Monday 11 June 2012

the Anatolian Memory

The African Anatolian Memory.

We live in a World today (and unlike the past too), that highly functions around Memory {and not Intelligence truly either}. That while in the past, society in all again did function around Intelligence {and as with speak too even, of being an Intelligent being and having ready made answers even, and to just about the most of difficult questions asked to one too that is}. Instead, we today do live in a World, where society in all again, highly functions around Memory Processing (our abilities in all too even, to quickly in all again, remember, recall or recollect the tiniest or most minuscule of details actually) {and as with saying truly that, many a so termed advanced Army in all, does function as such: its abilities in all again, to as quickly or efficiently even, process Memory in itself actually} {and as with saying truly even that, the ability to beat such an Army in all again, does lie with the ability, to process Memory at the very least (and as with recall, recollect or remember even), and in a rather different manner too, and from the so said more advanced Army that is}.

To speak of this much more clearer is to say that, many a War effort today, is highly based around Memory and such that, it is in many ways even, preceded by Media based Propaganda actually, and which in many ways too, can last as long as 4-5 years even {and before, the invasion fully begins that is} {and as with even, attempting to make those to be invaded in all again, process Memory (recall, recollect, remember), and in a manner, that the invading Army in all again, would very much want them to}.

For those in African Anatolia and in all again is to now say that, there is a major problem, and as with regards, to Memory in itself actually {that in all again, African Anatolia in itself, does not have a proper History to it, and as with speak too even perhaps, of Ancestral worship too that is}. In all again is to recommend that, the Fredowsi version of the Shahnameh {and which is Arab too actually} {and with the Shanameh though, having origins in all again, and in the Greek/Persian world too that is}, is highly recommended in all, and for those in African Anatolia too, of Arab East Africa, and as with regards truly even, to the creation of a Memory and one too, highly functionable in itself too really {and as with truly stating that, the Shahnameh and as with Memory even, does in all again, have one thinking of life in all, and as far back as the very origins of Time in itself actually} {that in all, reading it, can very well help one interpret just about anything they do come across for instance, and in a rather different manner too, than that the Western/Modern Media in all again, might want one to believe in actually} {and as with this furtherly in all too even, referring to difficult problem solving in itself too that is}.

In all, read the work, and then look at life, not outrightly as seen/suggested in the Shahnameh that is, but with it in all again, subconsciously even, guiding one, and as with regards, to just how in all, one does think of life, work, women, money (and just about anything else too, deemed important in life too that is).

"the Arab"