Monday 11 June 2012

Localized Identity

Localized Identity.

To speak of a Localized Identity, is to not only speak of feeling very much at home actually, and in ones Home too that is, but in many ways even, as with regards, to traveling outside ones very home too. That in all, when one does travel perhaps, one should know just how to recognize ones environments in all, and so as to feel safe that is {and as with regards even, to viewing all this, and from the perspective of a Localized Identity too that is}. Take North America for instance (and especially America too), where many a Localized Identity, has always been highly based around, what they do call Showbiz actually {and as with it even, all about associating a certain locale in all, with certain kinds of eateries (and such as Planet Hollywood or KFC even), music (and Radio stations perhaps), or even fashionable clothing in itself too actually} {and all this too, used to judge ones environments in all again, and when one in all too really, does travel outside ones locale in all too really}.

In South America on the otherhand, Localized Identity, has in many ways even, often been associated with differing kind of Slangs, Linguas or Vernaculars even, and as seen in a place too, and such that, traveling outside ones own Locale, does bring into question, many a Language issues in all, and into play too that is. With Asia on the otherhand, Localized Identity strongly associated in all again, with Family relations in all {and such that, traveling outside ones locale, does in all again speak of, just whom in all too really, one is acquainted/related to, and as with regards even, to family, and in the place that one does seek to travel to that is} {and as with this furtherly referring even, to bonds made, not only in Schools, but also, at Workplaces too actually}. In Europe, Localized Identity, has always been highly based around Baroque Art {and especially that too, in the form of Poetry actually}. To speak of the fabled Abyssnia, is to in all again speak of Localized Identity, and as highly based around even, a rather famed Personality actually {and that traveling outside ones Locale in all, does call for one, to somewhat associate themselves, with famed Figures/Personalities, and in the place traveled to that is}, while in the Middle East in all again, Localized Identity, is highly based around figures/personalities in all too really, that one did grow up with actually {and as with this referring in many ways even, to ones Neighbours that is} {and in a similar fashion too, to the rather famed Australian TV show 'Neighbours'}. Finally in Africa, Localized Identity, highly based around, a rather highly popular spot, and such as a Mall too for instance.

In Anatolia though, and which does have many an Infrastructural problem to it perhaps {and as with Anatolia in all again, not based on having one identify with Physical Infrastructure in itself} {and as with this even, believed rather limiting in its ways, and as with regards, to being a free-thinker too that is}, Localized Identity is in all again, best based around affiliating oneself, and with many a Cultural Center, Arts Center, University Workshop/Center/organization, or even truly again, a Military convention (or fraternal society too) and of a kind too actually {and as with speak too even, of Military Discount shops and as once seen before actually, but still very much in existence in all again, and in East Africa too that is}.