


Of the Arab, and of African-Anatolia too.

Monday 23 July 2012

The Torah

The Torah.

The Saudi Arabian State:

The Saudi Arabian State, and very much too, the part of Saudi Arabia in all, and that is actually Arab too, does speak in all again, and of just whom in all, those in Anatolia truly are, and when they do seek to visit in all again, Saudi Arabia in itself actually {and as with the Saudi Arabian State in itself, formerly referred to as (and merely or simply too that is), and as 'Arabia' in all, and in the past too actually}.

In all, for those in Anatolia, is to also state that, the above version of the Torah (it being Reform Judaism) {and as with Reform Judaism too, very much Arab, and as with Bethlehem too actually, having been a formerly reknowed Arab City that is}, is in all recommended again, and to those in Anatolia too, and as with speak too even, and of just whom they are in all again, and while in Saudi Arabia too; {and that when Saudi Arabia in itself too actually, does actually think Anatolia, then they should in all again, think of the above version of the Torah, and as with it even, the Reform Judaism version too that is}.

Thursday 19 July 2012



Traditional Knowledge Systems:

For those living in Anatolia, there must be a way, to have them grounded, and to not only Africa in itself {or Eastern Africa to be more precise that is}, but in all ways truly even, grounded as such, and so that they can truly feel, like they do actually truly belong, and in East Africa at the very least too {this all meaning again that, their not fearing in all, of getting up to some mischief perhaps, or even truly again, their not fearing of getting caught up and in a situation or three even, and as with their fearing the repercussions even, and of getting into trouble in general too that is}.

In many a way though, this being grounded and onto Africa in itself {or Eastern Africa to be precise even}, does in many ways truly even, refer to the very world of Ethnography in all actually. However, developing an Indigenous in all, Ethnographic Body of Knowledge, is not the easiest thing to do actually {and as with this even perhaps, referring to the attaining even, and of an Oracle or Oracular Knowledge Systems in all, that do in all again work work and rather well too, and when it does come, to just about any Situational Analysis that is, and as can be experienced in all, and in Anatolia in itself for example}. In many a way though, and as with this said with some difficulty even, when those in Anatolia do think Traditional Knowledge Systems (and as with Folklore even), it is best in all again, to generally think the Cheetah. That the Cheetah, is whom they truly are, and as with this referring even, and to general perceptions, and of what does entail Courage or Discipline in itself actually. However though, to go farther and actually prescribe a Body of Knowledge, that one could very well not only call Ethnographic actually, but in all ways truly even, truly suited for Anatolia in itself, is to speak in all again, and of the kind of IFA too, and as practised by Chief Fama that is {it being a Body of Knowledge in all again, that actually does appear, more Eastern African in nature, and not truly Western/Central African in nature too that is, but in all ways truly even, IFA, and as with it carrying or embodying even, the kind of Spirit in all, that one could very well associate, and with the Cheetah for example (and as an Animal Spirit too that is)}.

In all ways though, and for those living in Anatolia, if there is only one Body of Knowledge you should subscribe too, and to living Independently that is, but rather Individually too actually, it is then best for one, to master the kind of IFA in all again, and as practised by Chief Fama too, and as with it even, Traditional Knowledge Systems, Oracular too, that can be readily even, truly applied to work, and not only in Anatolia {'Arab East Africa'}, but also Eastern Africa in itself too that is.

Monday 2 July 2012

Community Perspectives.

Community Perspectives.

For those in Anatolia in itself {and not too interested in Anatolian Nairobi or Anatolian Kampala too}, is to in all again state that, with Anatolia in all, highly driven by Community/Communal ideologies in all again, to speak of Communal/Community independence, is to in all again too, speak of how its members in all, do perceive History in itself actually {that while Anatolia in all (and as with mysticism too), does move along the lines of Arab History, this is truly in all again based on, its Historians perhaps, observing/recording History in all again, and as based even, on the study of a Community or two in all, and in Anatolia in itself too that is}. That in all, Arabs perhaps, put out the ideas on how to develop Anatolia, those in it, choose them in all again, but also truly seek to develop them in all, and along lines too, they do believe in all again, is beneficial to them and as Individuals too that is.

