Friday 25 May 2012


When most out there, do think of many a place in all, they often view it (and as with History too), from its Heritage actually. That in all again, America today, is viewed in all too even, as the most enlightened of places on Earth, and due in all again, to its having in all too even perhaps, a highly developed Modern Heritage {and as with speak too even, of many a Nightclub, Bar, Restaurant, Massage parlour, Gym, Blockbuster store etc.}. The truth though is that, using Heritage in all, and to judge a people and their History too, is not truly the best way to go about perceiving oneself in many ways too (and as with comparisons too that is), and as in saying that, Paris, a City not based on Heritage specifically (it instead mainly having a National Arthurian Heritage), has truly in all again, been one of the foremost Cities of the World, and as with History too that is.

In all again, it is best said to many an Anatolian that, whenever they do think Africa, they should best in all again do actually think, Libya {and not Kenya, South Africa, Botswana, or even Nigeria too}. That Libya in all, is truly a unique place in Africa, and as in saying that, while most of Africa's History in all {Sub-Saharan and as versus the North}, has been based around Heritage {and as with the North on the otherhand, highly defined by its Work based lifestyles too that is}. Libya though, and as with its perceived History in all {Egyptian-Libya, Christian (Justinian) Libya and even Arab Libya}, to be all highly primarily based around Traditions too actually {and as with Modern Libya too, borrowing Traditions in all again, and from its Arab Libyan History (Ibn Battuta)}, but with those in Anatolia too, best advised in all again, to look at Libya, and from its Christian (Justinian) Traditions that is.

All this said three because, Anatolia in itself, will not be based around Heritage but in all ways too really, highly around Traditions actually {and as with speak too even, of a late night dinner, and at a local Councillors home perhaps}.