Wednesday 23 May 2012

Anatolian History

African Anatolian History.

Most truly said, are just never too critical, about History in itself. They fail to recognize that, there are alternate versions, to just about any historical event, but in all ways too even, appear to subscribe in all again, to just one version {and as with it today being, Western that is}.

To understand this better is to know that, it was the Greeks in all, who did truly originate the very tradition in all, of recording History around the World {and as with Herodotus too for instance}, but in many ways too, there are other versions to History in itself actually {examples being Arab, Islamic, Italian/Christian, Orthodox/'Religious Media', and finally even, Modern History too actually (and as with it different too, and from Western History that is)}. In all ways and unknown to most, Western History, is actually based on Islamic History in many ways (and as with speak too even, of the History of the Earth/World that is), but in many ways too, a rather biased version of History in itself, as most of its sources in all again, cannot be truly verified/validated that is {and as with it even, History, somewhat truly secular in its nature actually}. Modern History in all again, does speak of the very high usage, of Intelligence Reports in all, and as a means, of attempting to record History that is {and as with Modern History too, found in many a Textbook to be seen today, and with Western/Islamic History in all, relegated in all again, to the publishing of Scholarly works that is (and as with speak too even, of the PhD realms that is)}. While Orthodox History in all, can be relegated in all, to the Local levels actually, Arab History in many ways, is never truly referred to and when speaking of History in itself (with it strongly differing even, and from the Islamic too), but in many ways too and as an opinion even, one of the best sources of History in many ways, to be seen out there, and with the exception perhaps, of Italian/Christian History that is {and as with modern European versions of History in all again, arising in all too really, from the Orthodox/'Religious Media', and as with speak too even, of its highly pertaining in all, to Law in itself that is}.

When one does speak of Arab History in all, one of the more interesting regions and as with regards to this, is not only Oman and the Swahili Coast, but in all ways too even, Asia in itself actually {that in many ways, the only true valid sources of Asian History in all, are actually Arab, and as with Asian sources in all again, often at times, falsified in their ways actually (and as with highly contrasting versions for instance, of what did truly happen in all again, and when two opponents in all, do meet for instance)} {and as with Law too and in Asia in all, a rather problematic affair, and as with speak too even of Court trials in all too really, lasting more than a decade for instance}.

In all again is to say that, when it does come to Anatolian history in all ways even, it should be best in all again, considered Arab actually (and Brownskinned too in many ways), and not Modern or Western either {and as with Intelligence reports of all kinds too actually, or even, close proximity to the Middle East too that is}.

In many ways too, the Blog 'Tales of Adventurism and the Moor', does carry a version of European History in all, that one in all again, could best associate with the Arab world actually, and a version too, rather ideal for those in Anatolia too that is.

'the Arab'