Saturday 30 June 2012

Sedentary lifestyles

Sedentary lifestyles.

The Pavillion:

What they do call the Sedentary, in many ways truly even, does refer to life in itself, and when it does hit, what they do call 'rock bottom' {that in all again, this in all ways even speaking of life in itself, and as truly filled with Ennui (or Boredom to the max too that is)}. In many ways though, to speak of the Sedentary, is to in many ways even, speak of when life in all, can very well be acquainted, and with Death in itself too {and speak too even, of life-death cycles in all that is}.

In some ways and as with attempting to tell many a person out there and who might make a fatal mistake that is, the Sedentary (life at its lowest too perhaps), is a highly defining factor in all, of the History in all again, and of the United States of America too {this meaning that, many a person, do rush to America in all, believing life rather welcome and rosy even, without knowing that, America of all the places in the World perhaps, does actually in all, suffer from issues pertaining to the Sedentary, and probably more than most other places too that is} {and despite it all even, being rather materially (wealth) filled that is}.

In all ways though, is to also speak of those one could call East Africans in general. That in all, East Africa as a place in all, does perhaps suffer less somewhat, and from the Sedentary too, than many another place out there {and as with those in East Africa too perhaps, somewhat knowledgeable in all and for no good reason either, and on just how to deal with the Sedentary that is}.

In all ways though {and as with perhaps claiming that all this, could very well be an Industry of its own}, is to provide for a basic Sedentary existence, and for those in Anatolia too {'Arab East Africa' that is} {and as with furtherly stating that, many a gender relationship today, does seem to have its roots, and in the Sedentary too that is (and as compared in all, to past times and where in all again, gender relationships in all, were actually based on Culture in itself, or even Philosophical thought too actually), and as with furtherly even saying that, these Sedentary based gender relationships in all, are pathetic in the sense that, they all have to do, with fighting Ennui/Boredom that is, and all other kinds of problems too, that do emanate in all, and from all this too that is (and as with furtherly even saying that, Ennui/Boredom in all, is something actually best fought and in a rather individual manner too actually)}.

In many ways too, the Sedentary, and as a rather good way even, of studying the History of America in itself {and from the perspective of Community too perhaps}, and as with this speaking in all, of the very rise and fall, and of America in general (and as with Economics too), and due to the rise and spread in all again perhaps, of the Sedentary {and as with this perhaps too in all, best dealt with from a Philosophical perspective too, and as with traditional Americans in all again, best voicing their Voices in all, and on issues too, pertaining to Death in itself, what it truly means even, and in all too really perhaps, equating life too, and with the very escape even, and from Ennui/Boredom too that is}.

For those in Anatolia though is to present a basic concept even, and from which, basic life existences in Anatolia in all, can very well operate from: the Pavillion. The Pavillion, speaking in many ways too, of a big room perhaps (hall like even), and whereby is to be found, not only comfortable seating (and as with low level sofa sets too even), tables of all sorts, a Television too (and showing UK/European sedentary programming), a Kitchen selling/serving some delicacies, and finally in all again, a rather long even Bookshelf perhaps, and housing in all again, what they do call 'Reading material' that is (and as with this even, speaking of a German Design magazine for instance)} {Hopefully too, the room in itself housing many a window that is, and many a door too perhaps}.

In all ways though is to ask those in Anatolia, to come up with similar concepts in all again, and as with saying that, all this can possibly be made real, and via the help of a Cultural Institute/Center or three even. In all ways too, the asking of Anatolians to come up with similar concepts in all ways even, is asking them in all again, to think of it all, and as an Industry too perhaps {that unknown to most, whenever a place does stay in the Sedentary for too long, it might very well in all again actually die off, and never in all be revitalized perhaps, and even as with regards to what it once was that is}.

Arusha Cultural Heritage Center: