Tuesday 19 June 2012

the Playwright

The African Playwright.

To speak of the highest of aspirations and for Anatolia too, is to in all again, truly attempt to give it all sorts and forms even, of direction in itself and as with regards truly even, to times of turmoil in themselves actually. That in many ways, the Egyptians, and as with attempting to make life as memorable as possible, and despite good, great or bad and even awkward times too, did in all truly again, master Fire based Rituals {and as with Egyptians in all too really, and metaphysically speaking that is, having come to theorize Fire in itself, and very much too, as Essence pervading all Reality that is} {that in all, the Egyptians and as with culminating efforts, were always only one thing: Essence and as pervading all Reality, and as emanating too, from Fire in itself actually}. 

With European Civilization on the otherhand, and as with it arising in many a way truly, and from within Italy in itself actually, having come to give itself direction in all ways even, and as highly based around, Language in itself actually {and as with European Languages too in many ways truly, not only truly arising even, and within Italy in itself, but in many ways truly Europe too, can truly in all ways even, be summarized totally, and as with regards, to the full attempt, and in mastering its Languages too that is} {and Languages too, not only amongst the most developed seen within Humanity, but also, the most beautiful in all again, and as with Italian too, very much also, at the very top of this hierarchy too actually} {In all again, Language, and as the Ultimate Source even, and for just about anything too, and as with regards truly even, to Physical and Non-Physical Realities that is}. 

What of fabled Abyssinia on the otherhand {and as with it even, arising on the fabled Swahili Island of Pemba too}, and as with those in Abyssinia in all again, truly believing in upraising themselves and directly even, and into Heaven in itself actually, did in all again believe that, their true worth in all, did lie, and in the producing, of the greatest pieces of Music ever heard {and as with they Symphonic too that is} {that the Kingdom of Heaven in all, could very well have been imagined, and in a Symphonic piece in itself too actually}. You too have the very world of Arcane Publishing, arising very much, with Victorian cultures and as seen too, in Victoria era Kenya actually {and with the rather unknown term Kenia too, to be associated in all again, with the most wonderful and perfect even, of Human beings, to have ever lived on Earth in itself actually}, and as with all this and in all ways truly even, does refer, to just how Kenya and Kenia in all, were supposed to have truly summarized their existences on this very Earth {Arcane Publishing, and the very most wonderful of Human beings too, to have ever lived on Earth that is}. 

Then there was America, made heavily popular and during the Modern times too, but with most, never having truly known America in most ways even, and as with the name itself {and arising in Boston, America too actually}, truly referring to its Mythological Writings, and Mythological Writings too actually, that did come in all again, to truly define American life and such that (and as with magical beliefs even), American life, did in all ways even, mirror that in the Movies too actually {and as with this referring in all too even, to everyday life that is}. In all ways, what the above does truly refer to and in all ways too even, is that, the above groups of people in all, did in all again seek to envision themselves, and as not only base Individuals too (meaning again, an Individual naked in all ways truly even), as having truly lived on this Earth actually, and by defining themselves primarily too {and as with speak too even, of Isolation and from just about anything too actually}, and in the above manners described too actually {and so as to say that, even if, they never did truly make History and in a Conventional manner too perhaps, they in all ways truly though, and as truly Naked/Exposed even, were always as Human, and in the manners described above too actually}. 

For those in Anatolia though, and as with this truly referring even, to what they do term National Pride actually, is to attempt in all again, to associate Anatolia in its most base existence, with the very world of Playwrights {that Anatolia, with no infrastructure, homes or fashion to it even, is truly in all ways too, the Playwright actually}. And with the Playwright {and as with 'he' too, taking the form even, of the Copywright or Wheelwright perhaps}, responsible in all again, for giving the masses or people even, visions in all too really, and of just about every opportunity or possibility even, that life in itself, can possibly have to offer {and as with furtherly saying that, when all is said and done, despite all the politically inclined successes that Anatolia may have attained, its true worth in all again, will lie, with its having produced works (Playwright), and greater in all again, than those ever perhaps, envisioned too, and by Shakespeare himself actually}. 

The Ossuary, Graveyard, and Anatolias famed Playwrights: