Thursday 7 June 2012


of Elimu.

The swahili term Elimu, does differ from other known swahili terms and such as Masomo or Kitenzi even, and as with the latter two, speaking of being Educated and in a formalized manner in all, while Elimu, does in many ways even, refer to being Self-Educated in all that is. 

For those in Anatolia though, is to know and say that, free-thinking problem solvers, are highly encouraged and along the lines of Elimu too that is, and as with furtherly saying that, one can learn to be a really good thinker in many ways [and as with speak too even, of the Anatolian Economic Reform}, and by in many ways even, mastering (or cramming even perhaps), as many Theorems (and not Theories either), Lemmas and Conjectures too {and as with saying truly that, simply knowing as many of these, and in an indirect manner too even, can help one simply in all again know just how to go about thinking, and creatively too, and when it does come to problem-solving too that is]. 

Elimu and Accessories: