Monday 18 June 2012


Anatolian Sports.

And with Hockey in all again, to be considered the Official Sport of Anatolia (and as with furtherly stating that, 'Anatolian Nairobi in itself, and as with Basketball too, does somewhat differ in many a way, and from Anatolia in itself too actually} {and as with furtherly even stating too that, 'Nairo' in all again, does in itself too, somewhat truly differ, and from Anatolian Nairobi in itself too actually}, but in all ways even, for those who are Hockey lovers, Parklands in Nairobi, Kenya, to be considered in all again, and as a kind of recreational spot too, and while visiting Anatolian Nairobi too that is.

Parklands, Nairobi:

(and home to the East African Indian Community too)