Sunday 20 May 2012

Identity Formation

Identity Formation & African Anatolia:

To speak of Identity Formation and African Anatolia, is to in all ways even, speak of just how, the average East African perhaps, does truly conceive themselves actually. That unknown to most, this group of all other Political Identities to be seen in East Africa in all, are still very much Colonial in their ways actually, and as with regards even, to just how they do perceive themselves in all too really {that in all for instance, those primarily identifying as Kenyan, Tanzanian or Ugandan even, have changed in many ways, and as with the times too that is (and speaking too, of Colonialism that is)} {and as with they in all again, having become Westernized that is}.

To better understand this all, is to perhaps best have most know that, Colonialism in many ways, was not a Military endeavour in all, but actually in all too really, a Publishing one {and that when one does speak of Colonialism in East Africa in general, one is referring to the Publishing of all kinds of material, and as with regards, to what it did mean to be a law-biding Kenyan or Ugandan too actually} {that in all again, to say that those identifying as East African are still very much Colonial minded is to say that, they do adhere to all forms and kinds of views even, that are very much Colonial in nature actually (and including even, just how to hold a knife and fork for instance), and while those identifying as Kenyan, Ugandan or Tanzanian, have in many ways even, simply become Westernized in their ways actually (and as with this even, speaking of the UN and Western Popular Media too that is)}.

In all, there are two primary ways, and by which, most who do view themselves as East African in all today, do think of themselves actually.

The first, has to do, with viewing East Africa, and from Lake Victoria too (or the Great Lakes region even), and in all ways too, speaking of Colonial Publishing (and Colonial mindsets and views even), and on just whom, the average African in all, was said to be actually {that at the very most, they were rather backwards in their ways, and as with regards even, to Technical Knowledge that is}. Furthermore is to add that, people who do readily Identify as East African, are not truly African in their ways actually, and as with they even, tracing their History in one way or another, to the Swahili Coast (Zanzibar specifically), and what too, does differentiate them in all again, from Modern Kenyans, Ugandans or Tanzanians even, is the kind of Media in all too really, that they do adhere too {it being Colonial in nature (and as with Fiction works even), or in many ways too really, British in its ways actually (and as including a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie or three even)}. In all, East Africans do look somewhat different from other Africans in all again (if not readily noticeable even), and as with they even, looking somewhat Zanzibari that is.

The second primary way that some East Africans do view themselves in all (and as with they too being Brown skinned in many ways even), is from the main perspective, of East Africa in all too really, and as defined primarily even, by three main tribes: the Luo in Kenya, the Buganda in Uganda and finally even the Nyamwezi of Tanzania. Second to this, is the viewing of East Africa in all again, and as an Entity, whose political history in all, has undergone some comparisons in all again, and with Southern/South Africa too that is {that in all, when one does hear of a Kenya competing with South Africa perhaps, they are actually in all again, East African views} {and not truly Kenyan either (and who in many ways too, do think about many a City and as to be seen, in the Western World too that is)} {and as with this too, including more of Australia even, than America too actually}. In all, this group tends to view East Africa in all again, heavily from its Leadership (and as with it even having originated perhaps, with President Jomo Kenyatta in Kenya, Idi Amin and Milton Obote in Uganda, and finally Julius Nyerere of Tanzania too that is). In all, a group that did give birth, to the so called comparisons speaking in all again, of African Leadership, and as versus Western/White Leadership (and as with this even, at the very heart of comparisons too, and between East Africa/Kenya and Southern/South Africa too), and in all ways too, this group again, highly based around having an obsession with Education in all, and in modern East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania) too that is. That in all again, Education in East Africa, does lag that seen in Southern/South Africa for instance, and heavy investment has to be made, to rectify this {and as with stating too that, most in modern Kenya, Uganda or Tanzania even, are actually highly obsessed with Business figures and opportunity in general, and not with Education either}.

In all again, the first group does consider Dodoma in Tanzania, to be an important city in East Africa, and with the second, believing it to be Arusha actually {but with both brought together again, and by endless dreaming too, of America as a paradise actually}.

In all, is the attempt to replace the above ideologies in all again, and of East Africa too, with one said best to be Anatolian in its ways actually. That in all, this is not an easy problem to deal with (creating a general Anatolian Identity perhaps), but in many ways too is to say that, not only are those to be considered primarily Anatolian, having to them a Coastal look that is (the Swahili Coast), but in all ways even, to be defined by Sports/Games Media in all (and as with Board Games or Video/Computer Games too even), and finally in all again, considering the Tabora Province of Tanzania, to be in all ways even, a kind of Ethnic home actually, and one too, to be invested in and in just about every way too that is {and as with furtherly saying that, more details will be provided later on, and on why this particular choice, has been made actually}.


"the Arab"