Tuesday 15 May 2012

Economic Reform: Anatolia

Economic Reform: Anatolia.

Economic Reform: Anatolia

This posting in many ways, has to do with making it known, and to those who do identify as Anatolian, that Anatolia in all, is a rather real place actually, and one too, offering even, and at the minimal level too, the greatest of Economic opportunity actually. In many ways and in furtherance with the above, is to also state that, the very center in itself, of Anatolia (and as with its main functionings), is reported in all again, to be based in Tanzania actually {and not Kenya or Uganda either}. To make this even more coherent, is to make it known to every Anatolian in all that, whatever does fall under the label of 'Parastatal' in Uganda, Kenya or Tanzania, can in many ways even, be considered Infrastructure having to do with Anatolia in itself {and as in stating that, talks will ensue eventually, and as with regards to all this too}.

Below though, is the attempt to open up the mind of many an Anatolian, and with regards, to the Economic opportunity in all, that does lie, and basically even, within Anatolia that is {and as with stating that, the goal of Anatolia, is not Economic success/development, and which too is deemed a normality even, but in many ways, celebrating life in itself, and to the maximum too actually}. In all though, what is proposed below, does in many ways even speak of Small-business opportunity, and that in all again, it should not be considered something to farfetched to achieve, as with it in all again, not requiring as much of an education or training, as one would believe it to {meaning in all again that, training/education, could be used to take one to the very heights of success, but in many ways too even, this Economic reform, speaks of Economic opportunity, and as requiring one primarily, to see themselves as Anatolian actually (and as with the 'Muezzin' entry too that is), but also, truly understand the power of Community, and in making any dream, become a reality too that is}.

To speak of seeing oneself as Anatolian, is to perceive one in all again {and as with Economics too}, from the psychological model in all, underlined in the 'Muezzin' entry actually: with the Anatolian in all, said to primarily operate, and from the Physical, Emotional and Spiritual levels of a Human being too that is.

Below though, will be presented in all, 5 main Economic sectors {and as with Small-scale Industry even} {and a step up from the 'Jua Kali' Industry too that is}, which in all again, it is believed, does offer immense even, Economic opportunity, and as long too, that most attempting to engage in this, can truly understand that, what Community in all does truly mean {and as especially even, as with regards to any form or kind even, of Commercial endeavour too that is}.

These Economic sectors are:

1. The Natural Sciences
2. Defence
3. Logistics
4. Optimization
5. Diplomacy

That in all, and as with Anatolia too, the above five sectors in all again, do offer everyday opportunity, readily even, seen, and as long {and as with believing all this difficult even}, one does understand that, how one does conceptualize Community in all again {and as with the 'Business Community' too that is}, is far more important, than issues pertaining to Money, Resources, or even Technicalities too that is.

In all again and as a reminder too, is to remind one that, the above, speaks of Economic opportunity, and as based around being Anatolian too actually {meaning again, knowing oneself truly, and at the Physical, Emotional and Spiritual levels, and such that, most Education or Training having to do with succeeding, can in all ways even, be forfeited in all too really}.

The Natural Sciences:

In alignment with being Anatolian, the Natural Sciences and as defined here, speaks in all again, of using Physical views from Nature even, and those too, that do stimulate ones Taste buds that is {all this, should not sound out of mind actually, it being in alignment, with Arab Scholarship that is, and not the Western/Modern either}, such that, this acquired Knowledge, can in all ways even be applied, and to many an Industry seen out there too actually. That in all, looking at a Flower in many ways, can in many ways even stimulate a sweet taste in ones mouth, and that this Knowledge in all again, can be used to judge many a product/thing seen out there, and as with regards even, to Value in itself actually {that in some ways, looking at a Car or Food even, can actually stimulate a certain Taste in ones mouth, and that in all, this Taste stimulated, had best approach, that seen in Physical Nature too actually} {and ll this too, as a simply way even, of judging things actually (and as with Tanzania too even, considered in all again, a Nature paradise of a kind actually)}.

To explain this much better, is to attempt to apply this, and to many an Industry seen out there too, and as with using even, Physical Nature, to judge whether what is been achieved in all, is actually something worthy (or of Value too) that is {that in all, this does speak of a Body of knowledge, highly based around studying Nature in itself, and highly too, from the perspective of Tastes (and the Taste buds too); and as with this in all too even, speaking of regarding Photosynthesis, and from the perspective of it being in good taste, or in bad taste too actually (and as with everything in Nature too, not truly said to be either actually)}.

