Thursday 21 June 2012

Personal Ritual

of Personal Ritual.


For those in Anatolia in itself, and where life in all again, is highly defined by not only Community, but in all truly again, its workings in all, highly defined by Traditions, it is therefore of utmost importance, and for those in Anatolia in itself too, to learn how to develop, Personal Rituals {and as with saying truly that, this is what, does define one as truly Individual, and in an Anatolia too, where life in all again, is pretty much Individual in its ways actually}. 

In all, is to not only associate all this again, with religious systems and such as Raja Yoga too for instance {and as with a possible takeover of the 'Raja Yoga Center' in Nairobi/Westlands too that is}, but in all ways truly even, all this best associated in all again, with practises/Actions, associated in all again, with the Orisha Shango {and as with not only connecting to Africa in itself somewhat, but with Shango too, deemed very much Ideal, and as with regards to individuality and as seen in Anatolia too that is}.