Tuesday 5 June 2012

Anatolian Metaphysical Thought

When many do think of leaving a testament of their Will in all, and to the Earth or Planet in itself and as with it all stating in all again that, 'we were here on Earth, we did this, and we eventually in all again, did actually truly leave it', they in many ways even, are driven to do so, and from an Egyptian in all, perspective too that is {that the Egyptians, had their world in all, heavily defined, by Pharaonic Images, and which many an Egyptian and in all again, and in one way or another too actually, did try to match in all ways too even (and as with speak too even, of having been a faithful servant, and to an Egyptian Pharaoh' too that is)} {and with this too, differing from the European/ Italian modus operandi, of leaving behind in all again, a great work of Art for instance that is}.

There is however another model of thinking of the very heights, and to which a person or people in all too even, can truly aspire or reach for. That in all, there is a rather famed belief and as seen out there too, that does state in all again that, the very goal in life in itself perhaps, had to do, with having lived a great life, and in a rather famed City too that is {and that this model, falsely believed European/Italian, actually does originate/emanate, from the Arab World in all too really}. That in all and unknown to most too even, the World in all again, and as with History too, has been cluttered in all, and with many a famed City, that was never European or American either {and this too, not only speaking of famed Egyptian Cities and such as Heliopolis or Memphis too, or Greek Cities too, and like Athens for instance, but also in many ways even, Arab Cities, and such as Bethlehem, Hyderabad, Beijing (which does have its origins with Arab Merchants, and speak too even, of the so called 'Spice Trade' that is), Carthage, Casablanca (and 'El Jadida'), Otrar in Central Asia, and finally in all too even, Jeddah and in Saudi Arabia too that is}.

In all though, to speak of Anatolia as such (and as with speak too even, of famed Cities in all), is to provide for a way of thinking, of its evolution in all again, and as based around, Religious Iconography:


Religious Iconography in all (and as with the link above too even), speaks of many a Religious Symbol in all again, that does inspire one, to think of Development or Advancement in all too even, as highly based around Religious Iconography in itself too actually {that in all, anything structural erected and by one in Anatolia too that is, has to have its inspiration in all again, and with a certain Religious Iconographic Symbol too that is} {and as with furtherly saying that, the above Religious Iconographic Symbols displayed, are not specifically Arab in all, but can be truly said to be, 'Christian Arab' that is (and as with further speak too even, of Yeshua too that is)}. In all ways though, and as with referring to Tabora in all ways too even, is to associate it in all again with Religious Iconography, and in the form of the Rainbow too actually {that in all too really, the main goal of life in Tabora, is to turn it, into a 'Rainbow Paradise' of a sort (but with furtherly stating that, the Rainbow, is not the only Religious Iconographic Symbol, to be associated with Tabora or Anatolia in itself too, but those in all again, emanating in all too really, and from the 'Christian Arab' World too that is)}.

The 'Rainbow Paradise':