In all ways though {and as with stating that, a lack in all, and of this very proposal, will result in Communism for instance}, is to recommend in all again that, those in Anatolia in itself, and seeking too, to develop a historical based Individualism, to in all again truly then, seek out American Folk/Military music, and as with listening to it too, to in all again serve perhaps, and as a point of circumtrospect too, and as with regards, to judging anything Historical in all, and from a rather Individual perspective too that is {as with this even, speaking in all again of, judging things in general, and from a Southerner/Northerner American perspective too that is}.

Yankee Doodle:

Saturday 30 June 2012

UK/European programming

UK/European sedentary programming.

Sedentary lifestyles

Sedentary lifestyles.

The Pavillion:

What they do call the Sedentary, in many ways truly even, does refer to life in itself, and when it does hit, what they do call 'rock bottom' {that in all again, this in all ways even speaking of life in itself, and as truly filled with Ennui (or Boredom to the max too that is)}. In many ways though, to speak of the Sedentary, is to in many ways even, speak of when life in all, can very well be acquainted, and with Death in itself too {and speak too even, of life-death cycles in all that is}.

In some ways and as with attempting to tell many a person out there and who might make a fatal mistake that is, the Sedentary (life at its lowest too perhaps), is a highly defining factor in all, of the History in all again, and of the United States of America too {this meaning that, many a person, do rush to America in all, believing life rather welcome and rosy even, without knowing that, America of all the places in the World perhaps, does actually in all, suffer from issues pertaining to the Sedentary, and probably more than most other places too that is} {and despite it all even, being rather materially (wealth) filled that is}.

In all ways though, is to also speak of those one could call East Africans in general. That in all, East Africa as a place in all, does perhaps suffer less somewhat, and from the Sedentary too, than many another place out there {and as with those in East Africa too perhaps, somewhat knowledgeable in all and for no good reason either, and on just how to deal with the Sedentary that is}.

In all ways though {and as with perhaps claiming that all this, could very well be an Industry of its own}, is to provide for a basic Sedentary existence, and for those in Anatolia too {'Arab East Africa' that is} {and as with furtherly stating that, many a gender relationship today, does seem to have its roots, and in the Sedentary too that is (and as compared in all, to past times and where in all again, gender relationships in all, were actually based on Culture in itself, or even Philosophical thought too actually), and as with furtherly even saying that, these Sedentary based gender relationships in all, are pathetic in the sense that, they all have to do, with fighting Ennui/Boredom that is, and all other kinds of problems too, that do emanate in all, and from all this too that is (and as with furtherly even saying that, Ennui/Boredom in all, is something actually best fought and in a rather individual manner too actually)}.

In many ways too, the Sedentary, and as a rather good way even, of studying the History of America in itself {and from the perspective of Community too perhaps}, and as with this speaking in all, of the very rise and fall, and of America in general (and as with Economics too), and due to the rise and spread in all again perhaps, of the Sedentary {and as with this perhaps too in all, best dealt with from a Philosophical perspective too, and as with traditional Americans in all again, best voicing their Voices in all, and on issues too, pertaining to Death in itself, what it truly means even, and in all too really perhaps, equating life too, and with the very escape even, and from Ennui/Boredom too that is}.

For those in Anatolia though is to present a basic concept even, and from which, basic life existences in Anatolia in all, can very well operate from: the Pavillion. The Pavillion, speaking in many ways too, of a big room perhaps (hall like even), and whereby is to be found, not only comfortable seating (and as with low level sofa sets too even), tables of all sorts, a Television too (and showing UK/European sedentary programming), a Kitchen selling/serving some delicacies, and finally in all again, a rather long even Bookshelf perhaps, and housing in all again, what they do call 'Reading material' that is (and as with this even, speaking of a German Design magazine for instance)} {Hopefully too, the room in itself housing many a window that is, and many a door too perhaps}.

In all ways though is to ask those in Anatolia, to come up with similar concepts in all again, and as with saying that, all this can possibly be made real, and via the help of a Cultural Institute/Center or three even. In all ways too, the asking of Anatolians to come up with similar concepts in all ways even, is asking them in all again, to think of it all, and as an Industry too perhaps {that unknown to most, whenever a place does stay in the Sedentary for too long, it might very well in all again actually die off, and never in all be revitalized perhaps, and even as with regards to what it once was that is}.

