Thursday 17 May 2012

Basic Community

Basic Community and Anatolia:

There are those, who still might very well have, the tendency in all again, to keep worshiping things American {and including, an American woman or five even}. In attempting, to help one (Anatolians), desist from this behavior, is to in all again, introduce the very concept even, of Basic Community, and into the Anatolian mind too that is {and as with it even, Basic Community, as not only seen in the Tanzanian Air Force for instance, but even truly again, many another Air Force to be seen out there actually} {In all again, if you do wish to worship something American, let it then, have to do, with the Air Force actually (but as with it even, not believed to be more superior than many another Air Force to be seen out there, but instead, as with it even, housing more of an attractive woman, than most other Air Forces, to be seen out there too)}.