Saturday 19 May 2012


African-Anatolian Shamanism.

You do find that, most never do truly have, a good perspective on Time, or even truly again, on History in itself. That in all, most are truly unaware, of just how long, life, and on this very Earth, has been in existence. The very belief too that, since the dawn of Civilization in itself, Man has been working extremely hard, and to come up with the DVD Player too that is. 

To tell most that, History already did happen, is to perhaps in all again, point to those who do think Cellular Phones or Cars even, a Marvel, that History already did happen, and in all ways even, it was the Pyramids, Neuschwanstein Castle {its famed Knights (and as Bravery and as untold too), and its Religion (or what they do call, German Idealism too, and Religion too, at the very least, it being the German WW2 Machine that is)}, and finally in all again, Euclids Massive 13 Volume Set on Geometry (and as with stating that, Geometry has never truly been known, to surpass this Monumental work and ever since, it was published that is) {and as with furtherly saying that, the Modern World in itself, appears to be based around Primitive forms of Geometry/Scientific and in all ways too that is}. In all, History already did happen, and it appears that there are attempts, to hide this very fact (and as with speak of a Walkman or three actually), that in all (and as with Euclid again), the Greeks did surpass anything, to be seen in the Modern World actually, and as with regards, to Technology even {and as with furtherly saying that, its all Geometry/Scientific that is}. 

In all too then, what is truly to be made of this very fact, that History already did happen, and most today, have no basic idea even, of Euclids works on Geometry {and as with the rather false belief and by some that, one day, it will all be rather well understood that is}. To put History in perspective {and open up many to the very fact that, the Ancients did possess superior Technology and in all ways even} {and as with it again and at the very least even, the Pyramids too that is}, is to remind many a person that, life in many ways, has always been centered, around Shamanism that is. This too, being the very basis of understanding History, and Life on Earth, and as with knowing too that, Shamanism does tell us that, the World does offer an endless, limitless, and infinite too, number of experiences in all, and in all again, it is for us to choose just which, we do wish in all again, to experience that is {that History already did happen, and the Egyptians or Greeks, did choose to experience a certain number of experiences in all, and this in many ways, did define their very lives actually (and as with Technology, highly advanced then, and as with it even having already existed and since the olden times too that is), and in all, the ability to understand life on Earth today (and as with History already having happened too), is to know that, we too, do have the opportunity in all, to seek out rather new experiences, such that, if any of the greats/ancients were to return, then in many ways truly, they would probably wonder just how best, to fit in an Earth, offering, rather new and many differing life experiences that is} {and as with saying truly that, life, and as a useless existence today, has all its experiences even, centered and determined in all, by the Television, or even, the Newspapers too actually}. 

In all too perhaps, is to attempt to have those in Anatolia, understanding what Shamanism, does truly have to offer them. That in all ways even, this does involve as much free thinking ability as possible and such that, the goal of Anatolian Shamanism perhaps (and as with it even, being of the Arab variety too), is to in all again, offer such unique and different life experiences and such that, there could be said even, to be a serious discontinuity, and as with History in itself too that is {that when Anatolia in all, is truly said and done, all will truly know, it did actually happen that is}. 

In all, do keep yourself posted and reading along too, as we here in Anatolia and in all too even, have uncovered certain Shamanic texts {and written in the Mystical form too that is}, that do promise in all again, to make life in Anatolia, of such great promise perhaps, we could very well in all again, truly redefine even, not just life in itself, but Religion, and even just how the Spirits in all, do seek to interact with us {and as with they even, seeking to take Human form, and seek in all again, to very much live with us} {and all this too said, as a reminder to many that, History already did happen (despite what your TV and Newspaper even, might tell one), and the only reason to keep on living, is by the promise, of Shamanism in itself {it able to offer radically new experiences, that none of the ancients, did truly think about that is}. In all ways even my fellow 'jameni', I can promise you at the very least that, we shall not go down the oft known path of 'an exercise in futility' (and as with it believed even, the most extreme of experiences), but in all again though, down what they might call 'an exercise in incredulity' {that life, History, already did happen, and now whats left is for us, to engage in the most 'quizzical' of endeavours that is (and as with the dubious even, having already happened, and as with History too that is)}. 

 Asante sana. 

"the Arab"