1. The Tourism Industry: That opportunity in this, can be readily perceived even, by one viewing it in all again, and from ones Physical level that is (weaknesses, strengths, fears), and as with applying in all too even, any Knowledge acquired from Physical Nature (and as with Taste too), to truly judge even, any opportunity in this Industry actually and as discerned too, as based around ones weaknesses, fears and strengths too that is {to understand this better, is to know that Tourism as it is carried out today in East Africa, does operate in many ways, around ones Spiritual level (ableness, abilities, capablities)}. In all, calling for a radical change in Tourism in itself {and with the latter model a failure even, and in many ways too that is}, and as with the fine example of Helicopter rides into the dark of the Night (and seeking out wildlife even and as with further speak too, of a surprise landing that is), or even, the selling of Torches, for such endeavours too actually {in all ways even, one should not think too hard of all this, as their is a Community aspect to it all, and in any case even, alot to do with this, will be spoken about, and as the Blog continues to progress that is} {in many ways, what is been said is that, ample opportunity, does lie here, if one, can see all this, from the Community approach ('Business Community), and not Money or Resources truly either}.

2. The Foods Industry: The opportunity in this, can be readily discerned even, and from viewing it all, from ones Emotional level (past history, present moments, future aspirations), and as with saying truly that, this is truly the best way in all, of viewing Food in all again, and in Anatolia too {and as compared, to using the Spiritual level of ableness, abilities and capabilities even (and as is often the norm today too that is)}. In all, judging opportunity from Knowledge in all, acquired from Physical Nature, and as with regard to Taste too that is {that Food cooked perhaps, could very well in all, be said, to go with a certain Physical View that is (and as with a Hotel too that is)}.

3. The Entertainment Industry: The opportunity in this, does readily lie, with viewing it in all too even, from ones Spiritual level (ableness, abilities, capabilities) {and not ones Emotional level (and as is the norm today too that is)}. In all, thinking up even, of setting up a Night Club for instance, and with three sections to it: Boys, Girls and Mixed {and with the whole goal even been that, to get into the Mixed, one has to show some daredevilry, and as with regards to Taste too actually, and in actually getting accepted into the Mixed too that is} {and with those not too serious, having failed to get into the Mixed, going home very much as losers too actually}.


To speak of Defence and Anatolia, is to in many ways even, view it all, and from the perspective too, of Secondary Services actually {or what in Business Circles in all, they do refer to even, when talking of Expansions too that is}. That in all, one can easily see opportunity in this, by viewing Secondary Services in all again, and as an expansion (and not extension), of the Primary Services, that many an Industry to be classified under Defence in this case, does have to offer actually {and as with falsely viewing all this primarily, from the perspective of ones Spiritual level (ableness, abilities, capabilities)}. To show just what underlies all this much clearer, is to speak of what Industries in all again, can be classified as Defence that is.

1. The Security Industry: Speaking in all again, of viewing opportunity here, from ones Physical level (fears, strengths, weaknesses), and in all again, speak too even, of Expansions and Secondary Services, does refer even, to setting up a Company selling Home Security Radio Systems for instance, cheap too, and where Security Groups in all again, do exist actually {and as with saying that, this is not an extension in case, but an expansion actually, and as with it even, able to exist on itself, and without the need, of the Security Groups in this case that is (and as with using it even, to order a thing or two and from a locale even, and one within ones Homestead too for instance)}.

2. The Construction Industry: Speaking in all again, of viewing Construction in all, and as one should in many ways truly, from the Emotional level (past history, present moments, future aspirations) {and as compared to Construction and as seen today, often heavily viewed even, from the Physical level too that is}. In all ways even, to talk of Homes already up and running, is to talk obviously, of setting up a Unit in all too perhaps, and one too, where a person in all again, feeling restless, can easily visit, and without thinking too much of Money either (but Community in all again to be specific) {and as in setting up even, a small place in all, offering Snooker or Pool, selling only minimal drinks and foods, and at the very least even, attracting clientele, who do listen in all, to certain music too that is} {or even truly again, thinking deeply of Human affairs/psychology, that in all, one should not imagine that a man that has lived in a rather poor house, seeks in all again, to move into a Mansion actually, but in many ways even, and in accordance with his psychological states, might wish in all again, to live in a vastly improved Cottage actually}.

3. The Banking Industry: In many ways, pertaining to what they do call Solutions ('Business Solutions' even), and as with regarding all this, and from the perspective too, of ones Spiritual level (ableness, abilities, capabilities). In many ways, all this truly even, referring to the Software Industry (and not Computer Industry either), and as with saying that, one can think up in all, of just what, a person who does open up a Bank Account with a Bank, can actually in all, truly do with it {and as with the extreme example even, of Paypal for instance} {but thinking truly again, of what a person can do with it, and from more or less, a local or regional perspective too that is}.


To speak of Logistics and Anatolia, is to speak of it and in all again, and from the obvious perspective, of Support too that is. In many ways though, here are some of the Industries, that would fall under Logistics and in Anatolia too that is.

1. The Transport Industry: Speaking in all, of viewing it primarily (and as with the obvious even), from ones Physical level (fears, strengths, weaknesses) {and not the Spiritual level (ableness, abilities, capabilities)}, and as is the norm today too that is. In all, something not too difficult to make out even, and as with even, painting Public Transport the appropriate colour for instance, so that those who do have fears emanating from Self-Image, can readily even, ride in them actually {or even the case, of a Community Watchdog for instance, to help plan out Transportation issues, and for those who do plan in all again, to travel far actually} {in all, opportunity, and as based around Word/Image issues actually (and as with been associated in all again, with the very wrong Words or Images too even)}.

2. The Computer Industry: Speaking in all again, of viewing it primarily (and as with the logical even), from ones Emotional level (past history, present moments, future aspirations) {and as compared in all too even, to just how it is presented today, and mainly from ones Spiritual level too that is (ableness, abilities, capabilities)}. In all, mainly referring to the very world of Content actually, and as with saying that, the Computer Industry in all again, can be primarily viewed even, and from the primary perspective of adding Content (Value, Worth, Significance), and as with speak too even primarily that is, of Computer Hardware in all too actually {and as compared in all too even, to other forms of Technology even, or even Electronic Equipment in general too that is} {meaning that, there is far more pleasure to watching a Movie on ones Computer in Anatolia, than actually buying a whole TV/DVD Player set too and in all}.

3. The Research Industry: In many ways, is to promote the carrying out of Independent Research, and within Anatolia too, and as with this even, the very key, to get many an idea quickly moving, and within Anatolia that is. Research too, and as approached from a Logistics perspective, and speaking in all again, of offering Support, and at the Spiritual level (ableness, abilities, capabilities), to just about anyone, and with an idea too, to carry out that is {and as with this even, calling in all again, for rather interesting ways even, on just how to define Community that is}. In all, the very belief that, there is alot of potential/Money in this area in all, and as with regards to Communications (Popular, Formal, Domestic) {that in all, there is a rather simply way in all, of thinking of all kinds of Research, and as based around Communications too and as just described above too that is (and Communications too, and as with speak too even, of Community in all that is)} {and as with the case even, of attempting to build a better Car Engine and as based around viewing all forms of improvements, and a from Communications (Popular, Formal, Domestic) perspective too that is}.


In referring to Optimization and Anatolia, is to in all again speak specifically of Efficiency/Inefficiency issues, and as are to be seen in East Africa too, and at the moment too actually. That in all, this in many ways even, speaks of readily available opportunity, and to be seen in Anatolia too, and as in attempting even, to base this proposed Economic Reform, on this section specifically, and which in all again, does speak of re-inventing in all, just how Commercial endeavours, are to be perceived in modern day East Africa too that is.

1. Trade: there is a popular/Modern habit of viewing Trade in all, and from the perspective of the Emotional level (past history, present moments, future aspirations). However though, those wishing or willing to engage in Trade and in Anatolia, should attempt to view it all, not only from Inefficiency/Efficiency issues that is, but in all ways even, from the Physical level too so to speak (weaknesses, fears, strengths) {and as with all this again, primarily referring to what does fall under Goods & Services that is} {and as with the case even, of selling a Healthy Brand of Margarine, and not one, that simply in itself, tastes Good that is (and as with this even, best left in all, for the Food Industries in particular too actually)}.