Arusha Cultural Heritage Center:

Tuesday 26 June 2012


of Kampala.
Kampala, is one of the more unknown but truly spoken about, places within Africa. What makes Kampala to be of interest to some though is that, it is a kind of charming place that is (and as with this even, referring in all, and to the general moods and spirits of the place that is). However though, Kampala in all again, is kind of a useless place. It is useless in that, nothing does truly go on in Kampala, other than people moving around and attempting in all again, to truly see or discover even, something truly happening in all, and just to find themselves out of luck, and of their having missed out even, and on something happening too perhaps (supposedly), or even truly again, finding absolutely nothing, going on. At the end of it all, those who do seek to move around Kampala as such, eventually do find themselves going home, and not feeling to good about themselves {and in all ways even, making Kamapala in itself, a more useless place, and than it was before, the previous day in all that is}. Kampala could be charming, and if at the very least too, and as with Africa even, Kampala could at the very least in all, get a grasp of a basic psychology in all again, they could very well adhere too, or even in all again, if they could at the very least, make the rather famed characters (and not personalities either), and of Barbara Kimenyes works, a reality that is. To get Kampala at the very least working though, is to mention in all that, there is a basic psychology, they could very well adhere to. This basic psychology in all ways even, could very well be summarized along the lines of the following maxim: "Today is the day, that I am going to die'. For in all, it is in Kampala or Uganda even, where death is always around the corner (and as Barbara Kimenye herself, might have mentioned), and in all ways even, one of the goals of life in itself, and in Kampala too, is to accept this probability: that no matter how good a person one is, or wealthy too even, today, this very day that is, could very well be in all ways even, the very day, one could die. In many ways truly, this does speak of (and as with a Consciousness shift even), of the probability of Kampala, being one of the much more interesting places out there, and as with truly even, defining Death, and along the lines too, of seeing something great in all, and that which too, does make one die to themselves that is {that in all, the probability of it all happening, was never truly acknowledged before, or even imagined that is}. In all ways though, is to speak of a facet of life in Kampala, that makes the place, rather useless. It does in all again, speak of just how general society, does organize itself. That in all ways, and as with regards to communications in themselves, Kampala in all, heavily revolves around communication webs, and not communication systems either, or networks too, or even meshes that is. To speak of communication webs, is to speak even, of a probable, gossip-ridden society {and that in all ways even, this does speak in all of, looking out for that one person or three, whom in all again does seem rather knowledgeable, and as with regards even, to whats going anywhere, and in the hopes too, of learning something new or three, and in the hopes too in all again, of bettering ones fortunes that is} {and fortunes too, as with they even speaking about, finding a suitcase full of money, and totally having ones life transformed that is}. In all ways though, to speak of Anatolian Kampala, is to in all again, attempt to define its society in all, and from the perspective too, of communication systems. Something in all again, not too easy to see, but can best perhaps, be associated it in all again, and with the very world too, of Kelloggs Marketing {and speak too even, of the Kellogg School of Management in New York}. To understand this much better, is to not only associate Fortune(s), communication systems, and even the seeking out of death in itself (and as with those in Kampala perhaps, capable of being the bravest of us all), with not only the so called Fortune magazine, but in all ways even, a life heavily based around, what they do call 'Material Possessions' {that in all, owning what they do call 'Material Possessions', and such as a VCR player for instance, will bring certain forms of drama, and into ones life too (and as with the probability even, of catching ones child in all, watching pornographic material for instance)}. To give those in Kampala, Anatolian Kampala three, a better perspective of all this, is to not only give them some fine examples of 'Material Possesions' {and such as owning some Beanie Babies, a colonial styles Landrover, or even, now claiming, the former flag of South Africa, to be the new unofficial flag of Kampala even} {and as with letting fly too, freely, and in ones homes that is}, but in all ways truly even, an attempt to give Kampala as a whole, a new History in all (and as with re-directing ones attention and while in Kampala too, to things most never do notice), and away in all again, from comparisons to Nairobi, or even truly again, associating it all, with Idi Amin, Ugandan Asians, or even again, with Universities in Kampala in itself that is. This new History in all, could very well be best associated in all again (and as with some said difficulty too) {but as based on my Arab perceptions in all}, with the very world, of Penguins Classics Deluxe Edition that is {and as with my saying that, the story telling in these altered Penguin works, could very well have been told, in Kampala} {for absolutely in all ways even, there is just no other way in all, to go about saving Kampala that is (other than saying, these works, are a form, of 'Material Possessions')}. Kamp-o : Anatolian Kampala

Universal Law

Universal Law.

