Wednesday 23 May 2012

Chinese Heritage

*Beijing-Nairobi Innovation & Design Research Center

The History of African presences in Asia, have never in many ways, been properly documented. At the very least, this does not only refer to the speaking of Nubian language in all (the Uralic languages), and in Asia too, but in many ways too even, referring to the employing in all again, of many a Nubian, and on an Arab Ship, and as docked on the Omani or Swahili Coasts too even {and as with these Arab ships in all ways too even, transversing the Asian seas that is}.

However in all again, and aboard one too many an Arab Ship too perhaps, these African presences in all again, do make their way into Africa (and during the Pre-Colonial/Colonial times even), and as with some too, settling in Eastern Africa in all too really.

The movie above, Drunken Master, in many ways too even, does truly appear to show not only Chinese (Guangzhou) Heritage in all, but Heritage too, one could very well associate in all again, with African-like peoples from Asia, and who do in all again, do constitute the Gikuyu tribe of Kenya actually {as with saying truly that, the Humour displayed in the movie above, is truly very much Gikuyu too actually}.