2. Business: When one does talk of Business, one in many ways even, is truly speaking about (and as with today too that is), of what in all, does distinguish one place (and such as America or England even), and from another {and as with further speak even, of what does differentiate in all, Kenya, and from Uganda or Tanzania too even} {that Kenya in all again, is far more recognizable even, and due to its having, a Business Identity of a kind (and as with Business even, referring to a Cultural identity too that is)}. In all, while Business today, is erroneously often viewed from the Spiritual level (ableness, abilities, capabilities) {and as with an elitist restaurant perhaps}, it is however in all again, best viewed from the perspective of the Emotional level (past history, present moments, future aspirations) {and as has been the norm, throughout most of History too that is}. In all again, speak of Inefficiency/Efficiency, and as with referring even, to ones Emotional level, and in many ways truly, all this speaking even and of seeing Anatolia in all again, and as consisting Culturally, of three main spheres of existence: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania in itself that is {and as with competition even, and as with regards, to who best in all, can deal with Inefficiency/Efficiency issues, and from a Cultural perspective too (Business) that is}.

3. Commerce: Commerce is in many ways, today, presented from the main perspective, of the Physical level actually {and as with it even, referring to the selling of small products even, and to deal, with our fears, strengths and weaknesses too that is}. However though, a better way of thinking of Commerce {and as with it even, the most popular of Commercial endeavours}, is in all again, from the very perspective, of the Spiritual level in all (ableness, abilities, capabilities), and something today too, often associated with Business, but with there being lots of potential based around viewing Efficiency/Inefficiency and at the Spiritual level too (ableness, abilities, capabilities), from the perspective of Commerce actually {meaning in all again, the sale of easily available products in all too really} {and such as Rope too for instance}.


To speak of Diplomacy here, is to in many ways even, speak about it and from more or less a regional or local perspective too that is {and as with this even, the part of Anatolia's Economy in all, capable truly, of going International too}. In many ways, this does speak in all again, of not only bringing timely change to just about many a Cultural existence in all, but in many ways even, bringing this change, from the direction of religion in itself actually {and as with speak too even, of what does truly constitute the Anatolian in all too really} {meaning in all again that, bringing about changes, to improve on our Physical, Emotional and Spiritual levels in all that is (and as with Anatolians too, perceived the most capable of Human beings even, and as with regards to this actually)}. In all, three main areas of life, are believed ready in all again, to benefit from all this actually.

1. The Health Industry: And as with it even, and as with improvements to it too, best viewed in all again, from the Physical level (weaknesses, strengths, fears), and as with using Diplomacy and as based around bringing change even, and to a workforce even perhaps, and within the Health Industry, and as based on improving them in all again, from the Physical levels too that is.

2. Law: Thinking of improvements, and as with regards to Law in itself (and speak too even, of Human Rights that is), is to in all again, think of Law specifically, and from the Emotional level (past history, present moments, future aspirations) {and not from the Modern perspective of thinking of Law, and primarily too that is, from the Spiritual level (ableness, abilities, capabilities)} {and as with this speaking even, of showing favouritism in all, and to many a person out there too that is}. In all again, Diplomacy here, linking with Civility (and the Civil), and as with private Enterprise even, to bring about this kind of change actually {and as with a Private Radio Station perhaps, helping redirect Traffic for instance}.

3. The Education Industry: With it in all again, highly presented even, from the Emotional level (past history, present moments, future aspirations), it is however obviously even, best to think of Education in all (and as with Diplomacy even), from the perspective of the Spiritual level (ableness, abilities, capabilities). In all again, and as with Diplomacy, not only improving those working within Education, and along these lines too that is, but also, engaging in 'extensions' perhaps, based around offering Education in itself, to improve on that already been offered and from a Spiritual level too (ableness, abilities, capabilities) that is {and as with this even, rather obvious in its ways actually}.


In concluding this is to say that, the main idea of all this again, is to think about all the above, and from the main perspective of Community too that is {and not Money, Resources or Technicalities specifically either}. That the designing of all kinds of Community {and as defined here as, people with all kinds of interesting even, relational modes actually}, is the main goal here, and as in stating that, the easiest way to observe all this, is to think of Community in all, and as a Time-saving endeavour too that is {that at the very least too even, this is its very main purpose actually}.

In many ways, speak of designing such Economic oriented Communities, will be spoken about as the Blog does progress, and as with many a commercial idea or two, thrown in, and to explain such Communities too that is.


'the Arab'