Sunday 13 May 2012

the Muezzin

the Muezzin.

For those in Anatolia (Arab East Africa), is to perhaps best in all again, acquaint them actually, with the most important figure in their lives in many ways truly (and authoritatively speaking too that is) :the Muezzin. To understand the role that the Muezzin does play in Anatolia, is to perhaps best basically even, understand oneself, and as an Anatolian too actually. That in all, there is a way for those in Anatolia, to basically view themselves, and in order, to start living life as constructively as possible that is.

To understand all this much better, is to tell the average person in Anatolia that, they do need to acquaint themselves, with spiritual disciplines in all again, that will truly not only help them see themselves as they truly are, but that in all again, living life constructively in Anatolia, calls for one, to see themselves as they truly are, and before in all again, they can see their present environments and worlds, and as they truly are that is.

Here though, below, is a three level Identity formation, that can be of great help for those in Anatolia, and as with their even, thinking of starting a Business that is (and all this too said, before this Blog, actually does fully start to function that is):

1. Physical level: And as defined by weaknesses, fears and strengths.
2. Emotional level: And as defined by past history, present moments and future aspirations.
3. Spiritual level: And as defined by ones ableness, abilities and capabilities.

That in all again, if one truly wants to seek out success and in all its ways even and in Anatolia too, it is then well advised that, one does begin in all again, viewing themselves as such (as defined above that is), and on doing this honestly, all other possibilities, external, open up in life actually.

In all, a Muezzin (and an Arab title too actually), can truly in all again, help one, with the above actually {and as with saying truly that, all one needs to do to get started, is associate or acquaint themselves, with written works, and as written too, by a Muezzin that is} {on the otherhand though, do attempt to seek out a spiritual discipline, and as based around the above basic definition of an Anatolian (and such as 'The Golden Staff' for instance), and do in all again, start making small changes, which with time (and as with hopefully others doing the same that is), will in all again, lead to many a thing, and exciting too, happening all over Anatolia in all that is}.
