Saturday 2 June 2012

The East African Community

The EAC (East African Community), does actually differ in many ways, and from the East African Federation too {and with the EAF (East African Federation) in all, referring in many ways even, and to the East African Passport too that is}. The EAC on the otherhand, does take into account both Rwanda and Burundi and as being part of its makeup too, but in all ways too even, and as with Anatolia too, is to speak of the EAC, and as helping spearhead Community Outreach programs {and in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania too} {or Anatolia in all too even}, and as with furtherly stating that, Health based Community Outreach programs, do work rather well in Kenya, while Education based Community Outreach programs, do work rather well in Tanzania in all again, and finally in all again too, Law based Community Outreach programs, do in all again work rather well in Uganda in itself actually {and as with this all even, speaking of developing Emotional growth in all, and as with regards to building Community that is, and as with all this even, referring to Gender, Age and Race/Cultural Identities (Issues) that is}.