Sunday 24 June 2012

Anatolian Society

Anatolian Society.

Property Development and Anatolia:

To speak of Anatolia in its most basic sense, is to in all again, speak of those who do believe in being Anatolian too (and as with this Blog even), and in all ways truly even, attempting to design homes/lifestyles for them, and as with Property Development too that is.

To speak of Anatolian Society, is to in all again truly speak even of what they do actually call Well-being. That in all again, Society in its most basic existence, has to do, with the catering, and of the Well-being too, and of those who are members to it that is.

To speak of Property Development and Anatolia, is to first off in all again, approach it, and from the perspective even, of Community that is. That in all, speak of Anatolian Society in itself, and Well-being too, truly does in all again refer to just how well developed and functioning in all, a Community truly is.

To furtherly refer to this, is to in all again associate Community in Anatolia, and Well-being too, and Anatolian Society in itself, and with what Freud in all again, did term 'the Id'. That in all too really, there does exist fundamental even, differences, and within life in Kenya for instance, and as compared to Uganda or Tanzania too, and as based around, what Freud did call 'the Id' that is. That in Kenya, issues of 'the Id' (and as with an attempt to shortly summarize Freud even), are in many ways truly even, dealt with in all again, and as based around living lives in themselves, and as highly targeted towards Transcendence, Enlightenment or Realization in themselves actually {and as with this even, referring to many a Kenyan Institution, Private or Public too, and in many a way too that is} {and as with Tanzania and Uganda too on the otherhand, not having societies in all again, well functioning around 'the Id', and as with their societies in many ways even, merely lawful that is}.

To speak of Anatolia, Community, Well-being and 'the Id' too, is to in all again, associate Anatolian Society in itself, and with 'the Id' and Well-being too, and as defined as follows: the Aura, Ashe (Brazilian Yoruba), Kundalini and in all too even, the Life force too that is. That in all, speak of the Aura, does in all ways truly even, and as with speak of Well-being too, speak in all, of remaining as Upbeat as possible (and as one possibly can too), and at all times too actually. Ashe on the otherhand, does refer in all again, to having the best and smoothest in all, of relationships that is. To speak of Kundalini on the otherhand, is to in all again say that, the most important asset/intelligence, and to be associated with being Anatolian in all, is the ability in all again, to realize things as fast as possible that is {and as compared even, to generally having a calculative mind in all that is}. The 'Life force' on the otherhand, does refer to just how physically fit in all, and psychosomatically healthy too, one truly is {and as with even perhaps, the ability in all again, to engage in a half-marathon that is}.

In all ways though, having defined Anatolian Society and as with 'the Id' too above, and speak in all again, of it all centered around Well-being and Community too, is to in all ways even, add to it all some more important components, and of general Anatolian life too: Personal Ritual and Traditions. To add more and onto all this even, is to speak in all again, of all the above mentioned, and as consisting, of Property in itself (and as with a Gated Community too perhaps), and associate it all too even, and with not only the Anatolian Economic Reform (see similarly titled entry), but also, with what was covered, and under the Parastatals entry too that is.

To sum up all this is to say that, for those in Anatolia in all, and thinking of getting started and as fast as possible too, when it does come to designing Properties in all again (and as with the Real-Estate too that is), then the above, should be taken into heavy consideration in all, and as with everyone in all again, knowing the above, the key in all again, to competition in itself, but in all ways truly even, speaking in all again, of attempting to uniquely define oneself that is (and as with regards to Security in itself too that is).