When it does come to defining Human Potential in all, and in Anatolia too, it is best in all again, to think along the lines of Universal Law. Universal Law, often in many a way speaks of, 'An eye for an eye', or even truly again 'if a foe strikes you on one cheek, give/show him the other, so that he might strike it three'.

In all ways, for an Anatolia too, and rather decentralized even, and as with speak too perhaps, of Personal Ritual that is, is to in all again associate equality in all, and in Anatolia in itself too, and with Universal Law in itself that is.

Monday 25 June 2012


Webnet: the Anatolian Superhighway.

Most out there, have heard of the Internet; but so have the Arabs. To many though, a true understanding of the nature of the Internet and as it is today, is lost to them actually. To truly understand the former sentence, is to in all again view the Internet in all, and from the very perspectives too, of Education, Law and Health in all too even.

To speak of the Internet and from the perspective of Education in all, is to in all again even, speak of a consciousness problem, and that does plague Humanity in itself today that is {it being Atheism}. That in all, speaking of the Internet and from the perspective of Education, in all ways even does refer to viewing the Internet as a whole, and as with it even, very much similar in all, and to an Encyclopaedia Set too that is {but with the added addition, of being able to add a comment or two, and to it all actually}. The problem with the Internet and as such though (the Encyclopedia format), is that in all ways even, it has led the vast majority of Humanity, to always believe that Knowledge, is to be found out there actually, and in a written paper or two perhaps, and as compared even, to viewing the generation of Knowledge in itself, and as via imagination, and creative abilities too {and the very world too even, of believing in Gods, Spirits and Deities too, and as sources of Knowledge in themselves that is}.

You do then too, have a way of viewing/perceiving in all, the Internet, and from the perspective of Law too that is. This in all ways even, does speak of viewing the Internet in all, and not from the Knowledge contained in it specifically, but in many ways truly even, from speak in all, of Web design that is {and as with Law here, perceived in all ways even, and from the perspective of Music too actually, and preferably even, Classical Music that is} {and as with all this too even, speaking in all again, and of designing Websites, and with Multimedia applications and such as Flash Media for instance, and all this too, guided in all again, and by though patterns in all, and as originating, in Classical Music too for instance} {and as with all this even again, speaking of interpolating Knowledge in itself, and from Web design, Flash Media and Classical Music to boot too that is}.

There is a third way though, of attempting in all again, to view the Internet in itself. This in all ways even, speaks of viewing Knowledge on the Internet, and as highly based around the fields of Kinesiology, Sports Medicine and Physiology in itself {and as with saying truly that, viewing a Human being in general, and as a Knowledge searching being too, and as with the three forementioned fields in all, does call in all again, for new ways in all, and of not only seeking out Knowledge in itself, but even truly again, just what kind of Knowledge, is to be sought out} {that those in all again, who do view the Internet and from Education/Encyclopedias in all, do view themselves, as highly Memory driven beings, while those who do view the Internet in all, and from Law/Music too perhaps, do view themselves in all, and as rather Conscious beings that is}. Those though, who could be said, to view the Internet and from Health (Kinesiology, Sports Medicine and Physiology), can be said in all again, to view themselves and as highly, Intellectual/Sensual beings that is {and as with wondering even, just how to pace oneself perhaps, and while working on a project for instance (and as with speak too even of comfort levels that is), or even truly again, what kind of chair perhaps, to sit on, and while doing just about anything (and whether at the office too, or at the club even, and when trying in all again, to seduce someone too perhaps)}.

In all ways even, the attempt to view the Internet as such, is what has led 'the Arab World' in all, to hopefully in all again, truly try to make Webnet: the Anatolian Superhighway, a reality, and as with attempting in all again, to provide the basic foundational Knowledge, and in Kinesiology, Sports Medicine and Physiology too, and as with saying truly that, the Internet and as perceived in the form of Health, and as just described above too, is in many ways truly even, duly suited, and for Anatolia (and Africa too) in themselves {and in all ways truly even}.

Webnet: the Anatolian Superhighway

'the Arab'

Sunday 24 June 2012

Anatolian Society

Anatolian Society.

Property Development and Anatolia:

To speak of Anatolia in its most basic sense, is to in all again, speak of those who do believe in being Anatolian too (and as with this Blog even), and in all ways truly even, attempting to design homes/lifestyles for them, and as with Property Development too that is.

To speak of Anatolian Society, is to in all again truly speak even of what they do actually call Well-being. That in all again, Society in its most basic existence, has to do, with the catering, and of the Well-being too, and of those who are members to it that is.

To speak of Property Development and Anatolia, is to first off in all again, approach it, and from the perspective even, of Community that is. That in all, speak of Anatolian Society in itself, and Well-being too, truly does in all again refer to just how well developed and functioning in all, a Community truly is.

To furtherly refer to this, is to in all again associate Community in Anatolia, and Well-being too, and Anatolian Society in itself, and with what Freud in all again, did term 'the Id'. That in all too really, there does exist fundamental even, differences, and within life in Kenya for instance, and as compared to Uganda or Tanzania too, and as based around, what Freud did call 'the Id' that is. That in Kenya, issues of 'the Id' (and as with an attempt to shortly summarize Freud even), are in many ways truly even, dealt with in all again, and as based around living lives in themselves, and as highly targeted towards Transcendence, Enlightenment or Realization in themselves actually {and as with this even, referring to many a Kenyan Institution, Private or Public too, and in many a way too that is} {and as with Tanzania and Uganda too on the otherhand, not having societies in all again, well functioning around 'the Id', and as with their societies in many ways even, merely lawful that is}.

To speak of Anatolia, Community, Well-being and 'the Id' too, is to in all again, associate Anatolian Society in itself, and with 'the Id' and Well-being too, and as defined as follows: the Aura, Ashe (Brazilian Yoruba), Kundalini and in all too even, the Life force too that is. That in all, speak of the Aura, does in all ways truly even, and as with speak of Well-being too, speak in all, of remaining as Upbeat as possible (and as one possibly can too), and at all times too actually. Ashe on the otherhand, does refer in all again, to having the best and smoothest in all, of relationships that is. To speak of Kundalini on the otherhand, is to in all again say that, the most important asset/intelligence, and to be associated with being Anatolian in all, is the ability in all again, to realize things as fast as possible that is {and as compared even, to generally having a calculative mind in all that is}. The 'Life force' on the otherhand, does refer to just how physically fit in all, and psychosomatically healthy too, one truly is {and as with even perhaps, the ability in all again, to engage in a half-marathon that is}.

In all ways though, having defined Anatolian Society and as with 'the Id' too above, and speak in all again, of it all centered around Well-being and Community too, is to in all ways even, add to it all some more important components, and of general Anatolian life too: Personal Ritual and Traditions. To add more and onto all this even, is to speak in all again, of all the above mentioned, and as consisting, of Property in itself (and as with a Gated Community too perhaps), and associate it all too even, and with not only the Anatolian Economic Reform (see similarly titled entry), but also, with what was covered, and under the Parastatals entry too that is.

To sum up all this is to say that, for those in Anatolia in all, and thinking of getting started and as fast as possible too, when it does come to designing Properties in all again (and as with the Real-Estate too that is), then the above, should be taken into heavy consideration in all, and as with everyone in all again, knowing the above, the key in all again, to competition in itself, but in all ways truly even, speaking in all again, of attempting to uniquely define oneself that is (and as with regards to Security in itself too that is).

The Neophyte

The Neophyte.

To speak of the Neophyte, is to in all ways even, speak of someone (and a beginner too), and who in all again, is just not too afraid, to try out something new.

In todays East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania), one does find that what they often do term an Economic Stagnation, and as in truly saying that, unlike the beliefs of the IMF or even the World Bank perhaps, that the Economies in all again, and of these three countries, and at a basic level too, are actually mismanaged in all, one does find in all too though that, they are instead, misdirected in all ways truly even.

To speak of this much clearer, is to speak in all again of Occupations, Professions and Technical Careers too. That in all, one does find that Kenya's Economy and at a basic level too, is highly centered around Professions, while that of Uganda, is highly centered/concentrated around Technical Careers, and with that of Tanzania in all again, having a not too strong Economy too, and as based around Occupations that is.


Technical Careers:


In all ways though, one does find that a better way in all, and of organizing/re-organizing/re-structuring East Africa's fledgling Economies (and at the basic level too), does have Tanzania, focusing on Professions, Uganda on Occupations, and Kenya on Technical Careers too {and as with this not only allowing for cross-border employment in all again, but in all ways truly even is to say that, when one does think Technical Careers in all, it is best in all again, to think of Equipment needed actually} {and as with furtherly saying that, Kenya Airways for instance, and now as an International Carrier truly even, does require certain technical expertise (and as with speak too even of local content/production that is), and as compared in all again, to Air Canada for instance (and as with all this furtherly even, speaking of Airline based foods for instance)}.

Saturday 23 June 2012

El-Shadat: Towards a New Politic for Africa

El-Shadat: Towards a New Politic for Africa.

African Anatolia and African Politics:

Alot has happened in the World, and since the American Civil War in all did take place actually. What though, has resulted in all again and from all this happening, is not something, to be too proud about actually. From tales of rather violent crime, to even massacres in general, or even truly again, mass starvation of human populations, and due in all again, to a general change, in Human Conscience/Consciousness, and amongst most of Humanity too in general {and since the American Civil War too that is}.

To understand this much better, is to in all again say that, since the American Civil War in all, a new form of Politics in all again {and one too, which in all ways even, one could very well in all again, refer to as UN Politics that is}, has come into place, and as with it even, highly based around Accessing Knowledge in all too really {and speak too even, of the so termed Knowledge Divide to be seen in the World today that is}. In many ways truly, a rather interesting problem in all again, and as in saying that, the problems that have arisen in all, and since the American Civil War too, appear in all again, to require wholly new solutions to them {and those too, that appear in all to even, to not be too easy to interpolate in all, and directly too that is, and from past Knowledge Systems in all again that is} {In many ways truly even, all this speaking about, Human change, and as with regards truly even, to Conscience/Consciousness issues in all too really}. That in all, alot of Humanity today perhaps, cannot seem to truly connect to the past, and due to their having in all again, their very basic natures even, altered, and from a Conscience/Consciousness perspective too, and such that, past Knowledge Systems in all, appear to very much be undecipherable, and to alot of Humanity seen out there too {and due in all again perhaps, to a genuine fall, and in Conscience/Consciousness states in all, and as seen amongst a huge percentage even, and of Humanity today too that is}.

In all again perhaps, a true scramble for Knowledge in itself, and even worse is that, even when provided to the masses in all again {and as with Knowledge too perhaps, deemed rather new even, and as with speak of the current Humanity based problems to be seen in the World today}, many a person out there, appears in all again, to not truly understand, these news forms of Knowledge provided {and as with a Modern Education too that is} {that in all, not only has a fall in Conscience/Consciousness in alot of Humanity to be seen today, rendered them rather useless in all, and in truly understanding or knowing, Traditional Knowledge Systems that is, and from the past too (and as with they religious even), but that in all again, this fall in Conscience/Consciousness, has resulted in all too really, in a fall in general enthusiasm in all, and as with regards even, to attempting to actually deal with the problems faced in life today that is (and as with not only notions of historical inferiority in all again, but also truly even, historical relevance in all perhaps; and as with not seeing in all again too, how the present in all, does actually mesh in all too really, and with the past too that is)}.

The end result of all the above, has been the very birth in all too even, and of the UN too, and its attempts in all again perhaps, to create a new Humanity in all too even, and one too, stripped off all notions or forms even, and of religion in itself too, and as with attempting in all again, to have Humanity all over the World, identify in all too really, and with History perhaps, and as it as happened in all again, and since the American Civil War too that is. In all again perhaps, that all of Humanity is equal {and despite the name of the UN being the United Nations, and not United Countries (UC) perhaps}, and that, there is a right in all again, to met out violence in one form or another (and as with the Political Correct even), and towards those too, who do not believe in this new vision for Humanity (all as ONE), and as put out by the UN too that is {and as with truly saying in all again that, this new form of Humanity, does not take into account, religion in itself, and as with religion in itself even, believed an enemy, and of the Modern/Western/UN State that is}.

The Pre-Modern World:

To speak of a new Politic for Africa, is to in all again speak in all too really, of viewing Africa {and as with Culture and History too}, and from a rather new light in all that is. The very belief too, that Africa has never truly had a History in all again, will be attemptedly too, laid to rest in this section and as with saying truly that, Humanity in past times/ages, did live, and evolve too, very much out of this World {and as with saying furtherly that, the attempt to put aside Religion as whole in all, has led many a person out there to truly view themselves in all again, and as not only as Political entities that is, but without a full grasp too in all again, and of just whom in all too really, they are as psychological/sociological/evolutionary beings that is}.

To understand this much better, is to lay the roots of Politics perhaps, and as seen in the past too, on three things: Rights, Ownership and Borders. That in all, and unlike today too that is, Rights, Ownership and Borders, were truly well defined even, and as with furtherly saying that, a general fall in Human Conscience/Consciousness in all, and since the American Civil War too, has resulted in all again, and in new attempts too, to redefine in all too even, Rights, Ownership and Borders too, and as with the attempt even, to deal with the problems, that alot of Humanity today in all, does face in all too really.

You do have places though, and such as America for instance, where societies in all again, and which did have Rights, Ownership and Borders well defined, then did in all too really, have each of these categories of life/Politics in all again, defined in all too really, and by Freedoms, Liberty and Civil Liberties too actually {and as with truly even saying that, speak of a downfall in American quality of life, does in all again speak of, a downfall in the defining of Rights, Ownership and Borders for all and such that, one in all again, cannot truly speak of American life, and from the perspective of Freedoms, Liberty and Civil Liberties too, when a general framework and as pertaining to Rights, Ownership and Borders in all again, has not been put into place that is (and as with speak too even, of American Minority Rights that is)}.

They do in all again say that, Africa as a Continent, has no true History to it, but in all ways truly even, one does find that, Africans in all again, and while lacking in Materiality too that is, did in all again perhaps, have societies in all too really, truly even, well defined and around issues too, and of Rights, Ownership and Borders that is {and as with saying truly that, traditional African Materiality, has always been centered around African carvings actually, and that in all again too, one must differentiate between Black groups from Asia, bringing in Asian cultures into Africa, and as with saying truly even that, Mud Huts in Africa, are of these Black Asian groups and in origins too, and as with true Africans in all again truly even, having mastered how to build stone houses in all, and as with the case of Timbuktu perhaps, Nubia, or even old Zimbabwe too for instance} {and as with saying in all again that, Africa and as with speech patterns too, has genuine Africans in all, not only displaying African Designs in their Architectures, but also very much too, speaking in an African manner (and as with the case perhaps, of Koffi Annan for instance), while on the otherhand, you do have Black Asian groups and in Africa too, who do have architecture that is of Asian Designs in all, and as with they truly even, speaking English too (and as with speech patterns that is), and in a similar manner, to Asians too that is (and as with the case even, of President Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya too for instance)}.

In all though again is to say that, Africans having defined Materiality and as based around Mask sculptures and carvings in all, and having many a society too, define Politics in all again, and from the perspective of Rights, Ownership and Borders too, then did get down to living/evolving, and as based around, their defining the previous three, and as based around even, the very forces of Conquest, Commerce, Christianity/religion and Civilization too {and as with a good credible source on this, being Thomas Pakenhams 'The Scramble for Africa'} {that Africa in all again, and as with Pakenham too, was very much in many a way even, a wealthy place of a kind actually}.

Today though, one does see a strong somewhat even {and as compared to Africa's past too}, regression in living standards in Africa, and as with alot of Africa today even, not having proper political frameworks in all, and in defining Rights, Ownership and Borders too, but with all this too, actually plaguing populations in all again, that are of Black Asian origins actually {that in all, there does exist a Wealthy Class in alot of Africa too, and that in all again, North Africa is more sedentarily stable, and as compared to so called Black Africa, as North Africa's population in all, is truly in all again actually African, and as with it having no Black Asian admixture to it all that is}.

Europe, and as a distant world in many ways, has not only had a marvelous historical in all, definition of Rights, Ownership and Borders too, and as with speak too even, of European Literature and such as Dickens for example, but in all ways truly even, and as with France perhaps, did attempt to define each of these three, and as based around Love, Culture and Divinity/Symbolism in all {and as with saying truly even that, the famed King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, were in all again, truly defined by Divinity/Symbolism, and as based around issues pertaining to Ownership in all that is} {and as with European Wealth in many a way too, and as with Symbolism too perhaps, highly defined in all too even, and as based around one appearing very much, as Divine as possible, and to outsiders too that is}.

In all ways though, to speak of Rights, Ownership and Borders in all again, is to in all again too, actually speak of Community, Ritual and Traditions, and as with all these three, and individually even, being at the very core too, of Rights, Ownership and Borders too and respectively.

To speak though of a new Politic and for Africa too, is to in all again even, attempt to take on the AU (African Union), and as with saying truly that, the AU's approach to dealing with conflict in itself and within Africa too, has to do with Conflict resolution or even truly, engaging in warring/peacekeeping in itself, when in reality, Africa as a very much unstable continent {and as with regards, to just how events do occur in all}, very much in all again, requires that one in all too really, does attempt to immediately even, mitigate, just about any kind of problem, and that does arise that is {or in all ways even, face a total wipe-out and of a kind too actually}.

To help deal with all this, and from a Entrepreneurial perspective too even, is to perhaps best attempt to define in all too even, just how in all, does Anatolia in itself, fit within Africa that is. To speak of this in all again, is to not only define Anatolia and from Rights, Ownership and Borders too, but in all ways and respectively even, as with regards to Community, (Personal) Ritual and even Traditions in themselves too that is. That in all ways even, those in Anatolia, can perhaps in all ways even again perhaps, attempt to see themselves, and as with Politics too, highly defined in all again {and as with speak too even, of Rights, Ownership and Borders}, and by the Sacrilegious and the Sacred too that is {and as with the Sacrilegeous too, speaking in all again, of truly defining evil, and as seen within Africa too that is but with the Sacred on the otherhand, speaking in all again, and of seeing the true worth, and in just about anything out there too that is}. That in all, while this in all again does speak of Politics, and as to be seen within Anatolia in itself {and as with regards to defining Rights, Ownership and Borders too, and from a Sacrilegious and Sacred perspective even}, it in all again does speak truly of, the wider or grander role even, that Anatolia can play and within Africa too, and as with regards even, to helping mitigate just about any kind of problem, and as arising too, from issues pertaining to Rights, Ownership and Borders in all, and as with regards truly even, from viewing them in all again, and from the main perspective, of defining/seeing the Sacrilegious and the Sacred too, and in just about any of these problems too actually {and as with this even, capable of taking the form of entrepreneurial activity, or even the role of a private organization or three, and in an Africa too, where issues pertaining to Rights, Ownership and Borders in all, are in all ways even, truly perceived in all again, and from the perspective of Conquest, Commerce, Christianity/religion and even truly again Civilization in itself too that is} {and as with truly saying even that, the Boer War (and as with Pakenham too), did in all ways even, speak of issues pertaining to Borders in all, and as with regards to Christianity/religion and the very defining too, of Civilization/'Civilized Society' too that is} {and as with this in all ways even, the Boer War, responsible in all again, and of giving birth to South Africa, and as a highly even, segregated place (Society) too that is}.

'the African Arab'

Thursday 21 June 2012

Personal Ritual

of Personal Ritual.


For those in Anatolia in itself, and where life in all again, is highly defined by not only Community, but in all truly again, its workings in all, highly defined by Traditions, it is therefore of utmost importance, and for those in Anatolia in itself too, to learn how to develop, Personal Rituals {and as with saying truly that, this is what, does define one as truly Individual, and in an Anatolia too, where life in all again, is pretty much Individual in its ways actually}. 

In all, is to not only associate all this again, with religious systems and such as Raja Yoga too for instance {and as with a possible takeover of the 'Raja Yoga Center' in Nairobi/Westlands too that is}, but in all ways truly even, all this best associated in all again, with practises/Actions, associated in all again, with the Orisha Shango {and as with not only connecting to Africa in itself somewhat, but with Shango too, deemed very much Ideal, and as with regards to individuality and as seen in Anatolia too that is}.