Tuesday 15 May 2012


Many who have ever visited Nairobi before do know that, it can seem rather chaotic {and in a Cultural sense too}, than many another developed city to be seen out there actually. To understand this, is to best understand, the three Cultural manifestations, and to be seen in Nairobi today in all, and as with they even, rather photogenic in their ways actually.

Many of those and who have ever visited Skyscrapercity.com in all, and onwards to the Kenyan section perhaps, are met in all again, with Photos in all, speaking of Nairobi, and as 'Nai' too actually {and not 'Nairo' truly either}. To understand what 'Nai' is, is to in all ways even, speak of Culture in Nairobi, and as consisting primarily of the Nairobi Stock Exchange (and many a thing, associated with it all actually), Nairobi's Housing Real Estate Industry, and finally in all again, the Entertainment/'Night Club' scene that is, and as to be seen in Nairobi too actually {and as with this even, referring to a Music scene in all again, and one producing Music too, one could associate in all too really, with Jazz actually}. At the very heart though, of this Cultural existence, is the very realm, of Local Tourism actually. In many ways though, and as with saying that, Nairobi is segregated by colour, one does find that, 'Nai', is the very 'homeground' in all, of Black skinned and White skinned populations, and to be seen within Nairobi too that is.

To in many ways even, call 'Nai' modern in its ways actually, is to speak in all again, of two other Cultural manifestations, and to be seen in Nairobi in itself {and as with they even, best represented in all, and by Photography too actually} {and as with speak too even, of 'aerial views' that is}.

There are other two Cultural manifestations though, and as to be seen in Nairobi today, and one best called 'Nairo', and with the other in many ways truly, best called even 'Westernized Nairobi' that is {and as with Nairobi too, not truly Western or Modern either}. 'Westernized Nairobi' and as best depicted in all, by the latter of the two images and as posted just above, speaks in many ways even, of 'African' Nairobi actually {and as with this even, consisting of populations from the Middle East, Black Asia, and even truly again, some of it all truly African even (and as with groups too, from within Africa that is)} {and with whats African in all ways even, truly what does work, in 'Westernized Nairobi' actually}. However though, this Cultural manifestation in Nairobi and in all again, is to be best associated in all too even, with Crime, Garbage and Sewage issues, or even a Cow and Donkey or Hen even, and as to be seen walking around, in and about Nairobi too that is.

In many ways even, while the former of the above two images posted in sequence, does speak of 'Nai', it in many ways even, speaks of the Modern in Nairobi in itself (and as with Materiality even), while "Westernized Nairobi' in all again, does have to it, materiality in all too really, one would best call Modernized actually {and as with a poorly made sofa set for instance} {and as with furtherly stating that, those in all again, who do make up 'Westernized Nairobi' in all and as a Cultural manifestation too, are in many ways even, primarily Brown-Black in skin colour actually} {and as with furtherly saying that, American styled materiality (non Hip-hop), is to be best in many ways even, associated in all again, with 'Nairo' actually}.


There is however another Cultural manifestation, and to be seen in Nairobi too, and as best called even 'Nairo' that is {or even truly again, Anatolian Nairobi perhaps}. It is in many ways even, highly defined in all, by Nairobi's Brown skinned populations actually, and in many ways even, was what did make Nairobi in the Seventies and early 80's on, a rather reknowed City perhaps {and as with speak too even, of the International scene that is} {and not, 'Nai' either}. In many ways, one of the best way to get a hold of all these three Cultural manifestations, is to associate them in all again, with music actually: 'Nai' (black and white), with Jazz like music, 'Westernized Nairobi', with 'African' music, and finally in all again, "Nairo' (Anatolian Nairobi), with Rock music in all {or what one could best call the 'Jimi Hendrix sound' that is}. Another way to go about it, is to know, that while in Nairobi, and one does see the term in all again, 'Holdings Ltd.' or even 'Ltd.' by itself actually, it in all too even does refer to a Commercial venture in all, associated with 'Nai' actually. On the otherhand, the term 'Inc./Incorporated' or even '& Co./& Sons' (and as with many an East African Indian Business perhaps) {and as with their being, Indians in Kenya, who do identify as East African actually, and not as Kenyan Indian, or simply even Kenyan Asian that is (and as with they, Kenyan Asians that is, coming in from the Middle East actually)}, operating in all again, and within 'Nairo' too that is. Finally, 'Westernized Nairobi', truly lacking in Economic opportunity actually, can best be associated in all again, with enterprises in all, and those with no proper Identity to them either actually {and as with stating that, they can simply in all, best be referred to as a 'Local business venture' even} {and as with there being even, no proper name in all to them actually, and many seemingly too, operating illegally that is}.

However though, the best way to see 'Nairo' {or Anatolian Nairobi}, is from the following perspective in many ways: Business Parks, Universities/Colleges (and associated lifestyles) {and as with speak too even, of Bicycle Shops and many a Bookstore even}, and finally Kenya's Software/Telecommunications Industry (and not Communications truly either). And with all this too, centering around many a Cultural festivity, and as with speak too even, of Kenya's Modeling Industry, Sporting Kenya (and as with a Bodybuilding contest or three), and finally even Kenya's Filmmaking Industry (but producing in all, poor quality shows too that is) {and as with all this even, and today in all again, based around Blogging activity actually, and about Nairobi/Kenya in itself, and as often seen on Wordpress Blogs that is (and not Blogger either)}.

In all ways even, is to tell many a Brown skinned person from Nairobi, having left it in all again, and due to 'Westernized Nairobi' or even 'Nai' to some extent too that is, that should they wish to return in all again {and as with many even, having gone to Southern Africa too that is}, the above, is whom they are today, and within Nairobi too that is.

In all too though, 'Nairo' {or Anatolian Nairobi even}, the very place too and for those identifying as 'East African' or Anatolian even, where one would in all again, want to 'hang out' in actually. In many ways too, do look out for a Wordpress Blog, and under the penmanship of 'Ali Baba' too, coming your way eventually, and speaking in all again, of 'Nairo' (Anatolian Nairobi) actually, and just what in all too really, to do in the place too actually {and as with truly in all too even actually, thinking up rather new ideas, and of the whole place too that is}.


'the Arab'
