Monday 4 June 2012

National Identity

National Identity.

There are those in Anatolia, who might very well wish to see themselves rather Individual in their ways actually, and as with attempting even, to forego Community in most ways truly. They though however, do still see themselves as part of one Community or another, but in many ways too, do wish, to live life rather privately that is. What can be recommended in all again, is the creation in all too really, of an Anatolian National Identity.

In many ways too, and as with being rather private in nature, this does call for, the attempt in all again, to define oneself culturally, and from more or less, a Scholastic perspective too that is. That in all, this calls for creating a National Identity in all, and as based around, perceiving oneself in all again, and from the perspective, of the larger World in itself too that is.

Take North America for instance, it is highly advised and to those in Anatolia too in all, to best view the whole of North America in all again, and from its Self-Help/Self - Publishing Industries {and as with speak too even, of an interesting Book or two, and that which might bring great change to one too that is} {and as with truly advising one in all again, the very habit of viewing North America from its modern Cities in all, is something in all again, those in Anatolia, would strongly be advised to avoid in all too even (and as with they even, America's modern Cities, rather politically distant, and from political/community systems in all again, and as seen, in Anatolia in itself too that is)}.

When it does come to South America in all again, it is best advised, to view it all, from the perspective of its Indigenous/Tribal Knowledge Systems (and as including Capoeira in all too even), and not, from its famed Personalities either {and as including Sports stars too that is} {in many ways too, this is a rather good way in all, and for those in Anatolia too, to perceive the rest of Africa in itself (minus Libya of course), and as based around, its having relationships in all again (Africa that is), and with South America too actually (that in all, Africa, and as with (popular) belief systems in all too even, does truly vary from those to be seen, and in Arab oriented Anatolia too that is)}.

When it does come to the Middle East, it is advised in all again, to view the whole of the Middle East, and from the perspective of Fundamentalist Islam, and as with it said even, to very much have a home in all too even, and as with Anatolia too that is, in Dar-es-salaam actually {meaning in all again that, ones contacts with the Middle East, should in all ways too even, originate in Dar-es-salaam in itself that is}.

When it does come to Asia, rather than viewing it from its Cultural and Religious systems in all again (and other than Krishna's India), it is best in all again too, advised to view it all, from its Cities actually {and as with Asia in all again, to be strongly avoided in all, if its Cities are found not to be suiting to one that is}.

When it does come to partying, seeking friendships or simply attempting to live Internationally too that is, then in all ways too even, it is advised that, Central Asia's rather many Modernist Cities, be taken into account, and as with they even places, where Anatolians in general and in all too really, can simply go to have fun, and by acting as natural as possible too that is {and as with speak too even, of Central Asia in all, hosting a considerable White Arab population that is}.

Finally is to recommend that, while Anatolias contacts with Africa, are mainly relegated to Libya (and as with speak too even of its Traditions that is), it is highly advised too that, contact with Europe in all ways too even, be in all ways too really, heavily avoided actually {and as with traveling there too that is}. The reason for this, has to do, with Europes rather interesting/complex Cultural, Religious and Political systems (and as with speak of its History too even), and which in all again, are not rather well understood by most actually, and as with they in all too even, heavily based around Mysticism (Greek). In all, what this does truly mean is that, Europe's Cultural, Religious and Political systems, do strongly in all again, test ones beliefs systems actually, and as with saying truly that, those who do come into contact with them all, eventually do develop, rather many Self-Conceptualization issues, and issues/problems too, that have been at the very heart even, of Africa's past relationships in all, and with Europe too that is {that European Psychology for instance, does call for one, to believe in Occidental Religion (and as with speak too even, of Racial Identities that is), and as compared to Religion elsewhere, which is heavily based around ones experiences in all too really (that in many another Religion to be seen out there that is, Racial Identity, is never actually called into task/question, and as compared perhaps, to Freemasonry in Europe too for instance)}.

In all perhaps, the above in all again, should be taken into account, and as with regards even, to creating National Identities, and within Anatolia too that is.

'the Arab'