Monday 25 June 2012


Webnet: the Anatolian Superhighway.

Most out there, have heard of the Internet; but so have the Arabs. To many though, a true understanding of the nature of the Internet and as it is today, is lost to them actually. To truly understand the former sentence, is to in all again view the Internet in all, and from the very perspectives too, of Education, Law and Health in all too even.

To speak of the Internet and from the perspective of Education in all, is to in all again even, speak of a consciousness problem, and that does plague Humanity in itself today that is {it being Atheism}. That in all, speaking of the Internet and from the perspective of Education, in all ways even does refer to viewing the Internet as a whole, and as with it even, very much similar in all, and to an Encyclopaedia Set too that is {but with the added addition, of being able to add a comment or two, and to it all actually}. The problem with the Internet and as such though (the Encyclopedia format), is that in all ways even, it has led the vast majority of Humanity, to always believe that Knowledge, is to be found out there actually, and in a written paper or two perhaps, and as compared even, to viewing the generation of Knowledge in itself, and as via imagination, and creative abilities too {and the very world too even, of believing in Gods, Spirits and Deities too, and as sources of Knowledge in themselves that is}.

You do then too, have a way of viewing/perceiving in all, the Internet, and from the perspective of Law too that is. This in all ways even, does speak of viewing the Internet in all, and not from the Knowledge contained in it specifically, but in many ways truly even, from speak in all, of Web design that is {and as with Law here, perceived in all ways even, and from the perspective of Music too actually, and preferably even, Classical Music that is} {and as with all this too even, speaking in all again, and of designing Websites, and with Multimedia applications and such as Flash Media for instance, and all this too, guided in all again, and by though patterns in all, and as originating, in Classical Music too for instance} {and as with all this even again, speaking of interpolating Knowledge in itself, and from Web design, Flash Media and Classical Music to boot too that is}.

There is a third way though, of attempting in all again, to view the Internet in itself. This in all ways even, speaks of viewing Knowledge on the Internet, and as highly based around the fields of Kinesiology, Sports Medicine and Physiology in itself {and as with saying truly that, viewing a Human being in general, and as a Knowledge searching being too, and as with the three forementioned fields in all, does call in all again, for new ways in all, and of not only seeking out Knowledge in itself, but even truly again, just what kind of Knowledge, is to be sought out} {that those in all again, who do view the Internet and from Education/Encyclopedias in all, do view themselves, as highly Memory driven beings, while those who do view the Internet in all, and from Law/Music too perhaps, do view themselves in all, and as rather Conscious beings that is}. Those though, who could be said, to view the Internet and from Health (Kinesiology, Sports Medicine and Physiology), can be said in all again, to view themselves and as highly, Intellectual/Sensual beings that is {and as with wondering even, just how to pace oneself perhaps, and while working on a project for instance (and as with speak too even of comfort levels that is), or even truly again, what kind of chair perhaps, to sit on, and while doing just about anything (and whether at the office too, or at the club even, and when trying in all again, to seduce someone too perhaps)}.

In all ways even, the attempt to view the Internet as such, is what has led 'the Arab World' in all, to hopefully in all again, truly try to make Webnet: the Anatolian Superhighway, a reality, and as with attempting in all again, to provide the basic foundational Knowledge, and in Kinesiology, Sports Medicine and Physiology too, and as with saying truly that, the Internet and as perceived in the form of Health, and as just described above too, is in many ways truly even, duly suited, and for Anatolia (and Africa too) in themselves {and in all ways truly even}.

Webnet: the Anatolian Superhighway

'the Arab'