Monday 14 May 2012

The Flag of Anatolia

It is well know that, Kenya as a country, is supposedly said, to harbour rather strong even, pro-American sentiments that is. This is not particularly true though, as those known to harbour these sentiments, can in all again be said to be East African in name and identity too actually {or horribly enough again, Anatolian too perhaps}. They are said, to talk positively and endlessly even, about anything American, American food for instance, American politics, American movies, or even secretly and by themselves, believing even, that every American woman in all again, is actually secretly in love with them. These again, are beliefs, that should not be encouraged, as they are known not to adhere in all again, to Arab sentimentalism {and as in all declaring too that, Osama bin Laden, was no Arab either}.

The Flag posted above, and now said to be Anatolian (copyright pending), is proposed herein, and for those identifying as Anatolian {or formerly East African too that is}, and in all ways even, as the unofficial Flag of Anatolia that is (history pending of course). In all ways even, feel free to express oneself, as the Flag would make one do, as I can guarantee you that, engaging in mindless American worship, will never take you anywhere, but embodying the Flag above, will see to it, that you do reject even, the encroaching passes, of an American woman or three actually.

In short, please do try to be proud of yourselves, for I can guarantee you again, 'Ali Baba', is not the kind of person, who takes easily, to hateful diatribes about Anatolia, and those too, passing as comparisons or philosophical musings even, and talking endlessly too, rather positively, honestly or correctly even, about distant lands, that 'Ali Baba' cares not too much, to know about {that we in all again, are here, in Anatolia (Arab East Africa), and here too, to make the kind of History, that the Egyptians did (and as with their having not known to many a person, who was not truly Egyptian either)}.

In all, please try to be kind to yourselves my fellow 'jameni'.


Anatolia and the Unofficial Song (do please pick your choice by the way):